Jim Sullivan Speaks On HBO About The AR-15
BY Herschel Smith
First of all, we all know that the major networks are all controlled by communists. HBO is no exception, and as best as I can tell, is nothing but trash. I would have never agreed to speak to them. Courtesy of The Firearm Blog, here is Jim Sullivan on the AR-15.
JIM SULLIVAN: “The hits on the enemy, were just fatal– almost anywhere. One guy had been hit in the ankle, and it killed him.”
JIM SULLIVAN: “They couldn’t stop the bleeding. I mean, there was just so much damage.”
DAVID SCOTT: “No matter where you hit the enemy, you’d take him off the battlefield.”JIM SULLIVAN: “That’s right. It was more lethal than any cartridge that was fired by any army in, in history.”
[ … ]
DAVID SCOTT: “Did you ever imagine—“
JIM SULLIVAN: “No. Never even considered that—it had any civilian application.”
DAVID SCOTT: “Concern you at all?”
JIM SULLIVAN: “Of course, everybody gets concerned when there’s one of these school issues where children are killed by an AR-15. I mean, that’s sickening. But that was never the intended purpose. Civilian sales was never the intended purpose.
He responded to HBO’s editing here. He claims himself (and is claimed by others) to be “designer” of the AR-15. He (and others) took a Eugene Stoner design and adapted it for the 0.223.
So as to his claim, whatever.
Again I say, whatever. Yawn. And as for whatever response he would make of the HBO show, I would never have even said that I was “concerned” about any particular gun or cartridge being used in some crime or other. It doesn’t matter, because another gun or cartridge could have been used, and another will be used somewhere, and that, very soon.
And I would have never said that I saw no “civilian” application to the 5.56 mm NATO cartridge, because hunting, and self defense, and the second amendment remedy for tyrants who would harm us and our families. That’s why. Because.
So you see, I would never have been so gullible and stupid to say such things. They’re wrong. And I would never have been so gullible and stupid to speak to HBO without total control over the editing, by contract witnessed and drawn up by the best legal minds money could buy.
And I would always do my utmost to speak of Eugene Stoner with hushed reverence. And John Moses Browning. And Eugene Stoner. But I said Eugene’s name already.
So there. I’m not impressed with Jim’s qualifications about the HBO editing process. And you know Jim, you just may have contributed to more gun control in the future, and you may have given the lawyers for the Sandy Hook parents more to work with in their lawsuit against Remington. How sad.
As for The Firearm Blog, they make hay out of the fact that it’s about firearms only. No politics, nothing to muddle the beauty of the gun. And then this. Where Jim Sullivan craps on the AR-15 and TFB talks about the HBO show. And thus the beauty of the gun is broken by politics, and so TFB broke down and did something other than what they claim.
I’ve seen other instances as well. And it’s okay with me, since I always thought that the claim NOT to dabble in politics was mistaken and theatrical anyway. Good grief. Politics is another name for ethics in the categories of philosophy (if you’ve ever read any legitimate texts in philosophy like Frederick Copleston). Let’s just not pretend that TFB is better than everyone else or “above the fray” for not addressing the pressing issues of our time.
On May 31, 2016 at 9:20 am, Fred said:
I am your grassroots political activist arm because this is something I know. I am believer on the LORD and know enough history to know what happens when they get the guns. Because these people claim America by citizenship is IRRELEVANT to the facts of what they actually are. Pretend that your government no longer has your best interest at heart. Pretend that your government, at every level, has been taken over by statist control freaks including commies, fascists, national socialists, and imperialists. Pretend that the media is complicit and has been made their propaganda arm under threat of livelihood even to feed their families and destruction of reputation (and probably their very life in some cases).
Here is where TFB made their mistake. They waltzed into Soviet Pravda and guess what, they took fire, got wounded and now have to play defense. At least require of them, to allow you your own recording device or better yet person with a device and best yet don’t engage them at all.
Know it all gun guy is not meant to be disrespectful. I have an embarrassingly low level weapons knowledge and need the professional know it all gun guys to educate me. But please let the professional political activists to do their job. They will ask for help if needed. And the grassroots (that’s me) must to do our job, of getting one person at a time, interested in self defense and getting in the politicians faces. NEVER engage the enemy directly! They are illegitimate! Stay on offense, always! This is not a game. If they get the guns they will kill you and your children as they plunge the rest into a dystopian nightmare.
On May 31, 2016 at 12:58 pm, Blake said:
JIM SULLIVAN: “The hits on the enemy, were just fatal– almost anywhere. One guy had been hit in the ankle, and it killed him.”
That quote is right up there with the “Hit them below the waist, they go down face first, hit them above the waist, they land on their back” 45 acp myth.
Any bullet wound can be fatal if the bleeding isn’t stopped.
Gun grabbers truly believe any and all myths about guns.
My favorite myth? The one that implies owning a gun magically gives one the ability to hit and kill whatever one aims at.
On May 31, 2016 at 5:21 pm, Josh said:
bulletwound can be fatal if the bleeding isn’t stopped.FTFY
On May 31, 2016 at 6:09 pm, Blake said:
Very true.
On June 1, 2016 at 8:09 pm, Toastrider said:
Actually, it’s the gun that magically mind controls you into shooting people for no reason. It emits sanity-destroying radiation, like you inscribed verses from the Necronomicon onto the slide.