Standards At Twitter Are Whatever They Want Them To Be That Day
BY Herschel Smith
“In 2012, only 322 people were murdered with any kind of rifle, F.B.I. data shows,” an exceedingly rare, honest analysis in The New York Times, of all places, revealed. How many of those fit the inconsistent definitions of “assault weapon” used by various states and gun-grabbing interests are unknown because such statistics are not known, but the obvious answer is a fraction of the 322, out of thousands of homicides.
Yet when you see a media outlet or a gun control group tweeting out their latest press release masked as news hysterically demanding semiautomatics and standard capacity magazines be banned and confiscated because they’re “weapons of war,” you see no “This claim is disputed” warning.
That’s because Twitter sucks and Jack Dorsey is a punk. Twitter has become a replacement for serious thought by serious people, and is limited to whatever ten second sound bite someone can throw together. It’s a venue for the attention-challenged.
One thing I do blame on Trump is that he stayed on Twitter after the election, lending credibility to that venue, forcing readership to go there, and empowering Jack Dorsey to levels far above what his stupid little empire warrants.
Trump should have let Twitter die the death it so richly deserves.
On November 19, 2020 at 9:07 am, George 1 said:
Trump has made many errors. The election stealing was known, or should have been known, years in advance. The fact that team Trump allowed it to happen is one of the great political blunders of our day.
Dorsey and all of his ilk are doing things that are not even protected by Section 230 and they should be held to account. Twitter, facebook, google and all of the other propaganda orgs cannot be reasonably considered mere private companies anymore. They are clearly utilities due to their size if nothing else. There are many avenues where they could be legally challenged if the government was not corrupt, but they pay off the right people.
Thanks for being a Deep State turd Mr. Barr!!
On November 19, 2020 at 9:30 am, Bear Claw Chris Lapp said:
I have been wishing for Trump to dump them for a long time. Is hillary still walking the streets? More than likely hiden joe will be your new president.
On November 19, 2020 at 10:09 am, Longbow said:
Which means, no standards.
Read 1984. It is Narcissism writ large.
On November 19, 2020 at 12:03 pm, John said:
Definitely a forced error for Trump. He had little to chose from in 2016-18 and he had to
get his message out past the MSM barriers and lies. When the competitors like Parler
started up he should have switched to several of them, all at one time.