Pizzagate: The Battle Continues
BY Herschel Smith
I haven’t been posting much on Pizzagate lately, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t developments. Make sure to check out Voat to stay abreast of developments. Here are a few of the ones that caught my eye. As always, I point you to the researchers who are doing the work. I only relay the things that float to the top.
This voat thread lists and links most of the suspicious emails leaked that relate to Pizzagate. This is useful.
In a continuation of the tech sector progs’ attack against “fake news,” Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to ramp up efforts to suppress things like what we’ve investigating. The author, April Glaser, says this.
Remember Pizzagate? It was a completely false story that went viral on Facebook late last year that linked Hillary Clinton to a child sex ring run out of pizzeria in Washington D.C.
Prove it, April. I dare you. You’ve said a mouthful, to wit, “completely false.” Prove that our claims are completely false. Go ahead. I can be reached at my contact page. Give me your proof.
Human trafficking is funding ISIS in North Africa. I have no doubt, and this runs consistent with what we’ve learning from George Webb. But this is a difficult discussion thread without any executive summary for novice readers. I think most of my readers aren’t novice readers.
This analysis, using metadata, analyzes whether The Washington Post was “in on” the deletion of the Pizzagate subreddit. Folks, I have to say that the evidence is not just convincing, it’s overwhelming. Queue up another one for the MSM.
This discussion thread documents how an individual found CP on the Comet Pizza web site, turned it over to the DC police, and is now being followed by and harassed by a band of stalkers. Now let me make it clear. I understand those who remain anonymous, but I choose not to. Why is it that these thugs always go after people who cannot defend themselves (viz. DC gun laws) and try to ban those who work in the shadows to discover the truth? Oh, perhaps it’s that thing of Herschel’s Dictum. You know. A .45 ACP 230-grain fat boy and how useful it is. Note to the band of thugs following this researcher. You don’t scare me in the least.
Ryan Zimmerman has done a very good job of giving a rundown of not only the background but also the updates to Pizzagate. It’s worth your time.
Finally, take note again how frantic their efforts are at trying to bury this. As if you needed any other evidence as to the moral perfidity of the MSM, their burying the investigation on Pizzagate is the pinnacle of their achievements, the capstone of their careers in subterfuge and lies. May they spend sleepless nights hearing the screams of the little ones and haunted days looking over their shoulder for the day of judgment.
Death to the pedophiles. Eternal death.
Connection Between Bill Clinton And Child Trafficker Laura Sislby
Planeload of FBI Agents Sent To Iceland To Frame Julian Assange
Pizzagate XIII: Who Really Leaked The DNC And Podesta EMails To Wikileaks?
On February 13, 2017 at 9:24 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:
No, nobody has proven any of this to be fake. They can deny it all they want, but like I’ve said before, where there is smoke, there is fire.
On February 13, 2017 at 2:40 pm, IHC said:
You are one good man and a courageous one at that! The truth always stings those who need to be stung because they no longer have a conscience to remind them that it serves to distinguish between good and bad. What is left of someone without a conscience? Pizzagate and the players involved hiding in plain sight!
On February 15, 2017 at 10:43 am, Anne Marie Healy said:
How does one follow your blog?
On February 15, 2017 at 11:30 am, Herschel Smith said:
When we had registration for updates, it became an avenue for spam, hacks and fake email. We had (and I’m not kidding) tens of thousands of fake email addresses that had to be purged during one update and house cleaning.
I wish I could give you more. If you have a feedburner-type application I believe you can still do that. Or, just click on my web site every day. The benefit of that is that you can leave comments and observations. Everyone benefits from comments left by astute readers, and discussion threads can be enlightening.
On February 15, 2017 at 2:00 pm, Fred said:
I simply click my bookmark every day and see what’s here. Easy peasy.
On June 6, 2018 at 1:24 pm, BRVTVS said:
History repeats itself –