The Good Man Has Regard For The Life Of Beasts

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 11 months ago

Take a long look at this picture.


A group of Detroit police officers executing a narcotics search warrant knocked on Nikita Smith’s door on January 14, 2016. The only fact that both Smith and the officers agree on after that point is that, a short while later, Smith’s three dogs were all shot dead.

What really happened in the moments between could be a costly question for the city of Detroit. In a federal civil rights lawsuit filed in May, Smith says the Detroit police executed her three pit bulls, Debo, Mama, and Smoke, without provocation. Essentially, they acted as a “dog death squad.”

According the lawsuit, Smith tried to tell the officers she was putting her dogs away, and placed two in the basement and one in the bathroom. As the officers burst into the house, Debo slipped back upstairs. The officers shot it as it sat down by Smith. Next, they charged into the basement and shot Mama, who was pregnant and backed into a corner. Finally, they moved onto the bathroom, where Smoke was closed in.

One of the officers cracked the door open, peeked inside, and closed it again. “Should we do that one, too?” the officer asked, according to the lawsuit, before two of them fired through the closed door, killing Smoke.

In the police version of the story, told through reports filed after the raid, the officers received no response when they announced their presence and forced entry into the house. Inside, they encountered a “vicious grey pit bull” that charged at them. It was shot eight times. In the basement, they encountered another “vicious white pit bull” that charged toward them. It was shot five times. According to police reports, the third dog charged out of the bathroom toward the officers and was shot.

However, extremely graphic photos entered into evidence in the case show bullet holes riddling the outside of the door and the dog dead inside the bathroom.

In other news, a concealed handgun carrier recently assisted a cop in the process of being beaten.

ESTERO, Fla. — A passerby shot and killed a person who was fighting with a Lee County Sheriff’s Office deputy on Interstate 75 Monday morning.

Deputy First Class Dean Bardes, a 12-year-veteran, was working a crash at mile marker 126 when the suspect came upon him, causing Bardes to pursue him at high speeds, according to multiple sources.

Bardes and the suspect exited their vehicles at the Corkscrew Road exit and a fight started, sources said. The suspect was armed, Bardes told his supervisors, according to sources.

The passerby, who had a Concealed Weapons License, exited his vehicle and told the suspect he’d shoot him if he didn’t stop beating the deputy, sources said.

After noncompliance from the suspect, the passerby shot the suspect three times, sources said. The suspect later died.

First of all, to appeal to the sense of personal affection of CLEOs for their officers, one has to wonder how long the good people of America will continue this sort of assistance when LEOs are brutalizing citizens in the manner shown above.  This is something you really want to think about if you’re a CLEO.  At some point, the good people of America will begin to think of you as enemies, and if that happens you’re doomed.

But back to the issue of LEOs who have a predilection for the kind of brutality you saw above.  If a LEO joins the force wanting to participate on a SWAT team, that means he wants to perpetrate acts of violence against American citizens.  You may summarily conclude that he is pathological and you should refrain from hiring him.

As a CLEO, if you want to have such a force at hand in order to perpetrate acts of violence against American citizens, you are pathological and should resign your post immediately.  You and your officers are a danger and immediate threat to life and liberty.

Even a cursory reading of Exodus 23:5 and Deuteronomy 22:4-7 teaches us that the good man has regard for the life of his beast.  And not only that, he has regard for the life of other beasts.  That’s why hunters focus so much attention on taking ethical shots in order to prevent the needless infliction of pain.

If the good man has regard for the life of his beast, the wicked man does not.  A fortiori, if he must have regard for beasts in order to be good, he must have that much more regard for the life of humans.  Any man who doesn’t meet this requirement is unfit for constabulary work.


Buffalo Police Department, The Dog Butchers, Strike Again

$262K Settlement For Owner Of Dog Killed By Police

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Grieving Texas Dog Owners Want Cops Trained In How Not To Kill Animals

Buffalo Police Department: The Happy Dog Killers


  1. On November 16, 2016 at 7:40 am, Billy Mullins said:

    Possibly stupid question, Herschel. What is a “CLEO”? I know what a “LEO” is. I know what a “FLEA” (Federal Law Enforcement Agent) is. No idea what “LEO” with a “C” prepended means. Please help an ignorant old codger out.

  2. On November 16, 2016 at 7:58 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Chief LEO for a jurisdiction. CLEO is Fedgov terminology. Like if you want to get a permission slip for some NFA items, you have to contact your CLEO.

  3. On November 16, 2016 at 9:10 am, Billy Mullins said:

    Thanks for helping out a iggorant old geezer. Never heard o that’n. Fortunately Texas is a “shall issue” state so we don’t have to do that. Damned good thing, too. I don’t want to think about getting a CHL in Houston, Dallas, Austin or S A.

  4. On November 16, 2016 at 11:13 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    With this type of behavior and the typical coverup, the “C” in CLEO takes on a different meaning.

  5. On November 16, 2016 at 8:37 am, Coyote_Vs_ACME said:

    Something i read that went along the lines of “We can judge the morals of a man by the way he treats the animals”…

    THIS is the kind of cop thug that would gleefully be willing if ordered to kick in your door and (try) to take your firearms.

  6. On November 16, 2016 at 8:44 am, Herschel Smith said:

    Yes, and perhaps it’s training both LEOs and citizens to accept this kind of behavior. A sort of numbing, if you will.

  7. On November 16, 2016 at 9:45 am, Fred said:

    Yes. Preconditioning for acceptance of the Police State.

  8. On November 16, 2016 at 9:31 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:

    Well said. This is disgraceful.

  9. On November 16, 2016 at 11:15 am, Ned Weatherby said:

    And this:

  10. On November 16, 2016 at 2:14 pm, UNCLEELMO said:

    Four months ago, I posted the following comment to a similar article on this blog. Forgive me if I post it again.

    Several years ago, my neighbor dropped dead of a heart attack on the road to his property behind my home. It happened on a late Saturday evening. Early the next morning we found him after hearing his dog barking and called 911. The local fire department arrived in 25 minutes. Charlie’s dog was still barking when anyone would get too close to the body but never threatened either my wife, myself or any of the three firefighters. Twenty minutes later a Deputy Sheriff arrived. As he was looking at the body, my deceased neighbor’s dog, an Australian Sheppard, stood 10 feet away from him barking, distraught that his master was still lying motionless in the blackberry bushes.
    After a brief standoff, the deputy walked up the hill to me, obviously ticked off, and said under his breath “I should have shot that dog”. I never said a word. I just looked at him like he was the idiot that he was.
    In retrospect I should have called his boss, who I have voted for, but I was young and naïve and things were different then. Now, I wouldn’t hesitate. The man had no business being a cop.

  11. On November 16, 2016 at 2:18 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    And I would have been hugging the dog within five minutes, with the dog trusting me absolutely. Because I’m fit for such things, and this cop isn’t. Morally or intellectually.

  12. On November 16, 2016 at 5:36 pm, Ned Weatherby said:

    Well stated, Herschel. One wonders how the LEO train went so far off the rails. (actually, many of us have some inkling as to why…)

  13. On November 16, 2016 at 6:32 pm, Mack said:

    I sent you an email from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, a repeat from 2 years ago.

    However, I can now update you with this:


    This should be adopted nation-wide. I invite everyone here to read this.

  14. On November 16, 2016 at 5:43 pm, Ned Weatherby said:

    It’s clear many of us should have spoken up sooner on many details. The country is now paying the price for many Baby Boomer’s lack of diligence on a lot of desperate matters.

  15. On November 16, 2016 at 5:47 pm, Fred said:

    Linked at
    #PoliceState #2A

  16. On November 16, 2016 at 7:57 pm, Blake said:

    A dog is dead, against the back wall of the bathroom, blood everywhere along with what appears to be smearing as the dog thrashed around while it was dying and the cops claim the dog charged them?

    I didn’t look at the other photos because the one photo is enough to tell me the cops are lying.

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