CIA Note To Mike Pompeo: Leave Us Alone
BY Herschel Smith
… the spooks are warning Pompeo not to get too uppity in draining the John Brennan swamp. The last pol who tried to grapple with the Agency was Porter Goss, and look what happened to him.
Hence, all the more reason that swamp must be drained. Off hand, I’d say firing every last one of them and restaffing with new personnel would be a good start.
The CIA is filled with ne’er-do-wells, statists, self-aggrandizing control freaks and criminals. Get rid of them, or get rid of the agency. They are nothing more than an organ of state control anyway.
On July 27, 2017 at 8:13 am, Randolph Scott said:
I would choose to get rid of the agency. As the pricks walk out the door arrest every single one of them, everyone including pissy secretaries, readers, do nothings, mail clerks, janitors, every single living human being even remotely associated with that agency. Hold them all in jail and question every single one of them and if anyone is implicated in a seditious, treasonous or criminal offense prosecute and complete the execution by public hanging. Next burn the buildings down and grind the rubble to dust.
That is how you drain the swamp. When this is done move on to the next 3 letter agency.
On July 27, 2017 at 11:42 pm, DAN III said:
The corruption is rampant within the federal government, period. To me the CIA is no more or less despicable, than the scum of the IRS and EPA !