Links And Recommended Reading
BY Herschel Smith
So I’m in charge of taking care of the menagerie tonight and the television is on to keep me company. I’m listening to a Republican — let me restate that…Republican — analyst state how excited he is about a 2016 Presidential match-up between Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie. Because, see, Chris Christie is the bestest conservative Republican candidate in the whole wide world!
I have to say that Chris Christie would be the final straw…I have been as pragmatic as anyone on wading through this political cesspool…sucked it up for McCain…sucked it up for Romney…but I will be damned if I’ll cast a vote for an antigun floating…well, whatever it is that floats in cesspools…like Chris Christie.
Right. Chris Christie is a gun-grabber, and take careful note that he appointed a Senator who is the same thing. His record speaks volumes.
David Codrea notes that the NYPD was rebuffed concerning purchase of a sniper rifle (see WRSA too).
The Survivalist Blog publishes a piece on why one writer got his concealed carry permit. David Codrea notes why he didn’t.
The Yankee Gunner has a nice piece on open carrying in Connecticut at Newtown. Yes, Newtown. You heard that right.
Finally, The Charlotte Observer has a piece on Police Chief Rodney Monroe on his support for gun controls.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe called for a national assault weapons ban on Tuesday, joining a growing number of police chiefs across the country who have said the assault-style weapons should be outlawed.
Monroe said he feels strongest about restrictions on guns with high-capacity magazines, like the one used in the Newtown, Conn., shootings that left 20 children dead.
“We should not be seeing those kinds of weapons on our city streets,” Monroe said. “Back in the early ’90s, when we had the assault weapons ban, we saw a significant decrease in multiple shootings, multiple gun violence, so it only makes sense that we consider that again.”
Monroe called for the assault weapons ban during a meeting of the Business Leaders of Charlotte, a group that brings high-profile Charlotteans in as speakers every month to discuss issues of the day.
“I hope today that we can take away an honest understanding of the gun-control debate in the country,” said Michael Barney, the group’s president.
Monroe also told the group he thinks everyone who buys a gun should be subjected to a background checks.
You know, it’s really a shame. Years ago the functions of Sheriff and Police were separated in order to stop politics within the functions of police – because the police ought to be policing, not politicking. Guess it didn’t work out so well.
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