Pizzagate VI
BY Herschel Smith
That a boy. Go get ’em David. He said what I did here and here, except longer and better, and more directed to the sense of morality inside the souls of federal employees, if there’s any left.
Every man meets his end, and then the judgment and eternity. Think hard about this. There are sins omission just as there are sins of commission.
On November 29, 2016 at 11:59 am, Ned Weatherby said:
Seems that some of the evidence that previously existed is being systematically quashed. I went to revisit some of the info accessed prior to the election and got into a fight with a Trojan on a Chromebook. Couldn’t access the info. I’ve seen other references to some of the information disappearing. Just makes the allegations that much more sinister, IMO.
On November 29, 2016 at 12:45 pm, Herschel Smith said:
It’s scrubbed periodically, which is why the researchers have archived EVERYTHING. It’s also why (when Google scrubs videos from YouTube) a new one gets put up in its place. And it’s why (when reddit deleted the pizzagate page) was selected to house pizzagate, and why the researchers are already looking for a new home in case bans them.
This won’t go away, and it cannot be scrubbed. As soon as it’s scrubbed, it’ll be put right back up. For any missing info, go to
On November 29, 2016 at 4:12 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Thanks for link.
On November 29, 2016 at 1:13 pm, joefour said:
(Tin foil hat warning) — The CIA and NSA may be Satanic organizations protecting their own ….
On November 29, 2016 at 6:40 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Creepy 1st link. VT has,IMO, gone off the rails. I really can’t take them seriously anymore – hence your hat warning. Good for all the people making sure Pizzagate doesn’t die. Too bad a bunch of nutz will be posting stuff allegedly regarding the issue. I followed links from some of the videos supplied by Captain’s Journal, and they were clearly bullshit. That is likely the way that Google does preferences on UTube, and has nothing whatsoever to do with the relevant posts supplied by Herschel.
On November 29, 2016 at 6:53 pm, joefour said:
Know exactly what you mean about Veteran’s Today having gone off the rails and agree completely … article I linked was written when VT was still on one rail … maybe. :)
On November 29, 2016 at 6:59 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Yeah – they once were. BTW – since posting above, my Chromebook OS has been assaulted twice accessing Pizzagate links. So I appreciate valid links. Will check out the VT link – thx!