Chicago Sun-Times On Gun Rights
BY Herschel Smith
A man with a concealed carry gun license stepped from his car on Thursday and shot the suspected shooter of a Cicero police officer.
Good for him.
Had the good Samaritan not joined the gun battle, the Cicero cop might not be alive today, and the accused shooter might have gotten away.
We remain unconvinced, all the same, that concealed carry is good for Chicago or Illinois. There is no convincing evidence — just the occasional anecdote — that permitting people to walk around with concealed guns deters crime. There is credible evidence, on the contrary, that concealed carry leads in the long run to more crime.
Hang your argument on a single anecdote, and you can defend almost anything.
Yea, I’m sure this was the only instance in the history of the world in which anyone was ever saved by someone else carrying a gun. And I’m sure no one ever saved his or her own life by doing that. In fact, I don’t even know why cops carry guns.
Good Lord. Do they hire second graders to write these editorials?
On September 23, 2018 at 10:16 pm, MTHead said:
It appears so!
On September 23, 2018 at 11:54 pm, Michael said:
“Do they hire second graders to write these editorials?”
Simple answer: Yes, but that’s insulting to second graders who could probably figure this out.
On September 24, 2018 at 9:19 am, Fred said:
So evidence in fact is the “occasional anecdote” while our speculation is the evidence we trust.
Wow, um, I got nothing.
Wait, it’s a stenographer for Pravda covering for prior lies? Ah, now I get it. Who is the father lies?
On September 24, 2018 at 10:44 am, June J said:
In Chicago, most journalists have the comprehension level of 2nd graders. Actually, that would seem to apply to the majority of Chicago residents.
I’m sure the Cicero police are happy to know that the Chicago Sun-Times would have preferred the officer been killed instead of having law abiding citizens conceal carry a self defense handgun.
“There is no convincing evidence” – BS, you just don’t believe the evidence or choose to ignore it.
On September 27, 2018 at 5:20 pm, Darth Normal said:
Did you notice the omission?
“There is no convincing evidence–just the occasional anecdote–that permitting people to walk around with concealed guns deters crime. There is credible evidence, on the contrary, that concealed carry leads in the long run to more crime.”
Their implication: Crime deterrence requires *permitting* people to carry concealed… but “more crime” is caused by just “concealed carry”. Never mind the fact that the *act* of carrying concealed requires no *permit* whatsoever, and none of that stops thugs from hiding their guns. *Of course* you get more crime when the only people who carry are the criminals, *who carry concealed*, and the heck with “permits”.