Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith10 years, 1 month ago
The use of “professional” opinions in this piece amounts to journalistic bait and switch when they are presented as subject matter experts on topics outside their accredited fields. They’ve never heard, they guess and, they have no opinion. Holy cow!
Said by one commenter, menckenlite, “Control freaks love psychiatry, a means of social control with no Due Process protections. It is a system of personal opinion masquerading as science.” Psychiatry is pseudoscience, and in this case a bunch of pseudoscientists are addressing a policy issue for which they have no training and no anecdotal bank of guesses and probable outcomes. Why would anyone expect anything else?
“Effective immediately, pursuant to the decision in Palmer … and the directive of the Attorney General of the District of Columbia, members of the Metropolitan Police Department shall not enforce D.C. Official Code … until further notice,” that directive instructed.
It also provided three sample scenarios, the first noting a D.C. resident carrying an unregistered firearm should be so charged, the second noting a Vermont resident with no criminal record would be free to leave (with the potential for further investigation) …
Hey, investigate this, bitch. God gives people the right and duty of self defense. You will answer one day to God for your advocacy. In the mean time, may every assaulted man or woman in your jurisdiction shoot back without your help or presence so that you can see what an impediment you are to peace and stability.
S&W settles with the SEC. This sounds to me like a few people within the organization went a little rogue and did some untoward things. I’m glad for S&W that this is settled, and it doesn’t reflect on a good group of people. Now, if we can just get them to stop selling firearms to LEOs that civilians can’t have.
Gun violence is not a public health issue. No, and doctors have enough to worry about to spend time on policy issues as a profession.
Standing up to the people of the gun. “Assault weapons are not home entertainment. They are engineered to kill people. If our society can’t eschew this menace, then we may as well surrender to the People of the Gun.” Yea, well you may as well go ahead and surrender now, to use your phrase, since you will never get our guns.
Via Uncle, New York DHS will pay you $500 to rat out prepper neighbors buying legal goods.
New York’s Division of Homeland Security is posting signs on businesses to encourage people to snitch on fellow citizens who buy such things as MRE’s (Meals Ready to Eat), ammunition, flash lights, match containers, gas masks and other items deemed to be ‘prepper’ in nature.
In this video a girl working at LZ Army Navy Surplus store in Auburn, NY tell us how a state trooper put up a flyer in their window which encourages customers to call the New York State Terrorism Tips Line to report this ‘suspicious activity’ under the as part of the “See Something, Say Something” campaign.
This is obviously nothing more than the beginning of the cultivation of ‘average citizen snitches’ who will rat out on their fellow citizens…
Hey, it is, after all, Amerika.
Finally, Mike Vanderboegh recommends equipment for obtaining water that, frankly, I hadn’t considered. I think I will have to order one.
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