Criminals Perpetrate A No-Knock Raid Claiming To Be Police

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 2 months ago

Salt Lake City:

HOLLADAY, Utah – Unified Police are looking for four suspects in a home invasion robbery overnight.

Police said four Polynesian men dressed in all black kicked the door in at a basement apartment in Holladay.

According to the two victims who were home at the time, the men said they were police officers and began searching the home and taking electronics.

One of the victims was able to run down the street and call 911.

The suspects chased him a few blocks and then ran before police arrived.

Police set up roadblocks and began searching for the men but didn’t find them.

“It’s very disturbing that someone would go out there and announce themselves as police and commit a crime like this,” Unified Police Lt. Justin Hoyal said.

“Very disturbing,” huh?  This certainly isn’t the first time this type of thing has occurred.  So just how disturbed are you?  Enough to stop all no-knock raids by your department because you and the criminals are using the same tactics against powerless home-owners?

In another part of the country the police are worried about SWAT raids too.

Online video game players may be strangers who live across the country or around the world, but the Internet offers them a window into each other’s homes. Some have taken advantage of that window, calling police to report fake crimes for the amusement of seeing a video game foe faced with real law enforcement.

Triangle law enforcement officers say the prank called “swatting” – prompting a SWAT raid of the home of another gamer, either as revenge or for amusement – is dangerous and potentially deadly.

When Woody Woodworth’s wife told him someone was lurking in the dark outside their Apex home, he armed himself in self-defense.

“She’s like, ‘There’s people in the yard dressed in black, scurrying around,'” Woodworth said.

After spotting two men behind a tree, Woodworth grabbed his gun.

“I grab my shotgun and I head down the stairs,” he said. “I headed down the front stairs and they’re like, ‘Put the gun down. It’s the SWAT team.'”

So how was he supposed to know this was a police SWAT raid instead of a criminal home invasion (I know, that’s redundant, but bear with me for a moment)?  How was he supposed to know even after the police announced themselves?  The hoodlums do that too.

If you are a LEO and you’re reading this, do you see why we cannot allow home invasions of any kind, LEOs or not?  Do you see why home owners cannot trust announcements, orders or ultimatums to lay down our means of self defense?  Do you see how immoral that would be of us, to abdicate all means of protection of our families because we hear someone barking out orders?

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  1. On May 12, 2015 at 10:20 pm, Haywood Jablome said:

    “So how was he supposed to know this was a police SWAT raid instead of a criminal home invasion (I know, that’s redundant, but bear with me for a moment)?”

    Best line of the day!!

  2. On May 13, 2015 at 7:25 am, Billy Mullins said:

    “So just how disturbed are you? Enough to stop all no-knock raids by your department because you and the criminals are using the same tactics against powerless home-owners?”


  3. On May 13, 2015 at 10:02 am, McThag said:

    The people who need to absorb this lesson the most don’t see anything immoral about barking orders and demanding instantaneous obedience to those orders.

  4. On May 13, 2015 at 10:55 am, English kanigit said:

    No, the people who need to absorb this lesson the most would accuse someone who thinks like this to be some sort of sovereign citizen domestic terrorist. After all, according to them only the dirtbags don’t like law-enforcement.

  5. On May 14, 2015 at 9:10 pm, shooter said:

    I double dog dare ya to post this on Lightfighter. :-)

  6. On May 13, 2015 at 5:49 pm, Bill Daigle said:

    ongoing and growing divide between black / white and general public/ LE…by higher design. I am happy that people like HS recognize and advise, as do I and many others, however I think we area ll gonna show up a day late – dollar short one day. IDK how long…

  7. On May 13, 2015 at 8:44 pm, Paul said:

    We kicked the kings men out of this country once. I guess we will need to do it again soon.

  8. On May 14, 2015 at 6:48 pm, Billy Mullins said:

    I ran into the Constable for my precinct (don’t ask. lotta different LEO type agencies in Texas) at breakfast this morning and asked him about the implications of this story. While he didn’t want to seem to be endorsing shooting law enforcement officers, he privately admitted to me that if, in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning, someone hollared “Police! Search Warrant!” and burst through his front door he’d probably have opened fire, too.

    Bad guys don’t have any rules. Sure as frack don’t play by any. Here in Texas, somebody comes to my door I have a right to see their credentials. That includes their agency ID and license from TCLEOSE (the state LEO licensing agency). If they refuse and burst in I have a right to use deadly force to defend hearth and home – ESPECIALLY between sundown and sunup. Heck! I am justified in using deadly force for criminal mischief (which includes “tagging”) after sundown.

  9. On May 15, 2015 at 10:46 pm, will_ford said:

    next time a no knock happens WHO’S FAULT????

  10. On May 17, 2015 at 2:16 am, Daniel Barger said:

    Do you really not ‘get it’ or are you being rhetorical. LEO/SWAT teams REALLY DON’T CARE
    how many innocent civilians are beaten, raped or killed by faux LEO committing home invasions.
    ALL they care about is that when it is THEM violating the sanctity of the home nobody resists.
    ALL they care about is ‘make sure you go home at the end of your shift NO MATTER WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO to insure that’. The thought of ending no knock home invasions by SWAT has NEVER entered their minds and will NEVER be considered an option. SUBMISSION….that is the ONLY thing they care about. So armor your home, make it extremely difficult for someone to break in….so that when they try you have plenty of time to arm yourself and send the intruders to hell.

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