Hunting Hogs With An AR-15
BY Herschel Smith
Someone has been reading my Save The Planet – Buy An AR concerning the blight of feral hogs on the landscape, American ecology and farming industry.
Someone has been reading my Save The Planet – Buy An AR concerning the blight of feral hogs on the landscape, American ecology and farming industry.
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On March 27, 2013 at 9:39 am, Sasha Spector said:
As a liberal I have a better solution.
Place large signs around the farms declaring them HOG-FREE ZONES and hogs will surely not enter these areas and decimate the crops.
Liberalism = Simple, easy, effective solutions.
On March 27, 2013 at 10:07 am, Marlin said:
Obviously, the hogs need to be unionized. Someone needs to represent these poor creatures who are having the food taken out of their mouths…
Or even more likely, are they legally here? Can you imagine how much noise there would be if some news organization found out that illegals were being gunned down?
Oh the horror! Oh the bacon!
On March 27, 2013 at 10:34 am, Duke Morrison said:
I am sure DiFi and Nanny B totally relate to this. I am sure they will grant exceptions to everyone living outside SF and the Upper East Side.
On March 27, 2013 at 10:59 am, theBuckWheat said:
Need is indeed a big word. I don’t need to watch CNN, and I don’t think we need high-capacity liberal media either, but I am not going to stop others from enjoying their right to watch dangerous propaganda. But if we can limit magazines, we can limit media too.
On March 27, 2013 at 11:17 am, dwdude said:
yes, the ignorance of the leftists i astounding…are they really just finding out we have a feral hog problem? when will they figure out we have an urban coyote problem, when their baby is stolen at the weekend organic market while their ignorantly blabbing away, sipping on their free trade coffee lattes?
On March 27, 2013 at 11:48 am, Dr. Kenneth Noisewater said:
I’ve heard from different folks that 5.56 may not be big enough for the larger hogs, though I reckon it’d be fine given adequate shot placement.
Hell, I’d go with my ACR and my .45 as a backup/coup gun.
On March 27, 2013 at 12:30 pm, Herschel Smith said:
There are videos of folks putting hogs down with a .22 WMR and Kel-Tec PMR-30 to the back of the head.
You must remember the in-flight and terminal ballistics of the 5.56 mm.
I’ll always take my .45 ACP as a “backup” gun to anything.
On March 27, 2013 at 4:35 pm, Sando said:
I’d love to go on a hunt with that guy. Are these hogs edible? I like Glenn Reynolds’ idea of eating invasive species – geese, lion fish, javelina…
On March 27, 2013 at 7:28 pm, Bruce said:
Back before tyranny descended in Australia, we used to hunt wild pigs with AR-15s, Mini-14s etc. 7.62 x 39 with soft-points also works well.
A lot of the hunting was done using dirt-bikes. A CAR-15 with a telescoping stock was perfect as it did not snag on the bushes as you rode though at high speed. As for ammo, a reasonably well-placed 63gn Sierra stoked fairly hot will bring down surprisingly large beasties. Bear in mind though, that because of the terrain and vegetation, a lot of such kills are conducted at VERY short ranges; often less than thirty yards.
However, with suitable optics on an AR platform, even a short one, head-shots on running pigs are quite achievable. Recovery time after a shot is also short, so if you do a bit of “cultivating” with the first shot at a running porker, very low recoil allows a very quick adjustment for “score”.