I Lost The Battle With Toy Guns
BY Herschel Smith
From a confused mother.
Until the day my 3-year-old got a reward for pooping on the potty. We happened to be in Ye Old Country Store, and I realized we could convince our son to get a potty reward here, instead of having to drive to Target. He pointed to a cowboy cap gun. I knew that he’d been eyeing a $30 dino at Target; I had nothing in my mind but price as I let him carry the gun to the cash register. He loved it. He opened it in the car. And just like that, we had a bonafide toy gun in the house.
I still feel ambivalent about it. I don’t love all the gun play and the pewing. But mostly, they don’t shoot each other; they truly do shoot imaginary bad guys. We had a talk about what to do if you find a real gun. I’m still rabidly in favor of gun control. But I realized that sometimes, our parenting doesn’t match our politics. We can’t always be perfect. And once in a while, that means your kids are shooting at each other.
Because boys and girls are different. Now, take the next steps dear and think about purchase of a .22LR long gun, locked up from him of course, and join a range.
Teach him all the rules of gun safety, and that it is his God-given duty to protect those around him.
On September 25, 2018 at 7:23 am, Longbow said:
“And once in a while, that means your kids are shooting at each other.”
Just a big fat WTF?
Sometimes I must agree with Michael Wiener. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
On September 25, 2018 at 7:25 am, ragman said:
Both of my grand kids got Davey Crickett .22 rifles for their fifth birthday. Their parents have Concealed Weapon Licenses(FL), are active in outdoor sports and began teaching the kids proper gun handling and safety at a very young age. Curiosity is natural for a young child and if they ask to handle a gun, they are allowed to. This is the perfect time to demonstrate and reinforce gun safety.
On September 25, 2018 at 8:29 am, Michael said:
After reading the whole article, I see that the author is completely nuts! Her husband should have run away a long time ago….
On September 25, 2018 at 9:31 am, Fred said:
Call it instinct if you must but no, the Natural Law of God written on the boy’s heart has him automatically preparing for the day when he must cleave unto a wife, lead a tribe, and be its chief defender. This is a beautiful thing and should bring a tear to his poor mother’s eye.
Satan denies God, denies His divine law, and teaches this poor soul of a lady what is unnatural and abominable. If we deny the nature of God’s creation we deny Him and we follow the author of lies and the embrace the evil that pervades our dying civilization.
He needs to be raised up in the way that he should go. This nature within him needs to brought along, taught skills, tempered, and hardened. If the chief defender of his tribe won’t do these things, it will not get done. Absent this he will be raised a manner in which the only example is that of nurturing and coddling and easy forgiving, fine qualities in a woman but not in a man. The boy, outside of the LORD, is our last hope but by the time he is fourteen it will be too late and by the time he is 18 he will be a latte mocha sipping half retard worshiper of the unnatural, an anti Christ.
The devils most ardent followers know this but most of them simply have evil in them and want to damage His creation. It matters not to me whether these minions are self aware or not. There will be a Holy reckoning.
The toy gun battle, pfft. This lady has lost way more than she knows. She’s fighting the holy righteous Creator and will burn for her sins.
On September 25, 2018 at 9:52 pm, SGT.BAG said:
If I were that kid, i would run away and find some normal parents.
On September 27, 2018 at 2:19 pm, Gryphon said:
Sgt. Bag – Priceless!
I was Born and grew up in a Suburban Neighborhood, and ih High School we had a Rifle Team, that Shot at the County P.D. Range with several other Schools. In Grade School, maybe one Kid took a Cap Gun (we all had them) to School; it was Taken Away by the Principle, and He had to carry Home the dreaded “Note from School” and wasn’t seen Outside his House for the next Week.
Today, the thugpigs would have Shot that Kid (or at least 5 others) and it would have been ‘National News’ for a Week.
We are the Last ‘normal generation’.