Here is a recent graduate of West Point.

His name is Spenser Rapone. His introduction to fame and glory apparently came from being associated with “Veterans for Kaepernick.” has a discussion on him, and West Point has issued a statement of condemnation of his actions.

Don’t be surprised. And be aware that the NFL protests, childish and sophomoric that they are, aren’t about the American flag any more than the Antifa protests are about freedom and liberty. Spenser and the NFL are related.
On the one hand, there are those who [mistakenly] say that “While I don’t support their views, they have a constitutional right to do what they’re doing.” There are others who assert that no true patriot should risk his life for the benefit of multinational corporations. Both of these views miss the point of all of this.
True enough, I begged my youngest son Daniel to get out of the Marine Corps when it came time to reenlist back in 2008 – 2009. I told him he could possibly fight and lose a limb or die for the sake of helping one Islamist army defeat another Islamist army, the entire purpose being to open up rat lines for oil and weapons plays in Northern Africa for American elitists. That warning turned out to be prescient, and I’m glad to say he listened to me.
But to the collectivists, there are still tried and true, staid institutions such as the military, and even football. The Marxists have managed literally to transform the culture of the college campus, a battle that was begun some 50 years ago and won well before the attention turned directly (rather than opaquely) towards white, middle class, Christian America. The battles aren’t just beginning for them. This is the end game for them, unless America turns to weapons to settle the war decisively.
The end game involves the terraforming of the institutions in which America has [foolishly] placed its trust. It’s no mistake that gun controllers and collectivists such as David Petraeus and Stanley McChrystal were flag officers, and even into the ranks of staff officers there were many like Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, who is well known to most of my readers. My son Daniel had some very direct thoughts about Bateman you might want to read again. You can add to that growing list of collectivists young, ideologically leftist officers like Spenser Rapone.
Writing as @punkproletarian, He attacks his very alma mater as racist, but if you read into the first several paragraphs, you’ve read enough. This may be managed by a wealthy benefactor such George Soros (who of course has hired many of the Antifa protesters), or it may not be. It doesn’t matter. The rot is so deep that the cancer cannot be excised.
As to the NFL protests, if you believe in property rights, contracts and covenants, you must hold to the view that a player doesn’t just have the right to do anything he wants to do, any time he wants to do it, any more than I do as an employee of a corporation. I have no right to disparage my corporation in public, and as an at-will employee, my company has a right to fire me should I violate that trust. The first amendment has no bearing on this subject.
This all leads us to the conclusion that the NFL owners must be in agreement with the protests, or at least not in disagreement enough to risk angering their employees. Their employees, the players, want more bling to wear when out clubbing, or something, they know not what, and cannot communicate it to us because most of them are as dumb as a bag of rocks. But we have nothing in common with them, not even a point of contact or agreement to which we can point.
If they object to overbearing police presence because of some black boy who didn’t pay taxes, lived off the public dole his whole life, stole whatever he wanted, and decided to walk down the middle of a road he didn’t own before he beat the hell out of someone, or if someone objects that Philado Castile was shot by the cops, we may object that white people have guns pointed at them all the time, have their dogs shot all the time, and get bullied all the time. This has nothing to do with race, notwithstanding whatever the blacks who take the knee want us to think.
Here’s the point. What the statists are telling you is that not even the flag, the U.S. military, or something so watched as NFL football constitutes a point of collaboration between you and them. There can be no compromise. They are in this to win, and just like the Chinese who sent men until the machine guns barrels overheated into South Korea, they are willing to sacrifice anyone or anything to get their way. Civil war is coming should America eventually decide to settle this conflict with weapons. If not, it’s essentially over.
As a final thought, I haven’t watched a professional sports game for so long I can’t remember. I don’t do professional sports. For those of you who do, find another way to spend your time. Go hiking. Find some intermediate or advanced single track and go mountain biking for the workout of your life. Go to a park and read to your children or grandchildren. Enjoy the shooting sports. But if you sit on a couch all Sunday and watch someone else play games, you’re the same as a crack addict who devotes his life to something that pays no return.