Mick’s Law: Hypocritical Oregon Police And Their Dogs
BY Herschel Smith
Offenders who kill an on-duty law enforcement dog would face stiffer penalties under a proposed law that has been drafted for Oregon’s next legislative session.
The proposal is dubbed “Mick’s Law,” in memory of Portland police dog Mick, who died in April from fatal gunshot wounds sustained while trying to stop a suspect wanted in connection with a Southwest Portland burglary.
“Mick has not been forgotten,” said Marsha Hettman, who has pushed for the change in law since Mick’s killing.
The proposal would make killing an animal who is working in an official law enforcement capacity at the time of the animal’s death a Class B felony, punishable by a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and/or a $250,000 fine. It would also prohibit someone convicted of the offense from receiving probation or a reduction in sentence.
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Portland police canine Officer Jeffrey Dorn, wounded in both legs during a shootout with a burglary suspect in Southwest Portland on April 16, credited his slain police dog partner, Mick, for saving his life that day.
The 17-month-old German Shepherd was shot trying to stop the burglary suspect, who was armed with an AR-15 rifle. Mick died of a single gunshot wound after Dorn unleashed him to chase the suspect on Southwest Lobelia Street. Mick was found dead under a hedge hours later in the front yard of a Lobelia Street home.
The dog was heroic, there is no doubt about it. But what about when police shoot dogs in Springfield, Oregon, or when police do the same thing in Scappoose, Oregon? How about when those quarter of a million dogs are killed by cops each year, most often needlessly?
In fact, there has never been a documented case of a dog killing a cop, and yet an officer offers no reason whatsoever for his recent deed in Woodville, Ohio:
WOODVILLE, OH (Toledo News Now) – Woodville police officer is under investigation after shooting a dog at a traffic stop Monday.
According to the mayor, the officer pulled a vehicle over for a traffic stop on US 20, just outside the village. During the stop, a black lab approached the officer and the officer shot it in the leg.
The dog is a five year old lab named Moses. He is expected to survive but is currently at an animal hospital in Sylvania, where a vet is working to save his leg.Moses owner Lauren Meyer says he did not deserve to be shot.
“I said ‘so why did you do it? was he barking or growling at you’ and he said ‘no.’ So I said ‘why did you shoot it?’ he said ‘that’s not enough to tell me that he wasn’t going to bite,'” said Lauren.
He shot the dog because it did nothing, and he said so. Yea, I’ll support protection of police dogs when someone puts in place protections of my dogs.
On December 15, 2014 at 1:09 am, William Baker said:
Agreed, Ive had neighbor problems and the police sent to my door many times in the last year, and one of the cops shooting my dogs is a huge fear of mine.
On December 15, 2014 at 10:46 am, kurthofmannstlgunrightexaminer said:
Well, we’re to believe that police officers’ lives are worth more than the lives of us mundanes–I suppose they’re at least being consistent when they argue that police dogs’ lives are worth more than those of other dogs.
On December 15, 2014 at 5:14 pm, Haywood Jablome said:
If this crap doesn’t get under control, it is going to turn very bad really fast. People have had enough!
On December 15, 2014 at 9:23 pm, Josh said:
I don’t think a police animal deserves one iota of protection or honor. They’re animals put in to service by thugs. Just as I beleive that escaping prison shouldn’t – in and of itself – be treated as a crime, as freedom from being caged is in our nature, I don’t think killing ANY animal that intends to harm a human should be illegal or is even immoral, regardless of it’s placement in service of the blue wall.
And now it’s a FELONY? TEN YEARS, without probation?! Are you kidding me? So a police dog’s life is worth ten years of a human’s freedom? The dog is property. Is destroying an officer’s gun, badge or car met with same punishment?
My God.
On December 19, 2014 at 12:06 pm, Ned Weatherby said:
Seems that police kill police dogs – “I forgot. Left him in the car for 8 hours” at a higher rate then do “bad guys.” And of course, all our dogs are fair game. Boolsheet.