The Paradox and Absurdities of Carbon-Fretting and Rewilding

Herschel Smith · 28 Jan 2024 · 4 Comments

The Bureau of Land Management is planning a truly boneheaded move, angering some conservationists over the affects to herd populations and migration routes.  From Field & Stream. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) recently released a draft plan outlining potential solar energy development in the West. The proposal is an update of the BLM’s 2012 Western Solar Plan. It adds five new states—Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming—to a list of 11 western states already earmarked…… [read more]

Art Acevedo On the Miami Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 1 month ago

David Codrea.

Per Fox News, Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo called on members of Congress “to come out of their own corners the left and the right and come to the middle where most Americans are.”

“We need to have universal background checks, we need to make burglarizing these licensed gun stores a federal crime with mandatory sentencing, and we need the federal government and both sides to address this issue because without legislation,” Acevedo said. “Without certainty as it relates to holding these criminals accountable, we’re never going to get through this summer with much more death and destruction.”

Art Acevedo was police chief in Austin, Texas, and then in Houston, Texas.  He doesn’t appear to stay in one place for very long.

In Austin he and the Austin PD approved of a period of forcible blood draws at random traffic stops by federal employees.  Ask me how I know.

In Houston, he ran riot for gun control, as he always does everywhere he goes, when crimes were committed by none other than the Houston Police by lying on warrants, ending in the killing of innocent victims.

Professional citizen disarmament lobbyists, while mentioning Miami and blaming guns, are being surprisingly non-hysterical about this so far on social media. I’ll go out on a limb here, even though suspects in both Miami “mass shooting” incidents have not been identified: They will not fit the prevailing narrative. If nothing else, those who demand to disarm their countrymen know when to exploit a meme and when their talking points to conflate and smear Constitutionalists as racists can be easily refuted.

It was a shooting at a hip hop club.  Nothing more.  No, it wasn’t an act of domestic terrorism.  It was the Miami criminal element being criminals.

But Art is seen walking arm in arm with other disarmament activists who desire nothing more than to inflict guilt for this and other events on peaceable men who had nothing to do with it.

Art Acevedo is the worst police chief in America.


Art Acevedo Pushes More Gun Control After Cop Gets Shot With His Own Service Weapon

BY Herschel Smith
4 years, 10 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this is just rich.

The Associated Press reports the 29-year-old officer, a five-year veteran of the force, was shot in the abdomen “just below the vest.” The officer was shot after chasing a suspect into a backyard, where “a struggle ensued” that ended with the suspect taking the officer’s gun and shooting him with it.

Another officer then entered the backyard and killed the suspect.

Chief Acevedo responded to the incident by denouncing those who will offer sympathy for the officer while refusing to support gun control.

He said, “We were in Washington Monday talking about gun violence in our city, in our community, in our country, and I don’t want to hear from politicians tomorrow about how much they care about my cop.”

He added, “If they’re not here to talk to us about solutions, then don’t bother showing up to the Houston Police Department.”

Acevedo took time to thank Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) for coming out in support of gun control after the August 31, 2019, shooting in Midland-Odessa. On September 2, 2019, Breitbart News reported Patrick’s call for action against private gun sales.

But of course.  Here’s a test question, boys and girls.  What’s almost as good as using a SWAT raid on innocent people catalyzed by criminal cops to press for gun control?

The right answer for today is “Using theft of a police issued weapon to shoot police to press for more gun control.”  For today, that is.  With Art Acevedo, tomorrow is another day to use his workers to press his own agenda.

Art Acevedo Is At His Gun Control Ways Yet Again

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago


His comments are in reference to legislation which would allow Texans to carry a handgun open or concealed without a permit for one week after a natural disaster is declared in the state. The Dallas Morning News reports that the legislation was passed by state lawmakers and is now sitting on Gov. Greg Abbott’s (R) desk.

Texas already allows the carry of long guns without a permit. This means a Texas resident not barred from gun possession can legally carry an a lever action rifle, an AR-15, a pump shotgun, etc., without any permit in places where firearms are no prohibited. But handgun owners are required to have a permit for open or concealed carry. State Rep. Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) is pushing for the week-long, post-natural disaster carry period for handguns so Texans under duress can carry a gun for protection, regardless of whether they have a permit.

Acevedo said, “We experienced one of the worst disasters in Texas history during Harvey. The World watched as we all came together. This bill wasn’t needed then & isn’t needed now. This will embolden 20,000+ gang members & will not help LE. Let’s hope it isn’t signed.”

“The sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sky is falling.  There’ll be blood running in the streets.  Oh the humanity.”

He Art, why don’t you go shut down those 20,000+ gang members rather than spending your time on failed SWAT raids on innocent people?

Houston Police Department Announces End To No-Knock Police Raids

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago


HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo says ‘no-knock’ warrants will end on his watch after the controversial raid that left a man and his wife dead on the southeast side.

The announcement came during a town hall meeting Monday night hosted by the Greater Houston Coalition of Justice.

Acevedo added that any exceptions to that rule will be circumstantial, and he’ll know about it.

He also promised a new policy, stating that undercover officers will wear body cameras during a raid.

[ … ]

“Under my watch, we uncovered it. Under my watch, we haven’t covered it up,” said Acevedo, who was interrupted many times throughout the meeting.

First of all, if you were transparent your officers would already have been wearing body cams.  Second, you’re a liar.  In spite of the fact that we pointed out to you that innocent people had been killed in a botched raid that should never have been conducted, and that the whole thing was your own damn fault, you went on national television and used this raid as an opportunity to pimp gun control.

You’re a loser, and the officers involved in this deserve to be in the state penitentiary.  Oh, and I noticed that this isn’t really the end of no-knock raids.  Some raids will be “circumstantial.”  Liar.

Art Acevedo: Officer Lied In Affidavit Before Deadly Houston Raid

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 5 months ago

News from Texas:

A lead investigator lied in an affidavit justifying a drug raid on a Houston home in which two residents were killed and four undercover officers were shot and wounded during a gun battle, the city’s police chief said Friday.

In the search warrant that was used to justify entering the home, officers with the Houston Police Department’s narcotics unit had alleged that a confidential informant had bought heroin at the house the day before the Jan. 28 raid. The informant had also allegedly seen a handgun in the home.

But according to an affidavit filed as part of the ongoing investigation into the raid and made public Friday, the informant told investigators he or she had not bought any drugs at the home and had not been involved in any work leading up to the raid.

The heroin allegedly bought at the home had been obtained elsewhere, according to the affidavit.

The informant had allegedly been working with the lead investigator in the case, who was identified in the affidavit as Officer Gerald Goines. He prepared the search warrant and has been with the police department for more than 30 years, according to investigators.

Goines was one of the four officers who were shot in the gunfight that killed 59-year-old Dennis Tuttle and 58-year-old Rhogena Nicholas, who both lived in the home. A fifth officer injured his knee during the shooting.

Investigators also spoke with several other informants who had previously worked with Goines and all said they had not bought drugs at the home, according to the affidavit.

Well, don’t you feel stupid now, Art?  After we all told you the whole sordid affair was your own damn fault and that you were responsible for the deaths incurred?  Don’t you feel stupid that you turned this into a chance to be a political shill for gun control again?

And as for Goines, don’t you feel sorry and ashamed that your actions led to the death of others?

No, you don’t feel stupid, Art.  Because that’s just the kind of person you are.  And no, you don’t feel ashamed, Goines, because you have no scruples.

The Houston PD and Art Acevedo deserve each other.  What a sorry lot.

75 Percent Of Texas Police Chiefs Oppose Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
9 years, 5 months ago

Trail Blazers Blog:

Among the more interesting data points – and there were a slew of them – to come out of Thursday’s Senate committee hearing on two high-profile gun bills was a recent survey conducted by the Texas Police Chiefs Association.

Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo, in his testimony, pointed to data that the vast majority Texas police chiefs surveyed opposed open carry of a handgun. He added that if open carry were to pass, a greater majority supported licensed open carry over unlicensed.

That information, at least the first part, didn’t apparently move the Senate committee. The panel voted 7-2 – with only Democrats voting against – to send to the full Senate the bills on so-called campus carry and licensed open carry of handguns.

But given that law enforcement continues to be central to the debate, we wanted to learn more about the survey. And James McLaughlin, executive director of the police chiefs association, on Friday passed along more detail on the six-question survey.

The group recently sent the survey to 800-plus police chiefs – covering municipalities, college campuses, independent school districts and others. Though Acevedo said around 285 responded, a hard copy of the survey results shows a response from 192 chiefs.

Here are the major data points from the survey, which can be seen after the jump:

– Nearly 75 percent opposed open carry in Texas.
– 90 percent said that if open carry passes, a license should be required.
– 94 percent said an openly carried handgun should have to be holstered.
– 71 percent said that holsters should have retention ratings, which help secure the gun.

While that certainly shows a consensus, it’s harder to make broader generalizations. McLaughlin said the responses came in blind, so there’s no way to know if these chiefs are mainly from big cities or small ones, East Texas or West Texas, and so on.

[ … ]

But he said the association does want to point out some of the challenges that law enforcement has already faced with those who openly carry long guns. And he said there are certain issues that, if open carry passes, the association would like to see dealt with.

Those include ideas mentioned on Thursday by Houston Assistant Police Chief Don McKinney: boosting the standards for training and holsters.

They didn’t all respond to the questionnaire but its a fair assumption that these police chiefs are representative of the whole bunch.

First of all note the man who brought all of this up to the committee – Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo.  Acevedo is the chief cop who pressed for “no refusal” blood draws.  That’s right, he believes that police have a right to strap your arm down and shove a needle in you to test for BAC.  But then also recall that he believes gun enthusiasts need to be vetted by law enforcement.

“Folks, let me tell you what keeps me up at night, it’s these guys. It’s these homegrown extremists that are lone wolves, that are mad at the world, that are angry. And that’s why it’s important for us as Americans to know our neighbors, know our families. Tell somebody. If you know somebody that’s acting with a lot of hatred towards a particular group especially if you know somebody who’s a gun enthusiast or they’re armed with this type of fire arms and they’re showing any type of propensity for hatred, doesn’t mean that we’re going to go and take them to jail, but we might want to vet these people. He may well be alive today had we had the opportunity to do that.”

Finally, the presumed “concerns” and issues LEOs have with open carry have all been thrown around before.  In fact, in Mississippi open carry was going to be the wild, wild West, and blood running in the streets.  Except it wasn’t.  Louisiana is an open carry state, but no one has been hurt from it.

My own home state of North Carolina is a traditional open carry state.  We still all go about our business as usual, women and children don’t run screaming in the streets, and men don’t run around crazy when they finally get to put their weapons outside their waistband instead of inside their waistband.  The sad thing about the open carry bill that has made its way to the Senate is that it is licensed open carry rather than constitutional carry.

The Texas LEOs see the devil around every corner, and bogeymen under the bed and in the closet.  They sound like frightened little girls.  Someone tell them that everything will be alright, and the sun will come up tomorrow.  And for heaven’s sake, Austin needs to get rid of Art Acevedo and send him back to the hole from which he crawled.

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