Breach And Entry Video Of Mandalay Bay
BY Herschel Smith
When it was released yesterday over the objection of law enforcement, I watched it and thought at the time it was a lot of nothing.
It took ZeroHedge pointing out to us that no broken windows were reported. In fact, it’s really more than that. It was positively asserted by one team member that there were no broken windows.
Make of this what you will, and fill us in with the comments.
On May 4, 2018 at 8:44 am, Ned said:
We’ll learn the truth of the Mandalay Bay shootings when the Kennedy assassination records are revealed in 2318….
On May 4, 2018 at 9:33 am, MTHead said:
Didn’t see any of those 200 holes on any of the doors or walls? The ones he fired wildly enough to only hit the security guard’s leg? But there I go again, questioning the narrative. Sorry.
On May 4, 2018 at 12:13 pm, Andrew said:
I figure the truth about “Vegas” will be released on VHS.
But it’ll be revealed to have been used to record a SportsBall game by accident.
Oops, sorry people, it was an oversight, the responsible parties will be reprimanded.
On May 5, 2018 at 8:46 am, Frank Clarke said:
‘Bodycam’ is supposed to show the viewer what the officer was seeing, right? Did they deliberately choose the one that was aimed so poorly that it showed almost nothing?
I still recall someone saying that after firing so many rounds in an enclosed space, there should be a layer of brass on the floor, and the drapes and bedclothes should be gray with powder residue. Didn’t see anything like that. Maybe they got the room number wrong?