Arrested For Brandishing A Weapon Inside Your Own Home
BY Herschel Smith
This is where we are today. Prosecutors will arrest homeowners for brandishing weapons inside their own home, but fail to turn police loose on rioters who threaten the homeowners.
Plan TTPs accordingly.
BLM protesters in Milwaukee, Wisc. surround a man’s house. He has a Trump & US flag on the outside. He appears to ready a gun from inside the home. He was reportedly arrested for brandishing the weapon.
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) September 16, 2020
WiscoDave sends this update.
As we reported yesterday, on Tuesday evening, a Trump supporter was arrested for holding a shotgun by the window of his own home as it was surrounded by a mob of far-left lunatics — and it turns out it wasn’t this group’s first time showing up at the home of a random person to “protest” and intimidate.
On September 16, 2020 at 10:48 am, Talented Ethiopians said:
The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism.
Max Horkheimer
On September 16, 2020 at 10:49 am, Matt said:
Disgusting. A total failure by the police. Complete and total.
On September 16, 2020 at 10:55 am, Snap said:
Isn’t what they’re doing an old style KKK tactic ?
I think it is.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:00 am, George 1 said:
I wonder what the situation is now. If they arrested the man his home was probably destroyed by now.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:09 am, WiscoDave said:
I find it interesting that none of the 3 main “local to Milwaukee” news organizations have any mention of this.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:11 am, Bad_Brad said:
With the right legal representation this guy should be able to own Milwaukee. Although I can’t think of one damn reason why you would want to own the shit hole. Maybe they’ll just give him lots of cash.
What’s a little disturbing about this story is it doesn’t look to be at the direction of a politician or a D.A. It looks like the decision to violate this guys Constitutional Rights were made by a Law Enforcement Officer that was on seen. If that’s the case I hope they de-fund them.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:23 am, Hudson H Luce said:
Those “far left lunatics” are working with the police and local government – ever thought of that possibility? It’s a campaign of terror by the government and Antifa are the shock troops. Rinse, wash, repeat across the entire country. Your government isn’t what you think it is, and neither are the police, who protect and serve those who pay them, the government.
On September 16, 2020 at 11:32 am, Adino said:
Autodelegitimization set to ’11’!!!
‘We hold these truths to be self evident….’
On September 16, 2020 at 11:45 am, Kick Ass said:
The lesson here is don’t “brandish”, just:
Shoot, shovel, shut up.
On September 16, 2020 at 12:19 pm, Bram said:
This is why Soros paid all those millions to buy state DAs.
On September 16, 2020 at 5:19 pm, Ron Bass said:
Talented Ethiopians said: in the first comment.
The Revolution won’t happen with guns, rather it will happen incrementally, year by year, generation by generation. We will gradually infiltrate their educational institutions and their political offices, transforming them slowly into Marxist entities as we move towards universal egalitarianism. I got an email from a reader of my weekly blog. The reader was born and raised in a communist country and now has lived here for 30 years. She said “stop talking and start shooting”. Ponder this in reference to the Ethiopians comment.
On September 16, 2020 at 6:03 pm, Levi Garrett said:
The other day after the two Sheriff deputies were ambushed in Compton, CA, I listened as Rush Limbaugh (I’m not a regular listener or fan) played the audio portion of the video of the black bystander celebrating the shooting at the scene. Limbaugh then issued an ultimatum: “You are either on the side of the mob (BLM/antifa), or on the side of the police.” Bullshit. I’m not on either side. I hate the mob, and the police have consistently and increasingly shown they are no friend of freedom.
On September 16, 2020 at 7:08 pm, Frank said:
These are the same people that want everybody to back the blue. I am disgusted by there lack of action related to protesters but they will arrest one man paddle boarding out the ocean.
On September 16, 2020 at 7:51 pm, FiftycalTX said:
Bullshit. Either you believe in government or you believe in anarchy. Cops are part of civilized society. What is more disconcerting is that Soros et al have got a lot of DA’s elected with their commie fronts. And now they are “declining” to indict rioters and arresting normies that deign to defend themselves.
On September 16, 2020 at 7:58 pm, X said:
“Bullshit. Either you believe in government or you believe in anarchy. Cops are part of civilized society.”
No, they’re not. The United States was founded without cops…and WITH armed citizen militias.
Cops only became necessary after Lincoln turned slaves loose, and then we began importing hordes of criminal immigrants so that greedy capitalists could take advantage of cheap labor.
Cops were not necessary when we were a nation of intelligent, hardy, resourceful, English-speaking, white, Northern European God-fearing Protestants with a Bible in one hand and a rifle in the other.
On September 16, 2020 at 8:26 pm, A. Landmesser said:
The lesson here is get the hell out of areas controlled by Demorats if you value your life and limb. Take names and addresses and send these folks a little surprise.
On September 16, 2020 at 9:13 pm, Herschel Smith said:
My point was simple. Consider your TTPs. That’s it.
To whom are you talking? What are you saying? What are you talking about?
On September 16, 2020 at 11:39 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
@Ron Bass: “I got an email from a reader of my weekly blog. The reader was born and raised in a communist country and now has lived here for 30 years. She said “stop talking and start shooting”.”
Funny that the reader isn’t opting to lead by example, isn’t it? Awful lot of “Let’s you and him fight” out there these days.
On September 17, 2020 at 12:43 am, Bad_Brad said:
Yowza, a plethora of comments regarding the coppers. I submit I have as much right to my firearm as LE. Especially since I’m likely much better with it then LE. As early as 2 years ago I was Pro LE. Not so Much anymore
On September 17, 2020 at 1:08 am, George 1 said:
@ FiftycalTX.
I guess it depends on your definition of civilized. IMHO for cops to be civilized in America they must follow the Constitution and not violate citizen’s civil rights. Cops have proven over and over again that they will commit the most egregiously unconstitutional acts. Sometimes because they overstep and sometimes because they were “Following Orders.”
It is doubtful that we get an acceptable Republic back at this point. If we were to be fortunate enough to get a portion of the Republic back, one of the most important things that would have to be done is to reign in the police. That means total reform. Most of the Federal agencies should just be abolished.
On September 17, 2020 at 6:47 am, Nosmo said:
Police, it seems, are unaware of what happens when they are fully identified as Being On The Other Side.
Right now only some of them are assisting the enemies of freedom and liberty; when things go kinetic – and that’s coming, despite protestations to the contrary – unless there is a very significant and highly visible reversal of procedure, it will be assumed they are just as much the enemy as the riotous and deadly mob, and there will be no time for a pause to consider the proclivities of individual officers.
Consequently, they will be dealt with accordingly; Sheriffs and chiefs should be sure that’s what they desire for their troops while there’s time for corrective action.
On September 17, 2020 at 7:20 am, Adino said:
The problem we are witnessing is being caused by oligarchs, and their meat puppet rogue state Governors, AG’s, Chiefs of Police and Sheriffs.
The laws pertaining to the self defense and safety of citizens and their properties are being ignored.
The laws pertaining to a free press and reporting on the ongoing insurrection are being ignored, and censorship has been set in place by the oligarchs big tech and msm tools.
blm and antifa, which are domestic terrorist organizations, are being treated as though they are legitimate civil rights organizations.
Trad Americans exercising their God given and Constitutionally codified right to self defense are being treated like terrorists.
The insurrectionist sedition’s violence, murder, and mayhem being executed by the oligarchs and their Democrat lap dogs is fallaciously protected by hysterical claims to the 1st Amendment.
Officialdom is ignoring whatever laws it wants, and is enforcing laws that do not exist and is quite frankly strutting around like they are God handing out their version of ‘rights’ and ‘justice’ to whomever and wherever they by whim see fit.
blm and antifa are a major problem.
But it is the oligarchs and their officialdom that are really responsible for the inversion of crime and justice we are living in.
The rogue state needs to be removed. Period.
I know we are all hoping and praying for a Trump victory and that promised cleaning of house to come afterwards.
But the fact remains that the tyranny we are living under will remain as long as the imperial oligarchic power structure exists.
A Trump win is insufficient. Seditionists, most importantly at the oligarch level, and all of their supporters must be brought to justice. And no horse manure claims about ‘they suffered enough from humiliation’ peddled. The real swamp needs to really be drained.
imperial oligarchic america is absolutely intent on killing Trad America and Americans. Their intent is clear. Not even hidden anymore. And they are well on their well organized way with their domestic Color Revolution.
Or Trad America will throw off its oligarch class, and dust off the Constitution to give it another try.
It is existential and there is no choice ‘c’.
On September 17, 2020 at 1:14 pm, Chris Mallory said:
So Fifty, the cops in this video are “civilized”? Drawing a torture device on a citizen? That is what tazers are and how they are primarily used today, as torture devices.
Threatening him with death? Ordering him to the ground like he is a slave or hostage?
“Just obey orders” That is what we tell slaves or hostages, not free men.
Notice how many of these cops were responding full code to a “mask violation”. Endangering themselves (car crashes are usually the top killer of cops each year) and more importantly endangering every citizen who had the misfortune to be on the road with them at the same time.
Fifty, you really need to educate yourself. Anarchy is merely the absence of a ruler. Most people live their lives in a state of anarchy. We don’t have or need a cop on our backs to make sure we do the right thing. We don’t need laws to keep us from causing harm to others. What we have today is chaos. Chaos with plenty of laws, cops, and rulers trying to tell us how to live. Think about it Fifty, without the cops protecting them, how many of these rioters, looters, and arsonists would make it home tonight?
I bet you have “come and take it” and “Don’t tread on me” stickers on the back of your truck window. Right beside the desecration known as the Thin Blue Line flag. Who do you think will be taking your guns and treading on you. You beloved Thin Blue Line, that is who.
On September 20, 2020 at 5:27 pm, Brian said:
I have to agree with LEVI GARRETT’s comment above. No one absolutely has to take sides with one or the other. I do not agree with or support BLM-ANTIFA…but OTOH I don’t think the police are without fault either. Having not been held accountable for their actions over the years, the police have “grown too big for their britches.” This anti-police sentiment we are currently witnessing is in response to decades of bad behavior by the police. They sowed the wind…now they are reaping the whirlwind.
On September 21, 2020 at 9:38 pm, Jose Pedophilino said:
Might as well fire the weapon if you’re going to get arrested anyway.
What the living fuck?