A Quick Note To ConcernedCitizen

BY Herschel Smith
6 years ago


Show me the study that proves arming citizens makes them safer. I’ll wait. In the meantime, why don’t you vote for the red flag laws that are being debated today. When the fatalities decline you get to look like a hero. #GunReformNow

Dude.  We don’t have guns in order to make you or anyone else “safer.”  We have guns for the amelioration of tyranny.


Show me a study that demonstrates you or anyone else will be successful in disarming us?  I’ll wait.  In the mean time, mind your own damn business, jerk.


  1. On June 29, 2018 at 10:27 am, dad29 said:

    The ‘red flag laws’, eh?

    Let’s see if your interlocutor wants to personally enforce them on the South Side of Chicago. Think that his intervention will ‘decrease the violence’? Or will his intervention put him in a pine box?

  2. On June 29, 2018 at 10:59 am, Archer said:


    Aside from completely misunderstanding the purpose of the Second Amendment, it sounds like he’s saying, “We’re going to enact this law unless you can provide evidence it’s not necessary to make our communities safer.”

    Which sounds an awful lot like, “We’re going to convict you of treason and violations of 18 USC 241 and 242, unless you can prove you’re innocent.”

    … Come to think of it, that’s a decent counter-argument.

    The burden of proof is on the party wanting to convict enact new laws. In any other context, it wouldn’t be up to our side to prove “red flag” laws won’t make communities safer (for some unstated definition of “safer”*); it’d be up to their side to prove it will. If they can’t carry that burden, then no new law should be passed.

    But this is about ZOMGSCARYGUNZ!!!! so we can throw every concept of American jurisprudence under the bus. Guns are different, because they are different.

    * – “Safer” is often defined as “fewer ‘gun deaths'”, with no regard to crime rates (violent or non-violent) or even non-firearm homicide rates. Many/most of them would prefer the overall murder rate double or even triple, provided “gun deaths” falls to zero. If I didn’t know better, I’d say they honestly believe dying by gunfire makes a person “more dead” than dying any other way.

    … Actually, I don’t know better. They could very well believe that. It would adequately explain some of their more inane and hysterical rantings.

  3. On June 29, 2018 at 1:31 pm, Fred said:

    “Show me the study that proves arming citizens makes them safer.”

    Spoken like a true slave.

    Sir, nobody arms me, and therefor nobody is going to disarm me.

    I carry a weapon for what we call ’round these parts; ‘The purposes of going armed.’ These purposes are undefined by the State AG because they are self-evident. Please stay home, it’s for the best, really.

  4. On June 29, 2018 at 1:40 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    “Spoken like a true slave.” Yea, even the children of Israel began to bitch to Moses when the going got a little tough and they had to show some faith.

    You’re right. It’s all for the best if this girl stays home while the rest of us handle the problems of life.

  5. On June 29, 2018 at 1:53 pm, Fred said:

    Herschel, Oh, it’s a girly-girl? Let me guess; it wants somebody ELSE to come disarm me. That’s even funnier! Hey, whoever you are meet me at the springhead, heh!

  6. On June 29, 2018 at 2:03 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    I don’t know. I assumed. Maybe too much.

  7. On June 29, 2018 at 3:09 pm, NOG said:

    So this stupid animal wants to reform guns now. How about reforming free speech first. Speech has caused millions of deaths. Think of dear of Chairman Mao’s little red book. Or Hiltler’s Mein Kampf. Words hurt so let’s ban them…… See how that works? You don’t get to “vote” guns out. This is a Republic, not a democracy. I would advise this animal to move to a country that already bans guns.

  8. On June 29, 2018 at 7:28 pm, Ned said:

    Why is it always someone with like 6 twitter followers making these public demands? Anyways, for fun, I posted a link on ConcernedCitizen(s) twitter feed to this page.

  9. On June 29, 2018 at 9:00 pm, Peteypete said:

    Concerned, please do donate your body to science, so many will benefit.
    I will send you the app.
    Don’t forget to share, like and subscribe.

  10. On June 30, 2018 at 8:31 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    Girl or not; it’s very hard to tell in these days of Soy Boys.

  11. On June 30, 2018 at 11:50 am, Gryphon said:

    I dunno, somehow I feel Safer around Rabid Raccoons when I’m Armed with a 1911A1 than a Shovel… even if it’s ‘overkill’.

    Just another Deluded leftard that wants OTHERS to ‘protect’ it, and wants OTHERS to disarm those it Fears.

    They. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

  12. On June 30, 2018 at 6:31 pm, Louigi Glockamoley said:

    Compare democrats, communists, and psychpaths. Everything will become clear!

  13. On June 30, 2018 at 11:26 pm, Torcer said:

    On a lighter note:
    Celebrate #Liberty with Gun Pride Month #GunPrideMonth

    The 4th of July and the independence of the United States of America wouldn’t have been possible without the force to defend Liberty. At present, there are many of the nation’s socialist Left who obsess over depriving the people of that force. This will be a month-long celebration of firearms in the defence of Liberty.

    The primary lesson of Gun Pride Month.

    There would be no Bill of Rights were it not for the commonsense human Liberty of self-defence. In other words “Without the 2nd there would be no 1st”. Firearms serve as a check on government power, a force possessed by the people that preserves their Liberty. The reality is that the Left obsesses over the deprivation of this fundamental human right because they want over control of the people, that is the bottom line of their Liberty grabber agenda.

    The Schedule of events for Gun Pride Month.

    So now that we’ve explained the reason for the season, this is the tentative outline for the festivities. During the month-long celebration, each day of the week will have its own special designation:

    #BLOATMondays [Buy Lots Of Ammo Today] – This should need no explanation. One cannot defend Liberty without the tools to do so. This includes practice ammunition to maintain what are very perishable skills. For you Liberty grabber Leftists out there, this means that someone with a few thousand rounds means they prefer to be safe, properly maintaining their skills.

    #DGUTuesdays– a weekly celebration of that which the Liberty grabbers claim never happens.

    #Full30 Wednesdays – Celebrating a video channel that doesn’t try to suppress liberty with censorship.

    #3DThursdays – Highlights the ever advancing 3d printer technology that has rendered Liberty [Gun] control obsolete.

    #Freedom Fridays – The day for everyone to bring another freedom defender into the fold showing them how to select and buy a new gun – how else are we going to reach the goal of 200 million gun owners with 700 Million guns?

    #SaturdayShoots – Practice makes perfect and it’s lots of fun.


    Week Long Celebrations.
    Each week of the month of July will focus on some of the very important parts of Liberty Culture.

    The first week will celebrate the 4th of July and the AR-15: The Modern Day Musket.

    Week two will honour the organisations that defend our vital civil Liberties from the scourge of Socialism – the NRA, Gun Owners of America [GOA] as well as other civil rights organisations.

    The third week of the month of July will commemorate all of the Pre-Constitution repeating firearm technologies the Socialist-Left would like to pretend never existed.

    Next we will have Guns save Lives week focusing on deterrence and the millions of times each year that firearms preserve life.

    Finally, week 5 will be a tip of the hat to all of the Liberty grabbers that have helped boost memberships in those aforementioned Civil Rights organisations the civil rights and caused more and more people to buy more and more guns. This will be a half week recognition of their unwitting contributions to the cause of Liberty that cannot be underestimated.

    We will add special events such as Eugene Stoner day as time permits. Now go out there and celebrate Liberty – it will be well worth it just to upset the Leftists.

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