New Jersey Magazine Ban

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 10 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this unfortunate view:

A new magazine capacity restriction goes into effect today in New Jersey. The internet is on fire with cries of people, including many gun owners not in New Jersey, criticizing the law as unjust, unconstitutional, meaningless, unfair and worse. What is missing is much real practical advice for New Jersey Gun Owners. What should they do now? What should they do with magazines that have a capacity of over 10 rounds?

Unfortunately, while the law may eventually be found unjust and overturned, today it is the law. Second Amendment Organization is a staunch advocate of Gun Rights, but those rights are defined by our laws. We believe it is imperative that Responsible Gun Owners follow the law. In this case, that means the New Jersey Gun Owners should comply with the law… and fight it! Part of fighting it involved educating people about why these types of laws have little or no effect in regard to saving lives and why people might want or need large capacity magazines in the first place. 2AO is staunchly against magazine capacity restrictions, as stated in this set of Position Statements. Recommending that New Jersey residents comply with the law is not “compromise,” it is accepting the current reality.

Okay Rob, but what happens when it proves impossible to overturn that restriction?  Then what?  What do you answer to God when you’re incapable of properly defending your family because the criminals bust through your front door carrying standard capacity magazines while you have none?  It’s happened, you know.

This is the only amusing thing from this whole abomination.

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said New Jersey’s newly implemented high capacity magazine ban endangers the lives of officers by also limiting their magazine size when they are off duty.

This week, Breitbart News reported that December 11, 2018, was the effective date for a New Jersey “high capacity” magazine ban that makes it a fourth-degree felony to possess a magazine holding more than ten rounds, even if that magazine was legally acquired.

Kerik is now tweeting a letter from the Bergen County prosecutor that says the ban also applies to off-duty officers …

Of course, he doesn’t answer how the ban can “endanger” the lives of cops while it has no affect on the more ordinary among us.  Nor does anyone say how they are going to enforce this ban.

Then there is also this.

We at 2AO would respect the intention and actions of anyone actually performing true civil disobedience. A group or individual heading to a gun range in New Jersey this afternoon with standard magazines of a capacity greater than 10 rounds and publicly, proudly and overtly using them as a public act of protest, for example. Obviously, those persons would be risking arrest but they would also obviously be following in the footsteps of other great Civil Rights Protesters. Sneakily keeping magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds in your home and hoping you never get caught is not Civil Disobedience, it’s just being a criminal.

I think Rob is tilting at windmills and [Sneakily] forcing a distinction without a difference.

David Codrea has thoughts as well.


  1. On December 16, 2018 at 11:13 pm, Dan said:

    This ban will NOT be overturned judicially. MANY such laws have been enacted in other places….and have been in force for quite some time
    and are STILL in force. The courts will NOT overturn this law any more than they have blocked any of the OTHER 20K unconstitutional gun laws
    on the books across America. The gun grabbing commies have successfully packed FAR TOO MANY COURTROOMS over the years…..and did so for the express purpose of preventing UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS from being stricken. And many of the judges Trump has named so far are ALSO gun grabbers. The sad reality is the left has succeeded SO OFTEN for SO LONG that they have tipped the balance of power on guns in their favor. While gun owners have been obsessing over laws allowing CCW they left has been working hard to insure that while we might have a piece of paper that lets us carry concealed there will be NOTHING WE CAN OWN TOO CARRY. This ends one of two ways…..defeat and the forced imposition of communism under the guise of ‘socialism OR BLOODSHED and another civil war.

  2. On December 17, 2018 at 7:05 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    This is one of the biggest problems with much of today’s “right” in America. They’ll go to their graves following all the laws that get instituted by the evil Globalist Left.

    Can’t be breaking any laws now, can we? That’s just “not who we are.”

    And not only that, as implied by this: “Sneakily keeping magazines with a capacity greater than 10 rounds in your home and hoping you never get caught is not Civil Disobedience, it’s just being a criminal.”; they’ll be right there with the evil ones throwing their brothers in prison for breaking these unjust laws. In other words, they’re traitors, plain and simple. Unreal.

  3. On December 17, 2018 at 8:01 am, Mark Matis said:

    They have much in common, Duke Norfolk, with the Never Trumpers like Kristol and Shapiro and Goldberg and Flake and all the Shrubs (including their adopted son Little Marco) and…

  4. On December 17, 2018 at 9:14 am, Fred said:

    “What should they do now?”
    Hanged from the neck until dead comes to mind.

    2AO is staunchly against loading people onto rail cars and working them to death in Siberia but right now it’s the law. Get on the train, slave.

    I just don’t have time for this. Rights are not defined by the laws of men. You are a sinner who has denied the God of the creation, YOU, 2AO ARE THE PROBLEM. Your sin against God and our national sin have brought judgment. You owe God an apology for letting our nation and New Jersey come to this.

    All rights are born of our duties unto a Holy God. They can strip away all of the rights that they want and write all the laws that they want but the duties remain, you Godless cowards.

    America is a big fat Godless sin filled pustule of know-nothing no-it-alls. Judgment is nigh upon us and the only prayer now is that we might receive a 3 or 4 generation slaughter and enslavement by God’s mercy, instead of a 7 generation judgment. A dark ages is coming and the 2AO, staunchly blah blah blah, is advising that we simply submit to the devil? 2AO are the enemy of God and the enemy of a formerly free people.

    Nobody, not even the Christians I know, can discern right from wrong. It’s gonna suck for a long time. Get on the cattle cars, it’s the law.

  5. On December 17, 2018 at 11:26 am, dad29 said:

    Yes, well, 2AO would “respect” people who openly disregard the law.

    Good. I’ll “respect” 2AO as soon as they take the lead, which they obviously do NOT want to do.

  6. On December 17, 2018 at 12:58 pm, June J said:

    Never even heard of this organization before today. After reading some of their “positions” it appears they are ok with some infringements upon the 2nd Amendment.
    Wolves in sheep’s clothing?

  7. On December 17, 2018 at 2:02 pm, ROFuher said:

    The 2AO should have a scoll back through Sipsey Street’s archive. Mike had plenty of paragraphs on this topic, and they wait ready for resurrection.

  8. On December 17, 2018 at 6:56 pm, Mike said:

    Rob/2AO should write an article criticizing the Founding Fathers and the rebellious colonists for publishing their seditious political tracts and general treason against the crown back in 1776….just so that he’s intellectually consistent.

  9. On December 17, 2018 at 7:04 pm, Joshua Smith said:

    Precisely the kind of law a Bolshevik would write.

    Fred is terrifyingly on point. If you don’t know what happened – and I mean what really happened – to the Soviets, done by the Soviets, then you, dear reader, have abdicated your responsibility as a man.

  10. On December 17, 2018 at 7:46 pm, scott s. said:

    Here (HI) we’ve had the mag ban since 92. The main problem has been the law makes possession of >10 mags “capable” of being used in a pistol illegal, leading to a question as to just what these are (the prevailing theory is that M-1 carbine mags are covered, though I’m not sure that is true). On a practical basis, the only thing you can do with a handgun is take it unloaded to the range and back, so mag capacity in the real world isn’t a concern. If you use a handgun for defensive purposes in this state, you will have many other legal problems, possession or use of a mag is the least of your worries. Or use a 1911 with issue mags.

  11. On December 17, 2018 at 7:56 pm, J said:

    @ December 16, 2018 at 11:13 pm, Dan said…
    Spot On, thats exactly how it is going and is going to hash out.

    The time has come for a man to do what he feels he must.
    Have 2 Faces.
    Keep your mouth shut
    And Cache.

  12. On December 18, 2018 at 5:25 pm, Gryphon said:

    One more Bogus “law” Closer to the next (un)Civil War… Eventually, the ‘penalty’
    of the ‘law’ becomes less a Factor in the Consideration of When and How to Take Action against the bolshevik communist Tyrants, for when “Everything” is “Banned”, and Few Comply, the Only Thing left for the Enemy is to go “Door-to-Door”, and (((they))) Don’t seem to Understand where that Leads….

  13. On December 18, 2018 at 5:31 pm, Henry said:

    “Second Amendment Organization is a staunch advocate of Gun Rights, but those rights are defined by our laws. We believe it is imperative that Responsible Gun Owners follow the law.”

    Take that, uppity Rosa Parks.

  14. On December 18, 2018 at 9:20 pm, Heywood said:

    “I think Rob is tilting at windmills…”

    I think you are being too kind. He’s an idiot.

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