Abolish Public Schools
BY Herschel Smith
ABOLISH PUBLIC SCHOOLS AND GIVE THE MONEY TO PARENTS: National teacher union supports strikes over reopening plans.
I agree with Glenn, but would reword it to say “Abolish public schools and return the money from whom you stole it, the American taxpayers.”
Nowhere does the constitution give the FedGov the right to tax for the purpose of education. This kind of tyranny is what the founders fought against.
On July 29, 2020 at 7:26 am, The Dark Lord said:
mostly funded by local real estate taxes … but some federal money is used …
On July 29, 2020 at 10:46 am, scott s. said:
By far the biggest chunk of fed money is for aid to college students (including loan defaults). If we zeroed that out colleges would have to price their “product” realistically (say, about $5 a semester for any “studies” course).
A big portion also goes to “special ed” and other “disadvantaged” groups like the deaf and blind. I suppose it’s a form of welfare.
The founders saw a need for education in the “common” schools as a requirement to participate in democracy and so granted federal land to the states and territories as an endowment.
But that concept was extended by the Republicans during the civil war by adding federal support for colleges instructing in agricultural and mechanical arts and sciences, to include military instruction (a nod to the times). Note that from its founding, the Republican party was a liberal/progressive party, with a more conservative minority. With the closing of the frontier it lost its primary economic policy argument, and began to drift towards hard money and imperial expansion policies.