Banning “Rate Increasing Devices”

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 9 months ago

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  1. On October 12, 2017 at 10:17 pm, JoeFour said:

    Here’s the e-mail I got tonight from Unified Sportsmen of Florida…

    DATE: October 12, 2017
    TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
    FROM: Marion P. Hammer
    USF Executive Director
    NRA Past President

    At this writing three (3) Republican members of Congress from Florida and 10 other Republican Congressmen from around the country have sponsored a major gun control bill.

    H.R. 3999 sponsored by Florida Republican Congressmen Carlos Curbelo (R-Miami), Dennis Ross (R-Tampa), and Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Miami) is a dangerous bill.

    While pretending that it is simple bill to ban “bump-stocks” it is actually a stalking horse for major gun control that is far reaching.

    We should all wake up and pay attention. When members of congress who have pledged their allegiance to the Constitution and the Second Amendment and have made a commitment to protect freedom and the firearms rights of their constituents, suddenly abandon those promises, it’s time to take note.

    Rushing to file gun control legislation to capitalize on a horrific tragedy is something we’ve grown to expect from antigun, anti-Second Amendment Democrats but certainly not from those claiming to be Republicans.

    Use the link within this article to view a copy of the bill.

  2. On October 12, 2017 at 10:25 pm, C said:

    Repectfully I say,
    Cache Cache CACHE, Tell know one.
    Not your wife,children,friend,girlfiend,dad,mom,aunt,uncle or your Dog. NO ONE!
    Go Old school,No Electronics.

  3. On October 13, 2017 at 7:07 am, Fred said:

    Here is the GOA’s most recent Action Alert. Sign up and always fill these out, don’t listen to that voice that tells you ‘why bother’, that’s loser talk. Fill them out.

    Paul Ryan asking ATF to impose gun control unilaterally.

  4. On October 13, 2017 at 2:55 pm, Pistol Pete said:

    I have zero faith in any organization, eventually they will cave to protect their own existance. My faith is in We the People, yes It is a little disconcerning considering how many people are not standing up. But after the NRA has shown its true self there are very little alternatives. I am in agreement with C, cache.

    NRA – Never Resist Again.

  5. On October 13, 2017 at 3:27 pm, June said:

    Perhaps if the organization that touts itself as ” America’s longest-standing civil rights organization” didn’t appear to be on the side of the anti-2 Amendment crowd these Depublican legislators wouldn’t be emboldened to join the other side.

  6. On October 13, 2017 at 5:20 pm, Paul P said:

    Sorry , I will not cache my guns . I will speak to my reps , I will explain what OUR rights are , I will act according to the rights bestowed upon me by my creator . Not a keyboard warrior by any means , but I am not going to go quietly into the night so that those in power can gain even more than they have .

    If the time comes that I need to hide my guns , then it is the time that our own gov has become that which our founders fought to keep from controlling them as well as future citizens . We then become the resistance to the very people that would enslave us .

    My simple answer to all of it is , NO! I will not comply .

  7. On October 13, 2017 at 5:39 pm, RDG said:

    Republicans of the uniparty will be the ones who ultimately ban guns. Gun issues should be a litmus test for all republicans candidates. Support for the NRA won’t cut it. Once guns are gone the death camps follow. Never been different. Only the US second amendment keeps Europe free of death camps today. Once guns are gone, the commies will run wild.

  8. On October 13, 2017 at 7:34 pm, George said:

    A blind man could have seen this coming. At the risk of being called a conspiracy theorist, I had my suspicions that the 2nd Amendment was scheduled to become history soon when all the “lone wolf” events took place during Obama’s administration. There were only a relative few of these events prior to that, but then along comes Obama and there were 18; EIGHTEEN, “lone wolf” events including Sandy Hook that so many people have had doubts about. Hmmm… Odd that, wouldn’t you say? Every one of those events was very convenient for the anti-gun crowd.
    Now we have a new and very weak President (what can he get done, and what part of his campaign promises has he made good on?) and we get the mother of all lone wolf attacks allegedly perpetrated by a millionaire with no criminal history, no reason to be dissatisfied with his life and no proven grudge against anyone. When I first heard of this event, I said to my wife; “this event is a gift to the gun confiscation crowd.” Now, two weeks later we are presented with a piece of legislation that will be the foot in the door for the evisceration private gun ownership. Gee, what a coincidence…what a remarkable SERIES of coincidences. And I am reminded of the words of a certain politician, who many years ago said that “in politics there is no such thing as coincidence. If it happens, you can be damned sure that it was planned that way”.

  9. On October 13, 2017 at 10:13 pm, JoeFour said:

    Off-topic … here’s some gallow’s humor from Paul Craig Robert’s web site…

    “I took down my Rebel flag (which you can’t buy on EBAY any more) and
    peeled the NRA sticker off my front window.
    I disconnected my home alarm system and quit the candy-ass Neighborhood Watch.

    “I bought two Pakistani flags and put one at each corner of the front yard.
    Then I purchased the black flag of ISIS (which you CAN Buy on EBAY)
    and ran it up the flag pole.

    “Now the local police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, NSA, Homeland Security,
    Secret Service and other agencies are all watching my house 24/7.

    “I’ve NEVER felt safer and I’m saving $69.95 a month that ADT used to charge me.

    “Plus, I bought burkas for me to wear when I shop or travel.
    Everyone moves out of the way, and security can’t pat me down.
    If they say I’m a male wearing a burka, I just say I’m feeling like a
    woman today.

    “Hot Damn…Safe at last!! ~ God Bless America.”

  10. On October 14, 2017 at 8:02 am, Pat Hines said:

    I found this video to be interesting. Bump fire vs. the fast shooting of Jerry Miculek.

  11. On October 14, 2017 at 6:00 pm, JoeFour said:

    Here’s the latest from Unified Sportsmen of Florida…

    ALERT! Republican Bump Stock Bill Would Ban All Semi-Automatic Rifles

    DATE: October 14, 2017
    TO: USF & NRA Member and Friends
    FROM: Marion P. Hammer
    USF Executive Director
    NRA Past President

    DEFINITION: RINO – an acronym for “Republican In Name Only.” This term is used to describle candidates and elected officials who claim to be Republicans in order to get elected in a District where the majority of registered voters are Republican.

    In sponsoring so-called “bump-stock” ban legislation in Congress — a bill that never even mentions bump-stocks — Cong. Carlos Curbelo (Miami), Dennis Ross (Tampa) and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Miami) have now removed all doubt. They are not true Republicans.

    Below is a link to an analysis of the bill by The Federalist.

    Republican Bump Stock Bill Would Actually Ban All Semi-Automatic Rifles

    A new congressional proposal to ban bump stocks in the wake of the Las Vegas mass shooting would actually ban all semi-automatic rifles and parts.

    October 13, 2017 By Sean Davis

    A new gun control proposal in Congress that is being pitched as a bipartisan bump stock ban would actually ban all semi-automatic rifles in the United States, according to an analysis of the proposed bill.

    The legislation, which was drafted by Rep. Carlos Curbelo, a Florida Republican, never bans bump stocks by name. Instead, the proposal bans any person from possessing or making any part that could be used to increase the rate of fire in any semi-automatic rifle. The lead co-sponsor on the gun control bill is Rep. Seth Moulton, a Massachusetts Democrat and U.S. Marines veteran who completed four tours of duty in Iraq.

    “It shall be unlawful for any person … to manufacture, possess, or transfer any part or combination of parts that is designed to increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle,” the bill states. At no point does the proposed legislation specify a base rate of fire against which any illegal increases would be judged, a potentially fatal flaw in the bill’s drafting. As a result, the proposal arguably institutes a federal ban on any and all parts that would allow the gun to fire at all, since the mere ability to fire a semi-automatic weapon by definition increases its rate of fire from zero.

    The design of semi-automatic weapons uses the recoil of the weapon generated by the gas explosion in the chamber when a round is fired to automatically chamber a new round, and prepare the weapon to be fired again. Because of this, any parts used in that process would likely be subject to the federal ban proposed in the Curbelo/Moulton bill, since they serve to increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic weapon. Gas tubes, gas blocks, buffer springs, magazines, charging handles, ejectors and extractors, and even triggers themselves could potentially be banned under the bipartisan bump stock ban language proposed by Curbelo and Moulton.

    The proposal also creates significant implementation challenges, since it contains zero grandfather provisions for existing gun owners or manufacturers. The bill also fails to provide any means by which existing gun owners and manufacturers could turn in their weapons to federal authorities to avoid running afoul of the bill’s effective ban on the possession of any semi-automatic firearms or parts. Absent a statutory federal gun buyback, which is not included in the Curbelo/Moulton bill, it does not appear that current law-abiding gun owners and manufacturers would have any way to abide by the constraints of the law in good faith absent a massive federal confiscation effort.

    The National Rifle Association announced on Thursday that it opposed the Curbelo/Moulton proposal. In a separate statement, the organization said the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms And Explosives (ATF) already had the legal authority necessary to ban bump stocks and that additional legislation was unnecessary. The group noted that bump stocks were originally approved by the Obama administration in 2010.

    It is unclear at this time whether Curbelo and Moulton intended to propose such an expansive ban on all semi-automatic rifles in the United States. Also unknown is why the authors of the proposal chose to target rates of fire across all weapons instead of specifically banning bump stocks themselves, which consist of a single grip and stock assembly that is designed to rock a rifle back and forth against an individual’s finger in order to increase the rate of fire of a semi-automatic rifle weapon.

    Neither Curbelo’s nor Moulton’s office responded to repeated requests for comment and clarification on the design and intent of their gun control proposal.

    Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist.

  12. On October 15, 2017 at 11:10 am, revjen45 said:

    As you can imagine, a gunsmith is privy to firearms arcana that should not be shared with just everybody. While I was in the Gunsmithing program at Lassen Commuity College (’79-’82) one of the students figured out how to turn on a common autoloading pistol with 2 pieces cut out of a penny – not just follow-down, but firing upon going into battery. The modification is not permanent and leaves no evidence of having been done. Of course, I’m not going to toss this pearl of wisdom out into the ether to be abused by cretins (either killers or politi-weasels)

  13. On October 15, 2017 at 8:09 pm, CJ in CA said:

    If y’all haven’t noticed the dark forces of fascism aren’t fucking around. As John Hamm exclaimed so excellently in ‘The Town’… “This not-fucking-around thing is about to go both ways!”

    Time to gear up America.

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