Guns And Obamacare
BY Herschel Smith
Rachel Alexander writing for Townhall issues a warning.
… the NRA stepped in and got some of the worst language revised last December. Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c. prohibits the creation of a firearms database and stops doctors from disclosing or collecting information relating to a patient’s firearms. Ironically, this provision was probably the only positive result of most members of Congress not bothering to read the bill before voting on it.
However, the provision does not go as far as prohibiting doctors from asking their patients if there are any firearms in their home. In January, Obama issued 23 executive actions and orders regarding firearms. Order 16 stressed that Obamacare does not prohibit doctors from asking patients about their firearms, and the fact sheet includes, “Clarify that no federal law prevents health care providers from warning law enforcement authorities about threats of violence.” What constitutes a “threat of violence” could be very arbitrary. This puts doctors in a difficult position by suggesting they act as pseudo-law enforcement agents. It is damaging to doctor-patient privilege. If doctors have a patient with PTSD or mental illness, and they fail to ask the patient about their firearms, or report them to law enforcement, they could be on the hook later. It encourages them to err on the side of snooping into their patients’ guns. This is especially troubling considered the definition of mental illness keeps expanding.
In Guns And The Mentally Ill: A Professional Assessment, I noted yet again that the mental health profession couldn’t possibly sustain the load of predicting violent behavior and that mental health maladies have no particular association with propensity to violence.
Yet mental health continues to be the whipping boy du jour of the gun control fanatics, which led my commenter and former member of the military Will to comment:
I absolutely regret seeking care from the VA for PTSD for just this reason.
I’m so sorry. I am so very sorry to the members of the military who have seen combat, earned the combat action ribbon (or Army equivalent), or who have sought care for PTSD.
For those who thought we had their backs, I’m so sorry that the country let you down by sending you to fight in a war with obscene rules of engagement that caused you danger, sent you to fight without enough troops, and now places you at risk upon return to lose your right to own weapons.
America will answer for its sins one day in time, and then in eternity.
On October 28, 2013 at 6:24 am, Roger J said:
My recent first appointment with a new physician in a large family medicine practice came with a questionnaire, one question of which was: ‘Are there any guns in your home?’ As they have no right to ask the question, and further do not indicate their intent in asking, I am under no obligation to give a truthful response so I answered ‘no.’ It is interesting that the Spanish version asked about ‘las pistolas’ which technically excludes long guns. The preparer did not command Spanish well enough to ask about ‘las armas del fuego’ which would include all firearms. There is no doubt that, whatever one’s response, the data goes into an Obamacare-retrievable database.
On October 28, 2013 at 9:46 am, Ken said:
My doc simply asks if I feel safe at home. I answer with, “You bet I do!”
On October 28, 2013 at 10:01 am, Heyoka said:
So when the doctor signs onto Obamacare to accept money from them and starts down this traitorous road he becomes an agent of the principle. This is fundamental contract law. He is now a paid federal agent and all your Constitutional Rights and the fundamental Liberties covered by the 9th and 10th Amendments are wholly active.
So this becomes your responsibility, the individual to know what are his rights. Well if nothing else Obama has become the Constitutional Professor he claimed and the homework he has assigned is keeping all the little backsliders up at night…. How dare this monster make us study the very documents we should know in order to be a fee people. Doesen’t he know we are not supposed to have to tell our servants how to behave they are supposed to do that on their own,,,, wa, wa, wa I am a victim of my own ignorance and now they make us work for our birthright.
Dumb ass cattle
Present company excepted of course….. :)
On October 28, 2013 at 6:01 pm, DAN III said:
In the last six months the Veteran’s Administration has been sending veterans letters “offering” to provide us with “up to four gun locks” to keep us “safe”. Well, at no time have I told any VA health practitioner(s) or employees that I own firearms. So why the two letters I’ve received in the last 90 days offering me “free” gun locks (made in Red China BTW) ?
Me thinks it’s an end around by the illegal Indonesian’s criminal administration to go fishing for and verifying that veteran’s are gun owners. It’s an alternate way to create a firearms database of veteran owners. That’s my theory.
Anyhow….medical personnel can ask me about firearms all they want. I’m just going to tell them NOTHING. It’s that simple. When asked a question one doesn’t like either say nothing or simply lie. It’s not that difficult.
On October 28, 2013 at 6:47 pm, William Goetcher said:
The first time any MD asks me if there are any guns in my home, I’ll calmly ask him “Does your wife like anal sex?”
On October 28, 2013 at 9:15 pm, Bill said:
I usually carry a concealed firearm when visiting my doctor, so he knows I have firearms. He asked once why I had it with me in the exam room. I replied: “In case you start reaching for those gloves over there.”
On October 29, 2013 at 6:20 am, Maxwell Jump said:
Trouble is if you don’t answer the question about guns in the home, they will infer you’re one of the bitter clingers. Just like when asked about race on forms or applications, if you answer “refuse to answer” or some such, they know exactly what the answer truly is.
On October 29, 2013 at 6:28 am, Mark Matis said:
Is Chris Muir correct about this:
or is he merely using a literary device to help his story line?
If that’s real, then the credible time available for Mere Citizens to stand against tyranny just got significantly shorter. And that also would explain the ammo buys by the FedPigs.
By the way, one should not expect Congress to reverse such a decision. First of all, they clearly have no balls. And secondly, The Won would just ignore any such law they might pass.
On October 29, 2013 at 6:30 am, Mark Matis said:
I see it is indeed true:
On October 29, 2013 at 9:08 am, MamaLiberty said:
In the first place, if you don’t answer they can fill in that slot with anything they want. And some WILL. As an RN for 30 years, I saw plenty of this, long before Obummercare.
Don’t just lie about it. Be polite, but tell them it’s none of their business, in no uncertain terms. If they persist, find another doctor. Or, even better, learn how to be healthy without medicine or doctors. Most Americans don’t take good care of themselves, and take far too much medicine of all kinds.
On October 29, 2013 at 3:07 pm, unknown suspect said:
My doctor has not asked me those questions yet. But I am prepared for the time when he/she does.
Doctor: do you have any guns in the house?
Me: does your wife swallow?
Doctor: what type of reply is that?? I asked a question and you answered with a very insulting and personal question!!
Me: I find the question you asked just as insulting and personal and decided to ask one back of equal color and flavor. Because this is no longer a personal and private doctor/patient relationship, I’ll have to take the 5th on all questions that you may ask. I also may request the presence of my lawyer to legally guide me through your government sponsored questioning because how I answer may be used against me in a court of law.