Arizona Proposes Nullification Bill Of Federal Firearms Laws
BY Herschel Smith
PHOENIX — A Prescott lawmaker is proposing changes in state law designed to protect the right of Arizonans to keep their firearms no matter what a future Congress decides.
But the attorney who crafted it for Republican state Rep. David Stringer said that still won’t let Arizonans keep their “bump stocks” if the federal government declares them illegal.
The legislation spells out the kind of firearms the state believes are necessary for those who are members of the state militia. Existing Arizona law already says that automatically includes all “able-bodied citizens of the state” between 18 and 45.
And just to be sure that folks who turn 46 don’t lose their gun rights because of new federal laws, HB 2057 also would expand the definition of the militia to remove the maximum age. But it would add a new requirement that they be “capable of acting in concert for the common defense.”
The measure — and a companion constitutional amendment — were introduced by Stringer who said he wants to ensure that whatever occurs in Washington doesn’t interfere with the right of law-abiding Arizonans to possess firearms.
But Stringer left it to attorney Michael Taylor, who has some expertise in the area of gun rights, to come up with the actual language. And Taylor said it is crafted to conform to a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that have upheld gun rights.
The key, Taylor said, is the Second Amendment that refers to “a well-regulated militia” and the right to bear arms. He said the high court has relied on that to curb federally imposed gun restrictions.
But Taylor said it’s not that simple. He said each of those prior rulings have been based on the affected states defining not only that they have militias but what they determine to be the necessary weapons for such bodies.
HB 2057 seeks to do just that.
“We’re not making anything new legal,” Taylor said. “We are simply providing a mechanism for the court to decide in our favor.”
Courts will never decide in your favor, sir. Never. The festooned, robed tyrants will always decide for more communism.
That’s why this is toothless and powerless right out of the gate. If you’re not willing to enforce this Arizona law by arresting ATF agents who enter the state and throwing them in the state penitentiary, and protecting your citizens by allowing them to purchase guns and ammunition regardless of form 4473 (which the FedGov will use to its advantage), then you’re setting your citizens up for illegalities and yourself up for failure and complete embarrassment.
You’re a loser. Unless you act like you have some guts about this thing. I have confidence you won’t do that, and neither will your fellow statesmen.
On January 1, 2018 at 10:11 pm, Fred said:
A very healthy breakfast being necessary to the start of a great day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed.
Who has the right to keep and eat food, the healthy breakfast or the great day? Oh wait, it’s those pesky people.
Let’s try this again; “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Who has the right to bear arms? Is it the militia or the “free” state? Um yeah, it’s those pesky people again, drat.
Only persons have civil rights. So…how does a militia or a state have the right to arms? They don’t. These may possess authority however, as GIVEN by (the) people.
“And Taylor said it is crafted to conform to a series of U.S. Supreme Court decisions that have upheld gun rights.”
So the courts make laws and the legislatures codify them? What? This ain’t what I learned in six grade civics. Lawyers got to lawyer and liars got to lie.
On January 2, 2018 at 12:46 pm, Pat Hines said:
The tyranny of the US government courts was amply illustrated by the case against US government serial murderer, Lon Horiuchi.
He was charged in Idaho with either murder or the top of the manslaughter charge, which had a potential to put him in prison for many years.
A US government judge moved the case from a state of Idaho court to a US government court and promptly dismissed the charges against that feckless murderer, with prejudice.
Without either a Jack Hinson action or a Leo Frank action, this will always be the result of state versus the US government.
The US Constitution is worthless. It cannot be reformed.