Facebook, Twitter, YouTube Remove Doctors’ Coronavirus Video, Claiming It Is ‘False’
BY Herschel Smith
Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube deleted livestream videos of the event posted by Breitbart News after they went viral, claiming the videos contained “lies” and disinformation about the coronavirus pandemic.
Gulag and Fakebook removed it, but guess what? TCJ readers saw every bit of it if you wanted to. And more of the conference.
That’s because [1] people have finally learned their lesson and are saving the raw video to other, less communist sources than YouTube and Twitter and Fakebook, and [2] TCJ has great readers who love to spread the truth.
I depend upon you.
On July 28, 2020 at 10:11 pm, Ned2 said:
Spread far and wide, even to the Karens in my life.
I have to believe the truth will prevail.
Thank you for all you do Herschel.
On July 29, 2020 at 12:23 pm, ncdunce said:
If you will direct your readers to the link I provide here, they will find a collection of videos from America’s Frontline Doctors, including those censored by mainstream media:
On July 30, 2020 at 12:33 pm, John Taylor said:
HS: “I depend upon you.”
And we upon you, sir.