New York Times to Release Names of Intelligence Personnel in Afghanistan?
BY Herschel Smith
From Brad Thor:
I have just received word that the New York Times is preparing to go public with a list of names of Americans covertly working in Afghanistan providing force protection for our troops, as well as the rest of our Coalition Forces. If the Times actually sees this through, the red ink they are drowning in will be nothing compared to the blood their entire organization will be covered with. Make no mistake, the Times is about to cause casualty rates in Afghanistan to skyrocket. Each and every American should be outraged.
As chronicled here, here, here, and here the Central Intelligence Agency via the New York Times has been waging a nasty proxy war against the Department of Defense over its use of former military and intelligence personnel to do what the CIA is both incapable and unwilling to do: gather the much needed intelligence that keeps our troops safe.
Here Brad is referring to the con job that Robert Young Pelton and Eason Jordan did on the NYT to assist them in their fight against the DoD for usurping what they saw as their own dollars. Continuing with Brad’s comments:
… thanks to the beating the folks on the 7th floor at Langley and the New York Timeshave taken in the blogosphere, they are about to go for broke and to do so in a fashion so grotesque that every American should be moved to action.
These morbidly conjoined twins have entered dangerous territory. They are not only putting at risk the lives of the brave men and women working day and night to keep our troops safe (who, along with their families, will surely be targeted for retribution by al Qaeda and the Taliban), but they are also calling down a host of legal woes via the Intelligence Identities Protection Act (made famous in the Valerie Plame affair under the George W. Bush Administration) as the intelligence gathered and reported on by the Defense Department operatives in question is most definitely classified.
So while the New York Times stands ready to once again put American lives at grave risk in order to sell a few more papers, the Central Intelligence Agency appears committed to its misguided “Kappes Doctrine”, (so named for Leon Panetta’s number-two man, who many in the intel game blame for being the “hidden hand in many of the nation’s intelligence failures”). Per the Kappes Doctrine, which was so disastrously tied to the F.O.B. Chapman attack, the Agency is happy to pay foreign intel services to take the risks as long as the CIA can take the credit (and in this case, continue to claim that what the Department of Defense is doing every day on the ground in Afghanistan can’t be done).
There are a number of questions raised by this report. Who are the operatives to which Brad refers? It cannot possibly be military contractors, who now outnumber our own troops in Afghanistan. It would seem unlikely that the operatives are CIA employees, since the NYT has indeed been assisting the CIA in its war against the DoD. It would also seem unlikely that the operatives are U.S. special operations forces. Not even the NYT would be privy to that information. Who is covertly working in Afghanistan supplying force protection? Force protection is a very overt affair, but Brad may mean force protection via intelligence gathering and assessment.
If so, then apparently the NYT is still embroiled in the same tired and absurd war against DoD intelligence contractors. What’s so ironic about this is that the NYT is allowing itself to become a pawn in an internecine fight between the CIA and DoD. Finally, I hope that Brad’s information is good. I can see this information being a ruse. On the other hand, if it’s true, leave it to the NYT to harm national security. They have the experience to do it right.
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