Homicidal Rhetoric Risking Civil War

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 11 months ago

David Codrea:

“The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives,” Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit noted Thursday. “Of course, you will never see this reported by the #FakeNews media.”

“The patriot prayer rally is a nazi white supremacist event,” so-called alt-left “leader” Jordan Towers threatened. “I’ll be their [sic] to crush some nazi [sic] skulls.”

Read the rest of it.  I disagree with one of the commenters who doesn’t believe there can be such a thing as civil war.  “I don’t believe we are headed toward civil war. The Leftists can’t be controlled by their leaders well enough to accomplish that,” he says.

This ignores the fact that America is already at civil war.  The controllers are people like George Soros, the Clintons, the two generals in the White House (Kelly, McMaster), and all of the three-letter agencies, or in other words, the deep state.  Senators, Congressmen, Antifa, BLM and the other participants (e.g., college professors and students everywhere) are doing exactly as they have been taught and told.

The control thus far is perfect, lacking nothing at all in intelligence, deep state operatives, logistics, money or any other resource.  It may not look like civil war to this commenter, but it is.  It’s 4th generation warfare, or some version of it, and it’s working so far.

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  1. On August 27, 2017 at 10:26 pm, Allen said:

    I think the crackdown by google and social media is preparation for this war.
    When the left starts committing atrocities, who will know about it? It will be a whole forest of falling trees that no one hears.

  2. On August 28, 2017 at 2:44 am, Nosmo said:

    Something I’ve wondered is, if Soros & Co. and his Fellow Travelers can be positively identified as actively and directly supporting widespread and lethal civil disruption, that would seem to potentially come under the Constitutional prohibition against overthrowing the U.S. government and, as such, constitute a threat to national security.

    Is it not the U.S government’s responsibility to deal with threats to national security as per the “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” part of most oaths of office elected officials (and most appointed ones as well) must commit to?

  3. On August 28, 2017 at 3:28 am, DAN III said:

    Folks, perhaps you haven’t noticed but the “war” against the USA’s sovereignty and our economy was initiated in May, 2000 with Bill Clinton’s signing of Permanent Normal Trade Relations with the Red Chinese. Oh, and guess what ? It was supported by the 106th (Republican-controlled) CON-gress.

    Today, 17 years later, we manufacure nothing of value. Tens of thousands of job-producing factories/shops have closed, millions of factory jobs lost….all off-shored to the Red Chinese. Result: Trillions of dollars in trade deficit with the ChiComs, 90,000,000 adult-age citizens without family-sustaining jobs or no jobs at all, traitors in Washington District of Criminals embraced and kept in power by the ignorant masses, and this once great nation, fUSA, going down the proverbial toilet.

    The “leftists” include the traotors to include, but not limited to John McCain, John Kasich (Gov-Ohio), Lyndsey Graham, soetoro-obama, the Clintons Three, and on and on and on….

    This disintegrating nation has been at “civil war” with the escalation of economic warfare by Bill Clinton and the 106th CON-gress, 17 years ago. Physical combat by Patriots against the domestic communists is now coming to fruition.

    Verify your zero.

    Flush twice….it is a long way to Red China.

  4. On August 28, 2017 at 3:56 am, DAN III said:


    The threat to fUSA national security IS the federal government, elected and appointed (the 4th Estate) ! The actors in the “feral” government are an intrinsic part of what has become known as the Deep State.

    I put little faith in the scoundrels one calls “government”. They have long ceased being public servants and are now self-serving at both the expense of one’s pocketbook and in turn, one’s Freedom & Liberty. It is called tyranny.

  5. On August 28, 2017 at 9:06 am, Fred said:

    I’ve been thinking some about civil war. Civil war is a fight for control of the government or the right to govern. I don’t want control of it nor do I want to govern. I mostly would like the fedgov to be reduced drastically. So, if civil war comes I’m not sure I’ll pick a side other than my own.

  6. On August 28, 2017 at 9:55 am, Herschel Smith said:


    I’m not sure I agree with your characterization. The War Between the States was about the right to self-govern, not govern others – at least from the perspective of the South.

    Winning doesn’t have to mean you have to Lord it over others. The North just turned it into that because they wanted to.

  7. On August 28, 2017 at 3:24 pm, Fred said:

    Mr. Smith,
    I agree which is why many including myself don’t consider CW1 to be a civil war at all but a war for independence. The south didn’t want to run anything ‘cepin for their own affairs.

    So, the very notion that it was a civil war is all part of the narrative because if it was a peaceful attempt at withdraw by several of the states that a brutal conqueror used to crush the liberty of it’s countrymen then todays machine couldn’t very well blather on about it’s oh so very loving and giving and caring ascendance as our benevolent new god that provides for our very freedom.

    Therefore, I say if the leftists and so called right want to fight for control of government I don’t care. I want less government not control. I should have been clearer.

    On the other hand there are mummers of genocide. I’m not a fan of genocide so this has my attention. The fact that I appear to be on the menu for genocide has my undivided attention. It should be noted that both the right and the left want Christians gone so I’m back to neutral. Events may dictate any number of things. If either side wants to hang me on a cross so be it but I ain’t nailing myself to it. People are going die, lot’s of people. As you and many commenters here have noted, Jesus was not pacifist pussy.

    You yourself have said here that civil wars are rarely defined by clear battle lines.

  8. On August 28, 2017 at 8:55 pm, Ned said:

    IMO, genocide is being waged against white people: Genocide – the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

    Western values are under assault. White people are denigrated for their skin color and culture. Cultural sites are being destroyed by groups similar to ISIS. We are already in a civil war.

    The numb-skulls who are losing these 4G battles don’t even really have a plan, other than to march about until attacked by Antifa and BLM-esque groups. Then whine and cry because the police – who have no compelled legal duty to protect any individual citizen, continue to watch the melee from the sidelines. Herschel has written extensively about this.

    Fool me once…

    Here’s how I think we should be analyzing the situation: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kisp8ei5hl4ak82/WRSA_Cville_thoughts.pdf?dl=0

    If the (((leaders))) of these rallies don’t learn that this is 4G warfare, they will continue to do way more harm in the long run than if they’d just stayed home.

    Have a plan. Understand that MSM urinalists are against all you stand for. As are deep state Republicans and Democrats. Don’t be Custer, for heaven’s sake. These people should read everything by Tim Lynch, and William S. Lind. Like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9527065755/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1

    These groups must stop shooting themselves in the foot and acting like it’s a win. Have a plan. You’re not winning, and not helping. How much introspection is taking place among these players who are supposedly on our side? how much intelligence are they gathering before the fact?

    Soros’ opposition players are being bussed to these rallies. Why don’t the players know this, learn where they are being bussed from and filming the action? Why aren’t they infiltrating these groups? Antifa is surely infiltrating theirs.

    Maintain the same MO = losing.

  9. On August 29, 2017 at 8:46 am, Fred said:

    @Ned, agreed. And the right is overrun with fed agitators.

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