Video Of The Battle For Al Najaf
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 2 months ago
This one is rather different from the room-clearing and military operations on urban terrain (MOUT) in so much of Iraq. But it’s not too different from the footage of the battle where Travis Haley was making successful kills at 600 meters.
The battle is long range, and a collection of forces (US Army, Blackwater, Spanish troops) are defending a FOB when it came under attack from Sadr’s fighters.
The first scene is in daylight, with some slower targeted shooting and also some use of crew-served weapons, while the second (and more interesting) scene is a night battle where they are making big use of fires targeted by use of an M203.
On June 26, 2018 at 2:46 pm, TheAlaskan said:
During the daylight action, it sure looks like they are presenting themselves to snipers. They are all bunched up together and some are standing while shooting and reloading. If they have contact, one would think that the enemy could have overwatch who could range the group.
On June 26, 2018 at 11:34 pm, Joshua Smith said:
You’ve got to be either really unintelligent or really ballsy (or both) to walk around a rooftop in Al Najaf with a bright purple hat on. That guy isn’t Carlos Hathcock.
Then at about 3:10, the ginger on the right looks like he has clearly had enough. The way he looks at the camera and jumps at the sound of the next round being shot makes me almost sick.
The last half just seemed strange. Why not just bring in some artillery guys and give them a proper shelling?
On June 28, 2018 at 6:17 am, Texasbubba said:
Didn’t see much fighting there, just a bunch of Rambos sitting around fully exposed to incoming fire throwing rounds into the general area of something.
On June 28, 2018 at 8:09 am, Fred said:
Joshua and Texasbubba, why not overrun the entire country with a million men at arms and kill and destroy until total submission is achieved?
I’m not a combat vet and didn’t want to say anything but yeah, Tex summed it up. There is nothing in this video to indicate that the United States is conducting offensive combat operations for the purposes of annihilating a mortal enemy and winning at all cost. It’s a UN, NWO sanctioned, purposeful stalemate for the securing of minerals and wealth and installation of puppets into the international banking cartels global systems.
There is nothing in the outcome of any war since WWII to indicate that we intended much else beyond the forced compliance and induction into the globalist systems of all peoples.
Now ask me how I feel about my former nation being used as the NWO’s army to force the return to the Tower of Babel globalist heaven on earth upon every living soul. Scratch that, ask God how He feels about it.