Former Deputy SECDEF Claims Predator Drone Operator Ordered To STAND DOWN Against Kabul Airport Bomber
BY Herschel Smith
Univision aired a bombshell allegation in the midst of its coverage of the United States’ disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Per former Army Green Beret and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Roger Pardo-Maurer, the Department of Defense had knowledge of the homicide bomber at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, and scrambled a Predator drone only to order it to stand down as it locked on its target. Per Pardo-Maurer, the stand-down order was given in deference to negotiations with the Taliban.
Watch the stunning allegation, as aired on Univision’s midday Edición Digital newscast on Tuesday, August 31st, 2021:
ROGER PARDO-MAURER: What is being said by people who were involved is that the Department of Defense already knew who the bomber was, and when (the Kabul attack would happen), and that a Predator drone had a lock on him, OK, and that they refused to grant permission to fire upon that bomber. (Permission) was requested, and was denied. Why? Because we are in this process of negotiating with the Taliban, who aren’t even in control of their own government or their own people.
So the deaths of 13 Marines will be put down in the book of sins of the men who knew and participated in this, and the men who defend them and speak on their behalf.
A Holy God and His judgment awaits you.
On September 1, 2021 at 10:00 pm, George 1 said:
Notice the guy is former State Department. This and other leaks we have seen look almost like the State Department and the CIA are in a war with the DOD/Mil, NSC and the White House.
Who knows, but it is sad that the troops on the ground must pay the price for their treachery.
On September 1, 2021 at 10:05 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel
Re: “Former Deputy SECDEF Claims Predator Drone Operator Ordered To STAND DOWN Against Kabul Airport Bomber…”
What’s old is new again, right? Phrased differently, you get more of what you tolerate.
On September 11, 2012, Biden’s old boss, Barack Hussein Obama along with Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, left the besieged operators (security contractors) and embassy personnel – including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens, to their fate at the hands of attacking jihadists, inside that compound in Benghazi.
Ultimately, Stevens and Foreign Service officer Sean Smith lost their lives, as well as two security contractors, former Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, who perished during the protracted firefight to protect the compound.
Numerous personnel up-and-down the chain of command requested, and then begged, for the authority to intercede on their behalf, but ultimately, help was not sent in a timely manner and those victims died needlessly. Why? Because Obama, Biden, Clinton, et al. were worried about political fallout from the possible exposure of their real doings in Benghazi – namely, trafficking in arms to jihadist forces in Syria. Arms from the late Colonel Muammar Gaddafi’s arms warehouses were being funneled to jihadists in Syria, and the regime didn’t want that knowledge made public – so they sacrificed four innocent lives to cover it up.
One cannot help but ask: What crimes are being covered up in Afghanistan, such that those thirteen Marines were sacrificed?
On September 2, 2021 at 8:07 am, Fred said:
Told ya they had US support. And now you know for sure. Good reporting Mr. Herschel. I’m still calling the explosives as US provided also.