Man Killed While Playing With Handgun
BY Herschel Smith
CHEROKEE COUNTY, S.C. — A Gaffney man was killed while playing with a gun at his house New Year’s Eve.
Witnesses say Tezlar Wayne Ross, 20, and three other people were in his bedroom looking at a .380 handgun when he reportedly took the clip out of the gun and placed it to his head joking with the others when it discharged.
Ross was pronounced dead at the scene.
“This is certainly a tragic way to end the year. Guns are not toys and this is an example of what happens when they are treated as such and not respected. My heart breaks for this family,” Cherokee County Coroner Dennis Fowler said.
Please don’t ever do anything like that. Please. Always observe the rules of gun safety. Just like car, or the presence of prescription drugs in the home, bad things can happen when the rules aren’t followed.
On January 4, 2016 at 2:25 am, Daniel Barger said:
Darwin wins again. Stupid can hurt…in this case it was fatal. No sympathy for stupid….just glad the defective genes have been removed from the gene pool.
On January 4, 2016 at 12:44 pm, Johnny said:
He was 20. Odds are he found someone even dumber than he was to procreate with by now. Probably has 3 or 4 chilluns.
On January 4, 2016 at 2:02 pm, milesfortis said:
Beat me to it.
On January 9, 2016 at 12:13 am, will_ford said:
me 2
On January 4, 2016 at 1:46 pm, Mitch Rapp said:
Yeh. I agree. This was a cleansing the family gene pool. Stupid is as stupid does. Dumb-ass never bothered to check the chamber.
On January 4, 2016 at 2:20 pm, Billy Mullins said:
+1000 on Darwin. Incidents such as this are not tragic. They’re merely evolution in action. I’ve observed through the years that the universe is not forgiving of fools.
On January 4, 2016 at 2:33 pm, UNCLEELMO said:
I’ll bet his friends were impressed.
On January 4, 2016 at 3:29 pm, TauntYou ASecondTime said:
This now becomes another “gun death statistic” for the antis. Stupid compounds stupid…
On January 4, 2016 at 4:01 pm, Archer said:
Always observe the rules of gun safety.
Indeed. You have to break at least two of them at the same time for something like this to happen.
In this case, if you follow Cooper’s Four Rules, he broke #1, #2, and #3 (and possibly #4; I’m giving him the benefit of doubt, which is being pretty damn generous if you ask me).
As for sympathy for the deceased, I’ll just put this out there: You can’t fix stupid, but sometimes it fixes itself.
On January 4, 2016 at 5:40 pm, Sandydog said:
Why do they always point the gun at their heads?
It is precisely incidents such as this that moved the Disarmists to legislate loaded-chamber indicators on modern firearms–those nifty little pins or bumps that protrude when there’s a round in the chamber. This sort of thing also raises the hue and cry for magazine-disconnect ‘safeties,’ interlocks that preclude firing a chambered round when the magazine is taken out. They actually believe that such things will preclude the willfully stupid from shooting themselves or others with ‘unloaded’ guns, not understanding that stupid will always find a way, especially while drunk or stoned.
God forbid that the stupid should be taught that all guns should be considered to be loaded, to not point guns at things they do not wish to destroy, and to not pull the trigger unless instant homicide or suicide is desired.
Rest assured that this fool’s family will sue the manufacturer of the gun if it didn’t have a loaded-chamber indicator, and will probably win; It obviously didn’t have a magazine-disconnect ‘safety,’ another point of ‘negligent design.’ Never mind that the owner’s handbook mentioned somewhere about not pointing the muzzle at your head and pulling the trigger; all of that, including personal responsibility, goes out the window in a tort suit.
I wonder if he said, “Watch this. Hold my beer!”