Kenosha Engagement Analysis At

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 11 months ago

Via reader JJ, this analysis of the engagement at Kenosha, WI, at, seems very detailed with a lot of pictures, analysis and background.

I continue to believe that despite becoming separated from his group, if he even had one to begin with (there is good discussion on this at the thread), Kyle handled himself and his carbine very adroitly.


  1. On August 29, 2020 at 4:23 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    Yes, the poise he had was admirable (I should do so well, at 57), especially in a very young man. And obviously he was comfortable handling the weapon, and doing so quite effectively. Nit pick if you will (and I’m sure plenty are), but I will not.

  2. On August 29, 2020 at 8:00 am, Bill Sullivan said:

    Agreed. Notice his trigger finger- outside the guard, even in between actions. And his attempt to get the police? Slung rifle, upside down, hands up in plain sight. I hope the USMC gets him, after all is said and done.
    Plus, his actions during the day says something of his character and upbringing. Cleaning up graffiti- he still had the gloves on at the end of the day.

  3. On August 29, 2020 at 8:11 am, Sheepdog said:

    We should all endeavor to be as effective as Kyle, a citizen who stood against evil for all of us.

    This young man is a combat vet in an actual American Civil War started by the bolsheviks.

    He is now a prisoner of .gov for doing his patriotic duty to put down an insurrection the System allowed to form and run rampant.

  4. On August 29, 2020 at 8:53 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    No, Bill, the USMC doesn’t deserve to have him. Besides, why have him risk his life fighting for the Evil Empire? And have to tolerate all the social justice crap that has infested our armed forces (as well as the rest of society, of course). I’m pretty sure that almost all here would agree. Hope so anyway.

  5. On August 29, 2020 at 8:59 am, Matt Bracken said:

    Kyle was just a motivated 17 year old civilian.
    Imagine what’s out there, watching and waiting.

  6. On August 29, 2020 at 9:27 am, 41mag said:

    Lots of folks twice this guys age are sick of this crap. Both vets and non-veteran, and both love our heritage as Americans. Men with families that are results driven.

    And no, don’t waste his time going to the Armed Social Justice Warriors.

  7. On August 29, 2020 at 9:47 am, James said:

    I will say I feel he handled himself in a very tough situation very damn well,if I find meself in a situation like that hope to have just half the discipline this young man shows.

    I will also add besides earlier helping to clean graffiti keep in mind he did this after his shift as a life guard,this young man is a great guy who cares about his community.

  8. On August 29, 2020 at 9:50 am, NOG said:

    Sheepdog, I know you are just supporting this man, but this does not make him a combat vet. Everyday, people protect themselves as this man did. He did a outstanding job of surviving this assault. Most times people fail to act as he did when called. Most just do not have the mindset (granted I am sure this young man was scared shitless as most would be, however he controlled the fear and acted to win the fight). However, this is not a war. Yet. This is the lead up to either a civil or revolutionary war. But war. No, not at this time. When it does start, there will be no question, and we won’t be typing on the net.
    Over at NC Renegades, he linked to a video of a man calling Kyle a boy. He was incorrect. Kyle did a man’s job of protecting himself. He went when called for. He worked a job, then went to help clean and protect his community. I would have no problem looking him in the eye and shaking his hand, man to man.

  9. On August 29, 2020 at 9:53 am, Sheepdog said:

    The majority of our Founding Fathers were against standing armies, they knew what would result, exactly what we have now.

    Ike warned us and JFK died threatening the System, those that followed towed the line the current president included.

    I have to believe Our Founders would be so proud of Kyle, he is the embodiment of a citizen soldier defending his country against domestic enemies.

  10. On August 29, 2020 at 10:12 am, Sheepdog said:


    Agree to disagree brother, this is a civil war/revolution right now due to ramp up in November or possibly sooner.

    You and I have not deployed yet, Kyle has and fought the bolshevik enemy hand-to-hand.

    To a vet from the sandbox or other manufactured conflicts, low intensity, I get that completely. To a 17 year old young man, I cannot imagine…

  11. On August 29, 2020 at 10:37 am, Haz said:


    Kyle was attacked by multiple foes armed with weapons and focused solely on him, with the clear intent to disarm, injure, and possibly even kill him, and he defended himself. The incident involved gunfire and human deaths. If that isn’t combat, what is?

  12. On August 29, 2020 at 10:54 am, Fred said:

    I’m with ya @Sheepdog and @Haz, but hey; combat doesn’t even require the existence of guns or gunfire. There were 6000 years of combat before the first firearm was brought to bear.

    @Herschel, thanks for the link. I would have missed it if not for TCJ staying on top of this evolving and escalating war (IT IS) situation. I know it takes your time and money. I have little to repay but in prayer toward you and your family. Thank You, Sir.

    Mr. Rittenhouse did very well, both at arms, and in personal conduct, very well indeed.

  13. On August 29, 2020 at 12:01 pm, Sheepdog said:

    I am also very thankful for you Herschel, your site is excellent and the first place I go.

    We are in your debt and others like you who strive to keep us appraised.

    I especially enjoy your informed sarcasm, the best kind there is!

  14. On August 29, 2020 at 1:27 pm, AnthonyC said:

    In times of trouble Mother Mary conforted him.
    Seeking words of wisdom,
    Would he do it again?

  15. On August 29, 2020 at 1:29 pm, Don said:

    From the ground, he fought off 3 deadly force attacks with 3 shots in 5 seconds, after running for several blocks. After, he continued to maintain situational awareness. That’s outstanding performance for someone who’s never been in a situation like that. Very few people would do that well even with experience.

  16. On August 29, 2020 at 5:13 pm, Jeffrey L Nihart said:


  17. On August 29, 2020 at 6:50 pm, Jaque said:

    If I had a Son I would teach him to be like Kyle Rittenhouse.

  18. On August 29, 2020 at 9:23 pm, John S Hebert said:

    This is a very good analysis. Well researched and thoughtful. Notwithstanding the poor decision-making that put a 17 yr old into this situation, this kid needs support. It’s not an exaggeration to imagine that his getting sucked up by the system, because he doesn’t have the financial wherewithal to fight it, has a seriously negative impact on the health of the Republic. He will disappear quickly. Someone tell me where to sign up please.

  19. On August 29, 2020 at 10:19 pm, Don said:

    John S Hebert, donation link at the bottom of this page:

  20. On August 30, 2020 at 3:50 pm, mike said:

    Matt Bracken said:”Kyle was just a motivated 17 year old civilian. Imagine what’s out there, watching and waiting.”

    Yes Matt, they are out there. The enemy’s great mistake, among many is expecting this rabble of mercenary rioters to carry them through their whole revolution. I know they have Syria mercenary vets and US Military vets from the sandbox, but those number are likely to be a small minority within the enemy ranks. What they have to rely upon is people like the 3 bullet catchers in Kenosha. All of them lacked reasonable judgement in trying to isolate and disarm this kid. This attempt was clearly not spontaneous, they clearly identified Kyle as a authoritative presence in the defense of the car lot and thought he would be an easy mark. Full of self confidence from a summer of no consequences rioting, they made their move and got shot. Were it not for the political topcover provided by the media and the local politicians, this embarrassing display of criminal intent and incompetent execution would have the potential to end their whole movement in a unbiased airing before the American public. Unfortunately for everyone, we don’t have an unbiased display of facts in the public space.
    So the war will go on, and losers like these 3 will do most of the enemy fighting in this stage and the next. The hit squad who went looking for and found an isolated Trump supporter to murder last night in Portland exemplify this. it was clearly pre-meditated, unprovoked, and meant to be a counter the to Kenosha failure and an escalation. ABR having the audacity to have a pep rally in the middle of a riot to celebrate this killing on camera reveals them to be depraved as well as stupid. More Americans on the middle ground will gravitate away from the revcom despite the best efforts of the media and politicians to hide this blatant political murder. They will probably regret moving this to the hit squad stage sooner rather than later as 2 can play that game. I expect the loud mouths with the bullhorns, the antifa colonels, and the public enablers will have to pipe down and go to ground fairly soon as there is simply inadequate armed protection for all of them.

  21. On August 30, 2020 at 8:25 pm, tharconian said:

    thanks for the clear and concise narrative. cleaned up many miss conceptions.

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