Mental Health And Guns: Mentally Defective Because You Believe In The Second Amendment
BY Herschel Smith
Remember when I asked this question?
When will you be adjudicated mentally defective because you believe that being armed is the surest way to ameliorate tyranny in America?
Now we know the answer. Via Uncle, The Washington Post:
[Plaintiffs allege that, as] of February 3, 2011, Plaintiffs possessed FOID cards, owned firearms, and kept their firearms in their home. At some point before February 3, 2011, David expressed “unpopular political views … about his support of Second Amendment rights” to “a locally elected official.” That official, somebody in that official’s office, or one of the individual defendants falsely construed David’s comments “as evidence that [he] had a mental condition that made him dangerous.” On February 3, 2011, [Illinois State Police] Lieutenant [John] Coffman wrote a letter to David revoking his FOID card under § 8(f) of the Act based on the false and unreasonable assertion that David had a “mental condition” within the meaning of that provision.
On February 5, 2011, with Lieutenant Coffman’s approval, Agents Pryor and Summers entered Plaintiffs’ home without a warrant or consent, conducted a search, and seized Plaintiffs’ firearms, which Plaintiffs used for personal protection, hunting, investment, and enjoyment …
Simply because local LEOs wanted to, the Plaintiffs had their weapons confiscated, and the LEOs ignored constitutional protections regarding illegal search and seizure. The case has to do with residents of Illinois, but it could be anywhere.
Now someone spend the time and expend the effort to explain to me how mental health checks are going to keep guns out of the hands of “dangerous criminals.” Go ahead. I’m listening.
On March 26, 2014 at 8:13 am, Whyawannaknow1 said:
The USA and a certain large Asian country have now gone to bizzaro world.
The country formerly known for assuming the only reason for political disagreement was a mental health issue and institutionalizing folks who dared to disagree now has closed the “mental hospitals” and allows some semblance of dissent.
The country which enshrines the right to dissent in founding documents, not so much! Free speech, followed by a non physician’s off the cuff diagnosis leads to harassment and confiscation of property?
On March 26, 2014 at 9:10 am, Paul B said:
The criminals are wearing badges now.
It started with asset forfeiture. I talked with one Highway Patrolman who was nearing the end of his career and he said they never seized anything that had a lien on it.
Too bad we can’t put liens on guns.
Oh, and we are loosing freedoms everything they mint a new G-Man.
On March 26, 2014 at 11:01 am, Native Born American said:
“… Agents Pryor and Summers entered Plaintiffs’ home without a warrant or consent, conducted a search, and seized Plaintiffs’ firearms, …”
So, since Pryor and Summers entered without a warrant, or consent, they broke the law and posed a “clear and present danger” to the legal occupants of the home. It would have been the home owners right to shoot them on sight in self defense.
On March 26, 2014 at 12:42 pm, Melissa Kellison said:
Sounds like no one was home at the time.
On March 27, 2014 at 8:28 am, Native Born American said:
That may be. And if that is indeed the case, the “agents” should be charged with felony B&E in addition to theft. And if they were in possession of firearms during said felony, that’s mandatory jail time. Period. ZERO tolerance for LEOs just like anyone else, especially since they are held to a higher standard considering their position of supposed authority.
On March 26, 2014 at 4:18 pm, Sifaka said:
“The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws.”
-Ayn Rand
On March 26, 2014 at 5:05 pm, ramrodd said:
Mental health is the avenue to gun confiscation..
Politicians and Media push gun control in a dishonest manner..
American Psychiatric Assoc – Half of Americans are mentally ill..
On March 26, 2014 at 5:49 pm, TexTopCat said:
This is a perfect example of why the NRA should be involved in federal appointments for positions like surgeon general.
On March 27, 2014 at 8:57 am, Allan Kim Harrison said:
I hope “plaintiff” owns the asses of everybody involved.
On April 2, 2014 at 9:08 am, pjb1 said:
The problem is with us. So many gun owners have accepted the premise that the government should have the power to deny arms to the “wrong” individuals. Now, why would that power not be abused, when EVERY OTHER POWER in government is abused routinely? The premise is wrong. Anyone who wants a gun should be armed. If a particular person does something wrong, then prosecute him for that crime. There should be no crimes for merely owning a thing. That goes for drugs as well.