Michigan Illegally Counted More Than 500,000 Ballots In The 2020 Election
BY Herschel Smith
“In the wee hours of Thanksgiving Day, the Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed an explosive election lawsuit asking Michigan’s Supreme Court to prevent Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson from certifying the election results until the Michigan legislature can fully investigate fraud claims and to force election officials to hand over all election materials to the legislature for this purpose. The lawsuit claims that officials illegally counted or threw out no fewer than 508,016 ballots, far more than Joe Biden’s 154,000-vote margin over Donald Trump. . . . Citing state records, the lawsuit claims that Benson’s office sent out 355,392 unsolicited ballots. Northon explained that Michigan law requires two signatures for absentee voting: a signature on an application form and a signature on the security sleeve for the ballot. In this election, officials mailed out more than 300,000 ballots that no one had requested.”
They’re trying to certify the vote as quickly as possible everywhere they have a democrat governor or elections board. In Georgia, a lawsuit had to be filed to stop them from erasing all data and files from the voting machines.
Oh what a tangled we we weave, when first we practice to deceive. Lie upon lie, deception upon deception, theft upon theft.
God is watching all of this and will in no wise leave the guilty unpunished.
There is nothing now hidden from the eyes of men that will not, in time, be made manifest on the great day of judgment.
On December 1, 2020 at 8:12 am, Wes said:
It seems that Fulton County, during the brief opportunity of the judge waffling over his own decisions, did the “update & reset” on the equipment and then chalked it off to “we’re sorry, but incompetence.”
Delays due to actually collating affidavits & other paper trails & giving press conferences have probably conspired to deny many the modern version of “instant gratification” they’d like in these matters. But failure at the outset to vigorously pursue physical seizure of the equipment for forensics is a mistake in my opinion. This is sadly due to a failure by our side to understand that the other people don’t play by rules other than those that are mission-focused and protect the organism.
In all likelihood, the other people are sitting back in their estates with a glass of Maker’s Mark in one hand, a big Cuban in the other, and laughing their collectives silly saying, “We pulled it off… And can you be-LIEVE it, they gave us over 3 weeks to cover our tracks? Hahahahahahaha.”
On December 1, 2020 at 9:58 am, ragman said:
Wes: unfortunately, all true! However, I find it hard to believe that Trump didn’t see this coming and failed to have assets in place to stop or at least document this. That being said, depending to the USSC to save his bacon is incredibly stupid. Looks like they’ll do the same thing in the GA senate race. Over 900K mail in ballots have been requested. In any case, we’ll know the fate of our Republic(or at least what’s left of it) within the next two weeks.
On December 1, 2020 at 10:26 am, Ned2 said:
You are absolutely correct, Wes.
At what point does our side begin to play the game without rules?