Australian Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
5 years ago


Similar to the United States, firearms laws are set at the State level, with an additional layer of laws at the Federal level. With the States in Australia generally working closely together, there is only a small range of differences in laws between States, compared to the US.

To own any firearm in Australia you are required to apply for a firearms licence. Licences are broken up into several classes which you can qualify (each State has slightly different variations for names/categories), which are segmented into types of firearms – rimfire, centrefire, semi-automatic/pump action shotguns etc. A separate and more onerous class of licence is required for pistols which requires proof of ongoing membership within clubs, attendance of events and restrictions on the number of calibres of pistols owned at a time.

The application process is intentionally drawn out, with paperwork taking several months to be ‘processed’ (read: sit in a tray indefinitely). Should you pass the relevant background checks, training courses complete and fees paid, you can then apply to buy your first firearm. Each firearm purchase also requires approval and registration with the police – with the owner having to provide a justification of why they need to own the firearm. (and no, self-defence is explicitly noted as not a legal justification) You will be restricted with your options for firearms depending on what State you live in, with huge restrictions and effective bans for most of the population on many types of firearms including semi-automatics, automatic rifles, pump action shotguns, smaller framed pistols and a wide range individual firearms which the police have classified as unacceptable. (the common theme being anything scary looking, but can also include such benign things as many types of air rifles and even many childrens toys)

You are required by law to store your firearms with a safe – with laws differing slightly by State but in general you will need to have this mounted to the floor and walls of your home. The police can and will decide to inspect your property at their discretion to check the safe and its contents – but I’ll go into that more later.

In using your firearm you’ll either need to stick to the firing range or if you’re lucky on your or a friends rural property – but don’t upset your neighbours. Laws regarding the usage of firearms here mean that if you ‘scare’ nearby individuals (which can be as little as them hearing a gun firing) can potentially lead to your firearms being seized.

These laws overall are the most benign frustrations for firearms owners in Australia – which may be surprising for US firearms owners who enjoy much more protection of their freedoms. I’ll outline now what I see as the even more insidious part of firearms and laws on defence in Australia at this time which have come hand in hand with gun control.

Every State and Territory in Australia has provisions to allow for self-defence in varying degrees with some States in particular give reasonable protections which allow escalating force if someone is on your property etc. Sounds pretty reasonable? Not exactly. These self-defence provisions are only enforceable if you do not use a firearm (or other banned/restricted self-defence devices). If you use a firearm to defend yourself, your family or your property you’re likely to instead see yourself having your firearms seized, firearms licenced cancelled and a strong likelihood of criminal prosecution put against you.

This isn’t based off speculation either – we’ve had this happen repeatedly to legal firearms owners in Australia. In 2017 is a prime example – where a farmer used an unloaded .22 rifle to defend his young family from an intruder who was under the influence of drugs and wielding a knife. For his efforts to defend his family, his firearms were confiscated by the police and restrictions put on his wife’s licence denying her the ability to keep her own firearms on their property. Thankfully due to strong community push back and lobbying by the industry, David Dunstan was able to have his firearms returned. Unfortunately that end result isn’t the case for everyone however with David being fortunate to have not pointed the firearm at the intruder or firing any rounds making it easier to make the case against criminal prosecution for his efforts – those who have to defend themselves and use their firearms are more likely to potentially see jail time.

This absurdity means that under the gun control environment in Australia, if an armed intruder entered your home whilst you were in the middle of getting ready for a day at the range and firearm in hand, that you would be required to put down said firearm and instead face a significant disadvantage at protecting your life.

This extends to beyond firearms now in Australia, with almost every jurisdiction making it illegal to own pepper spray/mace/stun guns/tasers – leaving our most vulnerable at extreme risk of physical harm.

Of course, this happens when you hate God and thus hate mankind who was made in His image.  It’s a death cult, with the preference being to see men perish, women raped, and children fatherless.  It is the epitome of wickedness.

And again I’ll say it.  People tend to see controllers as merely wanting to control other men for the sake of state safety, or in other words, so that the state has a monopoly on violence and can therefore propagate itself and its progeny.

There is some truth to this, but this truncates the explanation.  The rest of the story is that most lawmakers are vipers and live in a den of sin.  They want to see death and destruction, chaos and anarchy.  They are of their father, the devil.  You should see gun control in the same vein as the desire to see children sacrificed to Molech in modern society, i.e., abortion.

To them, the destruction of God’s image is an act and experience of worship.  They aren’t really interested in anyone’s safety.  They want to see human sacrifice.


  1. On February 2, 2020 at 9:55 pm, George said:

    You are absolutely right!

  2. On February 3, 2020 at 11:23 am, Fred said:

    There was certain wolf, who took and ate a sheep. Now the ram having seen this, and being in collusion with the wolf, or a follower of the devil, but probably, yes, both, having seen that teeth kill sheep, decided that the flock must be de-toothed and in order to do so, the ram began to hire the rest of the wolf pack to keep the sheep “safe”. The sheep, wanting to be safe and well distracted by the fun and monies of sheep activities kept voting for the same rams to lead them. In the meanwhile the rams kept getting the choicest plots for feeding to enrich (*nutritionally*) themselves. Then, upon all the sheep being de-toothed the rams left over the hill to another flock to start the process all over again, while the wolves ate at will by their pleasure. Thus ends the parable.

  3. On February 3, 2020 at 1:21 pm, X said:

    For anybody who thinks that this can’t happen here, nearly all of the Australian gun control regulations are already in effect in the U.S. in places like New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. The ability to defend yourself in your own home is slightly stronger, but in New York, for instance, it costs $350 every three years and you have to fill out about forty pages of paperwork and be investigated by the cops and turn over all your medical records to get a license to own a handgun in your own home. It’s more intrusive than a rectal exam. Issuance is COMPLETELY discretionary, and if you DO manage to get approved, you’re limited to 7 rounds.

    People think that the tough men out there won’t stand for it, but in Queensland there are guys tough enough to make the Marlboro Man look like a limp-wristed fairy, and they’ve been forced to submit to the gun laws. The guy who was the real-life Crocodile Dundee actually got shot to death in a gunfight with the cops…

  4. On February 3, 2020 at 11:54 pm, Paul Scales said:

    “24 And when they were come to Capernaum, they that received tribute money came to Peter, and said, Doth not your master pay tribute? 25 He saith, Yes. And when he was come into the house, Jesus prevented him, saying,What thinkest thou, Simon? of whom do the kings of the earth take custom or tribute? of their own children, or of strangers? 26 Peter saith unto him, Of strangers. Jesus saith unto him,Then are the children free.” Matt 24-26

    A corollary would be: of whom do the rulers of a country deny arms? of their own men, or of enemies?

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