Notes From HPS
BY Herschel Smith
Voters chose to allow authorities to seize firearms at domestic investigations (Yes: 5,579 / No: 2,066), ban firearms from establishments that serve liquor (Yes: 5,194 / No: 2,517), and require firearms in the home to be locked up (Yes: 4,351 / No: 2,971) …
Remember when I said this? “In order to prevent local hicks, ne’er-do-wells and criminals from acting out their Napoleon fantasies upon other men, association with the state means that – assuming robust gun rights laws already exist – local municipalities and townships shouldn’t be able to preempt state laws.”
David’s article is first of all about preemption. It’s an odious thing when local yokels (who are usually elected in elections that aren’t well attended and who are usually unknown until they act out their Napoleon fantasies upon others) presume to tell their townships what to do about everything under the sun. Totalitarianism doesn’t just happen inside the beltway. The second thing I’ll observe is that if you have a gun and keep it locked up, it is nothing more than a locked up paperweight. You certainly don’t have it for protection.
“I’m not sure why people need body armor unless they are planning something untoward,” Anderson said. “And I’m not sure why an individual citizen would require a .50-caliber rifle.
And I’m not sure why someone would presume to legislate anything at all about body armor unless they were planning something untoward. What do you have in mind, buddy? Making sure we are defenseless against SWAT raids?
So someone is calling Mike Vanderboegh an insurrectionist. I’ve been called far worse than that, but the really bad thing is that he didn’t link Mike and send traffic his direction. Bad, bad form. Sebastian has panned my stuff without linking me before. Again, bad form.
See Mike on S&W. It’s also because they make great stuff. I mean really, really great stuff. I just wished they lived down South. Because, you know, of the North and everything. And what they believe up there in those parts.
Pray for Mike and his health. I have. Mike’s got to stay healthy. God has too much work for him to do.
Finally, Uncle links someone who is unimpressed with 1911s. Meh. I’m unimpressed and I would indeed choose to carry a 1911 for self defense. I just put 150 rounds through my new S&W 1911 with no failures at all. And Uncle is right. I can shoot this one better than my polymer frame pistols because of its slim profile.
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