The Professor And Mr. Codrea
BY Herschel Smith
David Codrea at Ammoland.
“Substantial numbers of constitutional scholars … believe that the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision was wrong … and I am among the dissenters as well,” he discloses to no one’s surprise. “Even so, the Constitution has never been interpreted in a way that would give people the right to have firearms in their possession anywhere they want and for whatever reason they want.”
Here’s a news flash for you, genius. You don’t get to dissent. You’re not a justice on the Supreme Court. You’re an ass-clown.
“Although the Supreme Court has never credited the ‘citizen uprising; theory of the Second Amendment, there are plenty of people who think that their arsenals are a bulwark against a tyrannical government,” Buchanan continues. “How they think they would win against the weaponry of the modern military is anyone’s guess, of course, but that is beside the point here.”
Well, it isn’t beside the point if you brought it up, and you did bring it up. Since you brought it up, I get to call you an idiot.
There. Enough of that and on to something I wanted to address as part of this piece. One of the commenters writes this.
In a way Buchanan is right. The constitution is irrelevant as one’s right to self defense need not be codified by The State to be law. The problem again with people like Codrea is that they are binary Statists: Democrat/Republican, Legislation/No Legislation. Although you may think that Codrea gets it, he doesn’t. He mistakes legislation for law and can’t see freedom existing without the central state…which BTW “The State” and “Freedom” are mutually exclusive entities.
“We will not disarm.” is a strong statement from a fellow who sees the State as the final arbiter of whether you can make a gun quiet. My inkling is that Codrea would be the first turn turn in his arms if the State mandated it.
Now David is a big boy and doesn’t need me to defend him, but I will anyway. This commenter must not know David very well, or the concept of covenant. We’ve discussed it many times before. The Constitution (and BoR) is a covenant, bringing blessings and curses as corollaries to obedience and disobedience.
If we or the government fail to live by the covenant, the guilty party both (a) suffers in the here and now for it, partly in that the curses are invoked (in this case meaning that tyranny is held accountable, or at least it should be), and (b) God holds us all accountable for obedience to our covenantal obligations. The WCF is very solemn on entry into oath and vows. God knows everything we do and will hold us accountable.
It makes good sense for peaceable men to try to persuade others to live by their covenantal obligations. That is certainly not the same thing as recognizing that our rights and obligations are ultimately rooted in God and His law-word, and the fact that we are made in His image. Turning this truth into a simpleton’s statement on “binary statists” is stolid and unthoughtful. I can’t stand unthoughtful men.
For heaven’s sake, turn on at least part of your brain before commenting. Or have your first cup of coffee before typing. Or something.
On October 25, 2017 at 8:02 am, Pat Hines said:
The covenant known as “The United States”, and the “US Constitution” was broken by the government created by that document in 1803, Marbury vs. Madison, and again in 1819, McCulloch vs. Maryland.
In fact, learning the actual history of the creation of the Constitution, it was established by a bloodless coup and has NEVER been a legitimate document and government.
Hershel, if you haven’t read it, I recommend “Hologram of Liberty” by Kenneth Royce.
On October 25, 2017 at 3:00 pm, Hiram Taine said:
I have to agree with Pat Hines here for the most part. A “covenant” is an agreement. I don’t recall agreeing to either document. I don’t recall being asked. Lysander Spooner wrote ad infinitum about the lack of validity of the constitution as a contract. In that light the document also fails. Even if one could make a case for these documents being “covenants”, they’ve been unilaterally broken, stomped on, trashed and all but publicly burned – all by our precious “government”. That said, I must add, I see no political solution. Mankind is helpless. Only God can provide the answer and He will.
On October 25, 2017 at 3:07 pm, Herschel Smith said:
While I understand the sentiment, I have to disagree. You are in covenant whether you want to be or not by virtue of being born an American. Sort of like being born of certain parents placed you inside covenant promises and obligations in the OT (and does so in the NT if born of Christian parents – as you may notice, I’m in the purview of covenant theology with this statement). God doesn’t ask permission. He has no need to since He is the creator and we are the creatures and He molds the clay to His liking, vessels to honor and dishonor, and so forth.
On the other hand, given that our covenant is recognized by God only insofar as they recognize His Lordship, it is true that it has been stomped, broken, and trashed for decades. The question is where is the threshold for men to respond to that, and that will be different for every man.
On October 25, 2017 at 8:42 pm, Ned said:
“My inkling is that Codrea would be the first turn turn in his arms if the State mandated it.”
What an idiot. David disobeyed the AWB in California. He has written about it. And yes, he could have been arrested by the California Stazi because of it.
I don’t know David Codrea personally – but I have friends who know him well. One would have to search long and hard to find someone more committed to freedom than him. And he put his ass on the line for it.
On October 26, 2017 at 11:01 am, June said:
The “professor” is a modern academic. Of course he’s wrong, “ass clown” and “idiot” are too nice of descriptions for him.