Gun Parts Buyers Beware!
BY Herschel Smith
On, Leupold issues a warning against purchasing Leupold-labeled optics from,,, and many others. The most commonly counterfeited products, according to Leupold, mimic Mark 4 rifle scopes, VX-III rifle scopes, Prismatic rifle scopes, CQ/T rifle scopes, LCO sights and Deltapoint Pro sights.
The products are illegally imported from the People’s Republic of China, which is a profligate violator of patent and trademark rights.
Leupold’s warning says, “These fake products bear many of the trademarks and trade dress of current Leupold & Stevens rifle scopes, and are sometimes difficult to distinguish externally from authentic Leupold products.”
If I didn’t know any better I would swear that the Chicoms couldn’t care less about American laws or the American buyer. Or honesty. Or integrity. Or good quality. Or designing things themselves.
On December 31, 2018 at 5:23 am, Duke Norfolk said:
“…I would swear that the Chicoms couldn’t care less about American laws or the American buyer.”
Heck, they don’t care about the Chinese laws or Chinese buyers. These people will rip each other off blind. It’s a low trust society for a reason. They’re ruthless and will cheat and steal to no end to get ahead of the next guy.
This is why we can’t afford to let them in here (or other Western Civ nations; ahem, white). Regardless of the fact that you MAY be able to trust some individuals, on the whole we will regret this. They’ll work for their own interests, period. And with no moral compunction about taking advantage of our (decreasingly) high trust society and nature.
Same goes for Indians, Pakis, etc. And yes, Jews. Add nepotism to the equation and it’s a disaster for Western Civ.
On December 31, 2018 at 1:31 pm, ExpatNJ said:
China regularly, and as matter of practice, steals US-developed technology, and even tries to patent it in the US to try to sell it back to us. Another example:
A US Amateur Radio Operator, ‘Chip’, W1YW, is a prolific inventor, and has a number of US patents. These include Fractal Antennas, and, yes, a true invisibility cloak (“deflective electromagnetic shielding”); except, his allows the user to see out from inside the cloak. No sooner did he receive some of his US patents, were submit similar ones submitted by China inventors. I’m surprised they didn’t try to challenge his as to first-to-reduce-to-practice.
Apologies to our host for the links. But, what a sh!tty world we live in, eh?
On December 31, 2018 at 7:56 pm, ambiguousfrog said:
They don’t invent anything. They only know how to steal.
On January 1, 2019 at 12:37 pm, MTHead said:
Ya, leupold should quit having their products made there.
On January 1, 2019 at 10:03 pm, Randolph Scott said:
We have elected officials and non-elected bureaucrats that actively work at moving the manufacturing of US made products to China. These enemies within are encouraging the counterfeiting and are taking money for this.
The elected officials and non-elected bureaucrats are the problem. This problme needs solved.
On January 3, 2019 at 7:52 am, Talktome said:
Do you suppose that the USA will ever wake up to the fact that reducing manufacturing here is a bad idea? Great for stock prices, but in every other case, it hurts citizens. But, f them, as long as stock rises, and lobbying continues apace, it’s all good. If Americans would stop insisting everything be as cheap as possible and would buy with an eye towards all the consequences, we’d be better off long term.
On January 4, 2019 at 5:22 am, DAN III said:
Leupold markets their optics as American as apple pie. However, Leupold has much of it’s product line manufactured with Chicom electronic components. In the case of their various binoculars most, if not all of them, are made in the Peoples Republic of China,branded with the Leupold name.
Like many American name brands, Leupold is just another in a long-line of domestic manufacturers who have turned their backs on both the American consumer and particularly, the American worker.
Screw Leupold !