The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

North Dakota Now Has Constitutional Carry

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

NY Daily News:

North Dakotans will no longer need a permit to carry a concealed weapon after Republican Governor Doug Burgum signed legislation lifting restrictions, a victory for gun rights advocates that came a week after South Dakota’s governor vetoed a similar bill.

The law, which takes effect on Aug. 1, mandates that gun owners only need a North Dakota driver’s license or state identification card for at least a year before they can carry a concealed firearm in public.

Under current regulations, applicants must take a test to obtain a permit which entails fees of more than $100.

The measure, signed late on Thursday, was approved by the Republican-controlled legislature despite concerns over public safety if the state made it easier to carry hidden weapons. Advocates framed the issue in terms of the constitutional right to bear arms.

“North Dakota has a rich heritage of hunting and a culture of deep respect for firearm safety,” Burgum said. “As a hunter and gun owner myself, I strongly support gun rights for law-abiding citizens.”

The legislation makes North Dakota the 12th state to allow gun owners to carry their weapons without a concealed-carry permit, according to the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, which opposes the practice.

Good for North Dakotans.  Now, some enterprising reader could prepare an FOIA request (or perhaps it doesn’t even require that?) and research violence with guns in North Dakota over the next several months and years to see what happens.

Here’s a prediction.  Nothing.  Except a loss in revenue by CLEOs for their new Dodge Chargers, rifles, fancy comms gear and SWAT training.

So what’s the holdup in South Carolina?  Why are we having to wait for this?  Are you guys in South Carolina going to prove yourselves to be communists by letting constitutional carry die in the House or Senate?  And what about North Carolina?  We have a constitutional carry bill too.

See, it’s possible to be lovers of liberty.  You just have to have courage and principles.

John Lovell On Mounting The Carbine

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

He uses an interesting method to assist his left hand grip, and specifically, to keep his deltoid from fatiguing.  When I discussed the so-called “thumb-over-bore” grip with Daniel, he told me that this is nice for very short work, but if you’re using the rifle for extended periods of time there is simply no way that is sustainable.  He had to find other compromises in Fallujah.

I have tried the thumb-over-bore grip and it works nicely – for a short period of time.  That’s all.  John also explains the stance that Daniel used in all of his time in the Marines, and the stance he taught me for the carbine, which is the forward-aggressive stance.

Redneck Revolt Does Guns?

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

David Codrea:

“Gun-Totin’ Left-Wingers Demonstrate at the Arizona Capitol,” Phoenix New Times notes sympathetically. “Is Bloodshed on the Horizon?”

It’s a report about “openly armed to the proverbial teeth” supporters of the Phoenix John Brown Gun Club, self-described as “Working to stem the tide of reactionary recruitment within white working class communities, fight white supremacy, & build liberatory community defense.” That, in turn, references to Redneck Revolt (“Putting the RED back in redneck”).

Basically, their “philosophy” is communist and globalist, against private property, capitalism and sovereign nations.

Go read the rest of David’s article here.

I had seen this too and was planning on commenting on it, but I’ll dovetail my comments with David’s.  They are also self-described anarchists.  Anarchists my ass.  They are toting a few guns.  They got there by riding some vehicle, whether bus, car, or hippie van.  Those guns were made by gunsmiths who use lathes and programmable tool and die shops, and those vehicles are made somewhere by machinists and robots.  You’re only an anarchist if you reject all of that.  What they are is a bunch of hypocrites.  They are just pretend anarchists.  Like the rock and roll group who sings about the evils of “the man” and then hops on board the jet made by aerodynamics engineers to fly to the next concert.  Hey, here’s a note to the anarchists.  Find your own culture and leave mine the hell alone.  You’re not wanted.

It’s worse than that.  Take a look at this picture.

I see a gaggle of fat girls, hipsters and college drop-outs.  What do you see?  Do you have anything more scary than that, girls?

Anyway, all of that said I see no reason why, if they ever obtained power, these boys and girls wouldn’t want total control over every aspect of our lives, which is always the reflexive tendency of collectivists and state-worshipers.  And I see no reason they wouldn’t inflict pain as a means to their desired ends.

They should remember Herschel’s Dictum.  And that it doesn’t have to be with a .45 230-grain fat boy.  It can be with something a lot faster than that.

Cougar Versus .458 SOCOM

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Columbia Basin Herald:

He pulled his gun to his shoulder, put her in his sights and pulled the trigger. He was shooting a Rock River Arms AR-15 chambered in .458 Socom with a red dot scope.

“Now, I’ve killed a lot of whitetail deer with my .458 and every single time I’ve pulled the trigger with a deer at the other end of the barrel, it’s like turning off a light switch,” Jason said. “When I pulled the trigger on this female cougar, she didn’t drop.

“Rather she did five back-flips and spun around 10 times while tumbling down the mountain and coming to rest within 90 yards of Chris’ blind. The cougar traveled about 200 yards from the point where she was shot.”

They tried to drag the animal in a dead sled, but it would turn and tumble. Finally, Jason threw the 120-pound animal on his shoulders and hiked down the mountain.

Good Lord!  The .458 SOCOM is a 250 grain projectile travelling 2150 FPS.  This was one bad girl.  It’s good she didn’t have the stamina left to turn on him.  She could have put a big hurt on him.

Congratulations to Jason Chavies.

AR-15s Tags:

Freedom Watch Letter To Congress Concerning James Comey And Illegal Surveillance

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Via WRSA, parts of this letter are included below from Freedom Watch.

A summary of the Montgomery’s efforts to expose rampant illegal and unconstitutional surveillance on American citizens and prominent individuals such as President Trump, is as follows:

Montgomery left the NSA and CIA with 47 hard drives and over 600 million pages of information, much of which is classified, and sought to come forward legally as a whistleblower to appropriate government entities, including congressional intelligence committees, to expose that the spy agencies were engaged for years in systematic illegal surveillance on prominent Americans, again including the chief justice of the Supreme Court, other ju tices, 156judges, prominent businessmen such as Donald Trump, and even yours truly.

Working side by side with former Obama Director of National Intelligence (“DIA”) James Clapper, who lied in Congressional testimony, and former Obama Director of the CIA, the equally ethically challenged John Brennan, Montgomery witnessed “up close and personal” this “Orwellian Big Brother” intrusion on privacy, likely for potential coercion, blackmail or other nefarious purposes .

But when Montgomery came forward as a whistleblower to congressional intelligence committees and various other congressmen and senators, including Senato Charles Grassley – Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who, like Corney, once had a eputation for integrity, he was “blown off. ” No one wanted to even hear what he had to say .

The reason I suspect is that Montgomery’s allegations were either too hot t handle, or the congressional intelligence and judiciary committees already knew that this unconstitutional surveillance was being undertaken.

[ … ]

Montgomery’s interview with the FBI, conducted and videotaped by Special FBI Agents Walter Giardina and William Barnett, occurred almost two years ago, and nothing that I know of has happened since.

It would appear that the FBI’s investigation was “buried” by FBI Director Comey, perhaps because the FBI itself collaborates with the spy agencies to conduct illegal surveillance.

Congress and the Senate have not shown an interest thus far.  That tells you how far these “Brownstone Operations” have compromised those in power.  But something this big cannot be hidden forever.

James Comey is part of the deep state, a large part, and has certainly buried investigations and evidence of the deep state’s misdeeds.  And this letter tells you just about all you need to know.  This was communicated almost two years ago to Senate and the Congress.

And you can bet the MSM is in on it too.  They know all about this.  Illegal surveillance is only the tip of the iceberg.  There are many more revelations to go, including drug and human organ trafficking, CP, oil plays, wars of choice conducted by the CIA, DynCorp and the Muslim Brotherhood in North Africa, precious gems, money laundering, theft and weapons trafficking.

It might prove to be an interesting year after all.

FBI Tags:

How To Fix Scratches On Your AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Okay, there’s no need for name-calling Dave, because scratches can cause corroding with Aluminum (even if it doesn’t rust).  Now, do a compatible video for carbon steel.

The Wheels Are Coming Off The Coverup: Note To FBI Agents, Now Is The Time To Come Forward

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

By now you’re aware that House Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes said that Trump transition team was under surveillance.  He was polite.  He said it was “inadvertent.”  We all know better.  He’s handing out bits and pieces of information in order to bait the field.

Meanwhile, I haven’t linked George Webb for a while but he’s still active.  He uses the Awan brothers to launch into a plea for more FBI agents to come forward with what they know about any number of things, from human organ harvesting to drug trafficking, from illegal surveillance to disclosure to unauthorized individuals.

George also paints a huge target on Andrew McCabe, which we all know needed to be painted.  For McCabe, listen carefully.  The grim reaper is calling.  Do you hear him?  He’s calling for you by name.  But I would add that unless Comey is fired and investigated, the deep state wins.  The Trump administration has not truly started unless and until Comey is replaced and investigated.  If Trump leaves him in place, I question whether he actually wants to be president.

North Dakota Constitutional Carry

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

Rapid City Journal:

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — The North Dakota Legislature has voted to allow most adults to carry a concealed firearm without a permit, but it’s not clear whether the governor will support the move.

The Senate approved the measure 34-13 on Tuesday and the House passed it last month. It would allow people 18 and older to forgo background checks and classes that are now required.

Supporters say the bill promotes constitutional rights and allows protection from criminals. Critics worry it could lead to more shootings as people with less training would be carrying weapons.

Approval of the bill in both the Senate and House generally fell along party lines in the Republican-led Legislature. GOP Gov. Doug Burgum hasn’t said whether he would support the measure and sign it into law.

“He hasn’t seen the bill and won’t make a decision until he receives it,” said Mike Nowatzki, a Burgum spokesman.

Sen. Kelly Armstrong, a Republican from Dickinson, said the measure allows law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional right to carry a gun.

It’s time for North Dakota readers to get busy with letters to the governor.  Let him know that he’s a target for replacement if he doesn’t comply with God-given rights to bear arms.

Say, there’s a bill that will soon be debated in the South Carolina legislature on constitutional carry, which also happens to include provisions for de-criminalizing open carry.  This bill needs to pass with no opposition from the GOP.  Why is South Carolina so late to the game?  What are you doing, South Carolinians, to make this a reality?

Idaho Boy Sprayed By Cyanide Planted By U.S. Department Of Agriculture, Dog Killed

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago


POCATELLO, ID – The family of a teenage boy sprayed by a cyanide explosive that killed their dog is outraged they weren’t told the device was planted near their home, reports East Idaho News.

Canyon Mansfield, 14, went on a walk Thursday afternoon with his family’s 3-year-old yellow Labrador, Casey, on a hill behind their Pocatello home on Buck Skin Road.

“I see this little pipe that looked like a sprinkler sticking out of the ground,” Canyon told “I go over and touch it. Then it makes a pop sound and it spews orange gas everywhere.”

The orange gas was cyanide, and it sprayed into Canyon’s left eye and on his clothing.

The teen grabbed some snow and washed his eye out but then realized Casey was having problems.

“I look over and see him having a seizure,” Canyon said, holding back tears. “I ran over and he had these glassy eyes. He couldn’t see me, and he had this red stuff coming out of his mouth.”

Canyon ran down the hill and inside the house to his mother.

“He said, ‘Mom, Mom, there’s something wrong with Casey,’” Theresa Mansfield recalled. “We ran back outside and up the hill and by the time we got there, Casey had died.”

Theresa called the police and then contacted her husband, Mark, who is a medical doctor.

“I hurried home, and the first thing I did was try to resuscitate the dog,” Mark Mansfield said. “Unfortunately I exposed myself to cyanide and had no idea.”

It took hours after emergency crews arrived and help from multiple agencies to learn Casey had died from exposure to an M-44.

M-44s are spring-activated devices that release cyanide when they are activated through upward pressure or pulling. The US Department of Agriculture uses the devices to control coyotes and other predators.

“We didn’t know anything about it. No neighborhood notifications and our local authorities didn’t know anything about them,” Mark said. “The sheriff deputies who went up there didn’t even know what a cyanide bomb was.”

The Mansfields have lived in their home nearly 10 years and have never seen M-44s in their neighborhood. They say the one triggered Thursday was planted on the borderline of their property.

“We weren’t aware, and nobody told us,” Theresa said. “There was nothing posted up on the hill saying to beware or be careful.”

There shouldn’t have had to be notifications, as this should never have been done to begin with by the Department of Agriculture.  So boys and girls, I’ve seen a lot of dumb ass things by the government in my years, but this one takes the cake.  Let me introduce you to the most idiotic government program ever concocted by mankind.  Spring-activated cyanide bombs as a part of the war on animals paid for by your tax dollars.

This is bad, bad solution in search of a problem.  Here is a list of effective Coyote control devices, in order: 5.56mm / .223, .22 WMR, and 17 HMR (if you don’t want to shoot anything larger such as you would with a mule deer or moose).  As for federal government, you withdraw from any program like this, let the states handle their own animal control issues and make decisions when a herd, pack, drove or flock needs to be culled, and the state makes an announcement about renewed or extended hunting season so that the states can conduct scientific game management and herd control techniques with tags and bag limits.

If this even needs to occur.  Good Lord!  These are indigenous creatures, predatory of course, but there are many predatory animals in this part of the nation.  The state should be able to figure out quite well what needs to be done, if anything.  Automatic poison ejection devices aren’t even legal in warfare according to the Geneva convention.  Yet for some reason, bureaucrats and Forestry majors on the government dole and paid for by your tax dollars can decide to poison animals without so much as consultation with anyone around them.

I wish this family would consult a lawyer and seek remedy in court for this against the Department of Agriculture, but my guess is that any federal court would tip their hat to government employees and grant them immunity from prosecution of any kind.  Yet these are the sort of “intolerable acts” that caused our founders to separate from England.  I’ll write the Department of Agriculture and ask what statutory framework even allows this.  I doubt I will get a response.

In this case, the least we should justifiably expect would be to gut this worthless government department, deliver pink slips to them, and send them packing to find real jobs.  That something so simple got so out of hand is a tragic testimony to how out of touch and out of control the federal government is.  What could have been handled by hunters with pleasure and sport, perhaps with their own sons, redounded to a little boy being poisoned and his childhood dog being killed.

Good Lord.

Mount Vernon, New York, Police Department Rolling Gun Battle

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 4 months ago

No, not this rolling gun battle that wasn’t (it’s a wonder that the cops didn’t shoot an innocent man in this instance), but this one (via David Codrea) that really was a rolling gun battle, or at least, on the part of the cops.

A 2-mile police chase from Westchester County to the Bronx ended Tuesday with Mount Vernon cops squeezing off more than 30 shots, blowing out a car’s rear windshield and wounding an unarmed woman inside.

The woman was blasted once in the shoulder and listed in stable condition at Jacobi Medical Center after the 9 a.m. shooting. The man who was driving the black Chevrolet Malibu was not hurt.

Authorities say cops opened fire when the driver intentionally rammed a police car after speeding from a blockade and slamming into a railing at a Gulf gas station on E. 234th St. in Wakefield in the Bronx.

No gun was found in the vehicle.

[ … ]

Five Mount Vernon cops suffered injuries during the confrontation, which began in the suburb about 12 blocks from the Bronx.

During the shooting, flying glass struck one Mount Vernon officer in the eye. Two other officers suffered from ringing in the ears, officials said. A fourth suffered chest pains.

Hey, at least it wasn’t as bad as when the NYPD discharged 84 rounds with innocent people all around them, missing with 70.  That’s the upshot.  At least the Mount Vernon PD isn’t as bad as the NYPD.  “We’re not the worst!”  We’re not the worst!”  “We’re not the worst!”

And they say it’s us who can’t be trusted with guns.

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