Don’t Shoot Crappy Guns Or Ammunition
BY Herschel Smith
An unidentified woman pulled the trigger on her rifle and witnessed the gun explode in her hands in video footage uploaded to LiveLeak over the weekend.
Although the woman appeared to be unharmed, her exact condition is not known. The location of the incident is also unknown., a website focused on firearms, suggested a reason for the explosion, since the woman in the video seemed entirely surprised by the accident.
“It seems that she experienced a squib load on the 2nd to last shot. While she cleared the casing from the rifle, she did not check for barrel obstruction,” the website explained. “Once she pulled the trigger again, the newly-fired round ran right into the back of the previous round that didn’t have enough energy to make it out of the barrel.”
The website added that squib is usually attributed to an underpowered cartridge, a missing powder charge or a light powder charge. If an obstruction is created, then a fired round comes into contact with it and causes “dangerous situations”.
As if you needed any more reasons not to shoot crappy guns or ammunition, this should be enough.
On November 26, 2014 at 12:21 am, Hognose from WeaponsMan said:
This video is at least three years old, it was on WeaponsMan in 2012 but it was already old when we put it up then. This YouTube link is from December, 2011.
The Live Leak video is degraded enough it’s hard to see it’s an M1 Garand.
Your point stands. I never understood why people shoot 5¢ ammo in a $1000 gun.
On November 26, 2014 at 1:12 pm, Western Gunowner said:
That’s an M1, at least it was.
On December 1, 2014 at 10:26 am, Ned Weatherby said:
I’ve had bad Remington 7mmUM ammo. Also, even good guns deconstruct from too much pressure or barrel obstructions. If there’s a problem, one must check everything – including the bore – before shooting another round.