12th Blogiversary

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 1 month ago

I’m sure you haven’t noticed, but I’ve been doing this for twelve years.  Over the course of time I’ve transitioned from military blogging to guns and gun rights.  This transition occurred quite a while back, but I know I’ve still kept some military readers.

The blog began as a way to log a journal online while my son was in the Marine Corps.  My oldest son told me he thought I did it in order to stay sane.  Perhaps.  And perhaps I haven’t.  It evolved into analysis and assessment of military strategy, tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), rules of engagement, and the intersection of politics with all of the above.

The transition to guns and gun rights was natural, since keeping up with my son required me to learn the mechanics of firearms, and learn his tactics (e.g., shooting the AR-15 with the aggressive, plates-forward approach, which is now so comfortable to me that I wouldn’t be able to do it any other way).  I’ve evolved my own methods now, including the use of the C-Clamp grip (or otherwise called thumb-over-bore grip, which I initially rejected as faddish but once I adopted it changed the stability of my shooting).  I wouldn’t know what a squad rush or satellite patrol was without the impetus of knowing it to communicate with my son.

Over the course of time I’ve received visits from all of the military network domains (Army, Navy, AF, NG, CG, DoD), and still get regular visits from those as well as the DoJ, FBI Department of Criminal Justice, State Department, various appeals courts, The House of Representative, the Senate, and most state and many city governments.  I often wonder if I have any readers who have stayed with me all twelve years?  I’ve also received visits from the executive office of the president and the SCOTUS.  I have no earthly idea why such people would be interested in reading this humble blog.  I’m sure readers agree with that sentiment.

There is no doubt in my mind that I currently have the best readers on the internet.  I appreciate what you’ve made this web site.  For new readers, take the time to study some of my Featured Articles.  I’ve tried to put my best work in there.

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  1. On May 30, 2018 at 10:57 pm, Zimmy said:

    Over the past year or so, your blog has become a part of my overall internet habit. Your postings are thoughtful and and contain new ideas and perspectives that interest me.

    Your blog is a valuable service to your internet fans. Thank you for your endurance and for your commitment to liberty. Best regards….

  2. On May 31, 2018 at 2:54 am, Greg Wilson said:

    Of course, there is one reason from your excellent readership . . .

    I first learned of you through Mike V. and I’m glad for it — Particularly now that he is gone.

    As for sanity, you have helped me to maintain mine — to whatever extent I have.

  3. On May 31, 2018 at 5:54 am, Leigh said:

    I don’t know if I was here from the very beginning, but I’d be willing to bet it was rather close to it. I’d say 10+years. I think I made my way here from a link on the Summer Patriot, Winter Soldier blog. You are a daily read for me. I appreciate your efforts, much the same as the rest of your readers.

    Be well, Herschel.

    Whitehall, NY

  4. On May 31, 2018 at 7:45 am, H said:

    I often wonder if I have any readers who have stayed with me all twelve years?

    Would imagine you lost some readership which was interested in the initial phase material as you shifted away from it; I myself started reading you some time in that period, but only because a serious regular after the transition (my interest in the military issues is mostly academic, eyesight kept me out of the military decades ago and none of my relatives besides my father even volunteered). But your blog is particularly “sticky” because the very high overall quality of your postings, you have plenty of unique or nearly so insights, it of course helps that your a real engineer. This opinion of your quality I see reflected in the various other sites that regularly link to recent batches of your postings.

    One of those insights is Christianity + gun ownership/defense of self and others you are responsible for; I’m sure others do the same, haven’t searched for any, but those I’ve found weren’t hardly as good.

    BTW, I’m not much of a formal Dispensationist (and not at all Calvinist, in part due to not seriously considering it (yet; I recoil at predestination)), and I wonder if you believe it’s possible there will be a cycle between today’s “Grace” or “Church Age” period and the fun times of Revelation (that we will be judged, and harshly, for our antics in this period I have no doubt of). And then there’s Rushdoony’s son in law Gary North’s (and I assume others) opinion that Revelation was just predicting stuff about Nero, and that happened and is done with back then, which I find … suspect, conveniently so.

  5. On May 31, 2018 at 8:03 am, overhill said:


    I don’t rightly know how many years I have been lurking here. I was here when your son was deployed, and since. For the last several months yours has been my first blog visit of the day. Keep up the gook work. It is most appreciated.

    Long Life,


  6. On May 31, 2018 at 12:28 pm, WiscoDave said:

    I’m a newcomer to your site.
    Thank you for doing what you do here.
    It has been a blessing in my life reading what you have written.
    For that I humbly thank you.

  7. On May 31, 2018 at 1:08 pm, Sean said:

    You got a good blog here, Boss, keep up the good and quality work. I’ve come here only occasionally, as a link from either Mike Vs’ blog(RIP, Mike) and from Pete’s site over at westernrifleshooters . Your blog is always a good, thoughtful, read, and I’ve often realized my own shortcomings from the sober application you apply to reality. While I haven’t always agreed with you, I consider you a leader and a man of integrity. Thank you for all you do.

  8. On May 31, 2018 at 1:25 pm, moe mensale said:

    Congratulation I guess! :) I know I haven’t been here for ever but I’m sure I ended up here through a common attachment with Mike Vanderboegh.

    Perhaps that’s why “they” think of you as worthy enough to be kept tags on. How’s that for a conspiracy theory? :)

  9. On May 31, 2018 at 6:53 pm, Gerard vanderleun said:

    Congratulations. Glad to see you are still standing.

  10. On May 31, 2018 at 7:26 pm, Noah Bawdy said:

    I’m a relative new comer here, but I check it first thing every evening when I get home from work. For some reason blocks your site with the reason label “Sex” which amuses me :) Keep up the good work. Sometimes I wish I’d have kept my old blog up eight years ago but I was very disheartened by everything going on back then.

  11. On May 31, 2018 at 7:52 pm, Paul B said:

    I used to come here every day. Not sure when I started. I know I stopped about the time you added the authenticate piece. looks like that might have stopped so I might be back again. Good you have had 12 years, and I know you have kept me somewhat sane over that time. Keep up the good work.

  12. On June 1, 2018 at 1:22 am, Joshua Smith said:

    Congratulations on the anniversary! Here’s to the next 12 years!

  13. On June 1, 2018 at 6:56 am, James said:

    Well,what started out as therapy/peace of mind perhaps for you has in many ways become that for many readers,congrats on the 12 and thanks for your writings.Sites like this are necc. to expose the “inconvenient truths”in todays BS msm,and,besides staying informed/better prepared a place to mentally blow off some steam!

  14. On June 1, 2018 at 8:47 pm, Mike said:

    I’ve started reading your blog regularly in the past few months. It’s interesting, funny, and informative. Thanks, & keep it up!

  15. On June 2, 2018 at 11:55 am, Cory said:

    I seldom comment, but I started reading back in late 2006 while finishing my AF training. Normally come back every week or so to catch up.

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