Handguns Are An Ineffective Weapon So We Shouldn’t Let Teachers Have Them

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 5 months ago

Matt Vespa reports:

UPDATE: Folks, I’ll just leave this here. It’s from Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) linking to a Rolling Stone article, so you already know where this is going.

“A handgun wound is simply a stabbing with a bullet.”

What is this?

MSNBC anchors are claiming that teachers armed with handguns would be unable to stop a school shooter because rifles shoot “three times faster.”

Anchor Lawrence O’Donnell said on his show Thursday night that “a bullet fired from an AR-15 travels 3x faster than one from a handgun…and yet the president and the NRA think giving teachers guns will stop a school shooter.”

Welcome to the stupidest argument ever crafted, dear friends.  A teacher doesn’t have a rifle, so let’s not allow them to carry handguns because they cannot produce the muzzle velocity of a rifle.  Quick.  Somebody go delete all of those ballistics gelatin tests at Lucky Gunner.

Forget all of the hundreds of thousands of instances of defensive use of handguns.  They’re not effective, so there.  It’s okay if cops have them, but you shouldn’t.  I’m reminded of a comment by reader millard fillmore:

At the end of WWII, a German prisoner who knew English quite well asked my father if he could just see a .45 acp cartridge. He asked why they exploded when they hit. My father explained that they didn’t. The guy then showed him a large exit wound on his leg from a .45 slug the German took during the retreat from Paris. Even pistol bullets can cause significant damage if they hit the ‘right’ way. Banning Ar-15’s won’t stop that,doc.

I also had an imaginary phone call with John Basilone, who says to tell these idiots the following: “Come back in time with me to the greatest and most storied gun fight in history, go through it with me, and then tell me I shouldn’t have my 1911.  Until then, just shut up.”

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  1. On February 28, 2018 at 5:52 am, Johnathan Stein said:

    The “stupid” just never ends…thankfully, she’s unlikely to be in office after the next election: https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/25/california-democrats-feinstein-leon-423452

  2. On February 28, 2018 at 8:19 am, bob sykes said:

    I think it is clear that the great majority of school teachers, especially elementary school teachers, are psychologically too timid and violence averse to bear weapons of any kind. That said, there will always be exceptions, and staff who have not gone through the mandatory brainwashing that school teachers experience would be suitable to carry weapons. Many custodial staff and some sports coaches et al. could serve reliably.

    The problem in Florida apparently was that the four sheriff’s deputies outside the school when the shootings were going on were following orders not to intervene.

  3. On February 28, 2018 at 8:57 am, Fred said:

    But nobody should have one because they kill but nobody should have one because they don’t kill good enough so nobody should have one.

  4. On February 28, 2018 at 9:19 am, Duke Norfolk said:

    This is a classic case of these numbskulls grabbing a piece of info that they don’t truly understand and trying to make an argument with it. It’s laughable.

    They may even have seen commentary about how going up against an opponent with a rifle, armed only with a handgun, puts you at a severe disadvantage, which is true. Especially at distances outside the effective range of the handgun.

    But in these situations the latter is not generally the case. And, of course, the handgun is a hell of a lot better than no weapon at all!

    These arguments only appeal to the non-thinking zombies on the left. Anybody with a functioning brain sees right through it right away; or at least after a minute of thought.

  5. On February 28, 2018 at 10:24 am, revjen45 said:

    I would expect a .25 ACP to be more effective than assuming the fetal position and sucking your thumb while the bodies pile up.

  6. On February 28, 2018 at 11:07 am, MamaLiberty said:

    Self defense is the primary human right, so everyone should carry whatever tools they think will help them in that. Allowing teachers to be armed goes right along with that, of course, but is not the real answer to the real problem.

    These “schools” are marxist indoctrination camps… every day, all year long, one way or another. That’s the real danger, and no number of armed teachers will change that. Additionally, crowding hundreds or thousands of children into small spaces is not good on a number of levels. no matter what “security” efforts are made.

    Get the children out of the indoctrination camps. Total separation of education and the state. Parents are responsible for the education and safety of their children. Armed parents are a whole lot better than armed teachers.

  7. On February 28, 2018 at 11:16 am, Herschel Smith said:


    I agree with everything you said. Unfortunately, many [or most] people don’t.

  8. On February 28, 2018 at 1:40 pm, DAN III said:


    As you all know, nobody wants a hole in ’em no matter how small.

    As for Feinstein she wouldn’t an issue today if the Marxist sheeple had not kept her around for 3 decades + !

  9. On February 28, 2018 at 1:50 pm, DAN III said:

    Bob Sykes,

    That “….were following orders….” crap didn’t wash at the Nuremberg Trials. Now you appear to excuse the inexcusable with the same excuse the NAZI leadership used trying to save themselves from the hangman’s noose.

  10. On February 28, 2018 at 3:52 pm, Bill Robbins said:

    Arm the teachers with ARs. There. Solved the problem.

  11. On February 28, 2018 at 7:26 pm, Ned said:

    So, let me get this straight – if some murderous thug has a rifle, he somehow develops the mysterious power to jump out of the way of a bullet fired from a handgun?

  12. On March 1, 2018 at 6:59 am, Johnathan Stein said:

    Just suffered through the entire video segment of Lawrence O’Donnell…he went FULL RETARD…reminds me of someone equally stupid…wait a minute…it’ll come to me…

    AH HA! I’ve got it!

    Did Rosie go transgender?!?!?!

  13. On March 1, 2018 at 10:21 pm, tkdkerry said:

    @Ned, in a sense, yes. The left, in their penchant for projection, frequently accuse us of regarding a firearm as if it were a magic talisman. So it’s reasonable for them to think an AR is simply a more powerful talisman, and its juju is bigger than a handgun’s juju.

  14. On March 2, 2018 at 6:41 am, BadBigDog said:

    Like in the movie, “The Matrix,” one can easily move out of the way of handgun bullets. They’re just too slow. But a mean, evil looking rifle shoots too fast. You can’t dodge them as well. Makes perfect sense!

  15. On March 2, 2018 at 11:50 pm, TheAlaskan said:

    “Arm the teachers with ARs.”

    @ Bill Robbins

    Yep…in Israel, they arm teachers (and students) with Uzis and shotguns.

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