Archive for the 'War & Warfare' Category

The Age Of The Pistol Is Over, The Day Of The Rifle Is Upon Us

1 year, 7 months ago

The Author used to comment here from time to time. Haven’t seen him around in a while.


It is interesting to look at American history based on the firearms owned by civilians. Americans, and of course I mean the people who built this country and not those that showed up in the last generation or two, have always had a love affair with our guns. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is paired with the right to free speech and religion in the Bill Of Rights.

In much of the first half of the 20th century, a man who was a “sportsman” wasn’t a guy in multiple fantasy football leagues. A sportsman was a guy that hunted and fished. Men hunted and fished, it was what they did. For certain, many of these hunting trips were just an excuse to get away from their wives for a week, eat like crap, drink beer and be slovenly. Guys that didn’t hunt or fish were considered to be a little soft and effeminate. Back in those days you could order a gun from the Sears catalog and have it sent to your house.


At this stage, most of us spend most of our time with pistols. While we certainly have lots of rifles and maybe invest a lot of time shooting those rifles, we generally aren’t carrying them around with us. I have more long guns than handguns when counting shotguns and hunting rifles but most of them spend most of their time in the safe. We went out to eat with some Amish friends last night but I didn’t stow a 6.5 Grendel AR under a trench coat. I carried my Hellcat in an OWB holster under a button down shirt. While I subscribe to the school of thought that a pistol is simply a tool to keep you alive long enough to get to your rifle, right now if I get in a situation where I have to go kinetic it will be with a pistol.

He goes on to explain that the day of the rifle, or we could put it, the day of the Rifleman, is coming.


FBI labeled veterans group “terror organization” despite knowing they weren’t

1 year, 7 months ago


It seems increasingly likely that there is a core group of agents inside of the FBI that have grown tired of the overt politicization of the Bureau under the leadership of Christopher Wray and the direction of the Biden administration. Another whistleblower has reportedly come forward and presented information to members of Congress about the abuses taking place inside the FBI. Congressman Jim Jordan of Ohio (R) received a complaint from someone inside the agency over the FBI’s designation of American Contingency, a veteran-led group that assists people in the wake of natural disasters, as being “facilitators of domestic terror.” And it was further revealed that the FBI already knew this wasn’t true, having previously investigated the group and found them to be on the up and up. (Yahoo News)


So the FBI knew all of this, and yet they kept the “domestic terrorism” tag attached to his group [Mike Glover and American Contingency] anyway. You should be starting to detect a pattern here. Joe Biden has repeatedly stated that “white supremacists” or “MAGA Republicans” and “domestic terrorists” are the greatest threat the country faces. The problem is, the supply of actual conservative domestic terrorists massively lags behind the demand for them inside the White House. So Christopher Wray appears to be doing his level best to invent some just to make Biden’s claims look less far-fetched.

There’s more at the source.

King Chuck III

1 year, 7 months ago

In his “Time has run out” speech, then Prince Charles laid out a roadmap to enslave all of humanity. To understand their desire to monetize “carbon,” you must realize that all life as we know it is so-called carbon-based, especially you. In calling for enterprises to have a system by which to value carbon, what they are doing is enslaving you to corporate masters. You have a monetary value placed upon your work for their common good.

We could easily argue that this is fascism but indeed, the powers that be are communistic. History books will one day reflect that a new brand of totalitarianism was created out of the climate cult in the 21st century.

If you don’t function to serve one of the major global companies to their desired benefit, you must be eliminated. No old people can be allowed, no rebels, no independents, and limited new births of only the mental and physical characteristics desired to fulfill the needs of the plantation owners. Some of these items are from the Nazi program of eugenics that the communists will weave into their global collective.

The drive to zero-based wages is this: to pay you just enough to keep you from being free while ever tightening the physical and intellectual distance you are allowed to travel. In short, it’s a global, corporate-run slave plantation. Live in the pod, eat your bugs, and lights out at ten. Missing too much work or desiring a better life gets you fired; no job, no income, and no way to survive or move about. Social credit is simply a way to keep compliance by weeding out the uppity types like you.

Money is the reason King Chuck III and his pals need the corporations on board. The corporations control the money. Don’t be confused; they don’t own the global money supply and in no way run the banking cartel; quite the opposite is true. No, the large firms control how much money you get; they control you by the money, and the appetite of the globalists is to leverage all you do for their profit and your compliance.

This is what King Chuck is actually saying, between the lines, to his pals. And now you know. This is agenda 2030 or whatever they’re calling it today. It appears increasingly so that the Covid-19 hoax was a submission test. Either way, they have results that educate to that end. I’d say they know what they have, don’t have, and how they’ll proceed from here. But remember, we learned some things too, and in the US, at least, we still have one box left to stand upon.

It’s not wise to expect too much from the most prominent global businesses in the way of pushback. With the stroke of a pen, whole industries can be eliminated. Some on wall street, and probably the majority, don’t want what the globalists have planned. There is some resistance to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). The “sustainability and ethical impact” that establishments thought was good is not a money maker because it makes them less competitive. On top of these policies having no financial value, now Wall Street is realizing that most people don’t want corporate social agendas.

People want to belong to something bigger than themselves. This othering that’s been going on will lead to war. ESG is only othering by a fancy new title; it’s bullying.

The interest-free cash dump of money to Wall Street enticed them into ESG. Money was free, times were good, and buying back their own stock while pretending to make real profits was easy. That’s all ending. Now they see ESG as a liability. But they fell for Bankers at every turn since FDR. We hold little hope for actual “corporate excellence” to replace ESG. They shipped all the manufacturing overseas for “shareholder value.” What happened to American excellence and American value?

The mercantilist business class that are the nuts and bolts of Wall Street are good folks who support America First, and many of them have been raving against the Fed and easy money for years or decades. They’ve seen all this coming. Those guys and gals are not the communist chattering classes New York City is famous for. NYC has its balkanization problems and not just ethnicity.

If the globalists had cared about the environment, they would have left the West as the industrial base of the world and let the third world be. The government lied then and is lying now. CEOs and would-be moguls at the direction of global banking and self-proclaimed government elites wanted cheap labor while keeping prices flat, to maximize profits wrecking your children’s future.

People want good and interesting jobs with future prospects of clever inventions and better quality of life. Men have tasted the opportunity technology has afforded, especially the option of leisure time.

They need you to have taken to the good life so thoroughly that you refuse to leave leisure and quality of life, get hard, and fight back by forsaking all for future generations. Humans, and all life, take the path of least resistance. But that direct course for us leads to the allotted daily portion of bug meal protein while you’re stuffed into a pod, provided you’re still able to get up in the morning and work until you drop.

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.” – Proverbs 13:20-21

Your plan must include a spiritual aspect. You want wisdom, the proverb says; make the wise your friend. If you seek to have faith that we’ll win, take up with the faithful. If you want righteousness, turn unto God, for He is the only righteous and wise King.

Ninety percent of the people in the world will follow the power, and strength of character is what’s lacking most today. We must prove ourselves strong, determined to win, and steadfast in the knowledge that sinners will be overtaken by their evil; God repays the righteous with good. Every month eliminate one corrupt evil from your life; tv, toxic “friends,” pornography, cussing, lying, stealing, cheating, drug and alcohol abuse, wasting time, etc. (There are many ways we steal and cheat, and boy, is time wasting a problem these days.) This is just as important, as the Bible says, perhaps more important than physical training and preparation.

“And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” – Job 28:28

The wicked are a dime a dozen; be someone worth knowing, worth fighting beside, worth following.

Brace Yourself: Food Shortages Will Be a Reality in the West This Winter

1 year, 7 months ago

PJ Media:

Because most people don’t know a farmer personally anymore, everyone should realize that they don’t make piles of money producing our food. A good year can be followed by three bad ones, and 2022 has been a burden. Between record heat waves in the U.S. and abroad, droughts in the middle of the country, fertilizer shortages, and rising costs for just about every farm input, many American farms are on the brink. Everyone will feel the pinch in continued food price increases and shortages at the store.

As bad as the agricultural outlook is in America, it is far worse in Europe. The dedication to a green energy suicide pact on the continent is colliding with the news Russia will not ship any fossil fuels until the West lifts sanctions. The skyrocketing energy prices have farmers leaving crops in the fields to die.

In Norway, one farmer’s story is instructive. Vegetable farmer Per Odd Gjestvang is leaving his leeks in the field to die because the cost of harvesting and adequately storing them is too high:

Around 29 tonnes of leeks are lost. It has a gross value of around 700,000. “This is madness. This is food that should have been harvested and taken care of,” says Gjestvang.

On the farm, the family grows around 3,000 tonnes of vegetables each growing season. The leeks had normally been taken to cold storage, so that they would be found in Norwegian vegetable counters this winter. But the calculation simply does not add up for the farmer.

With today’s electricity prices, Gjestvang does not see it as financially sound to spend money on storing the vegetables. In that case, it will be a purely loss-making project, he believes.

In the high season, Gjestvang uses around 80,000 kilowatt-hours a month for cooling. Previously, Gjestvang paid around [NOK] 24,000 for electricity per month. Now the price is almost 16 times as high.

The way the market is now, with a cautiously high electricity price of NOK five [the country’s base currency], it will be NOK 400,000. It is not possible to achieve, he says.

Communists love to destroy agriculture. Food as a weapon is one of their primary fronts of assault in their war against humanity. All famines are man-made.

Climate change overwhelming California power grid

1 year, 7 months ago


The article at the Hill is here. Ed Driscoll at Instapundit has this to say:

Nope, not even close.

A record heat wave is pushing California’s electric grid up against the point of failure this week, with officials pointing to climate change for putting continued stress on the system.

The California grid is only overworked because leftist politicians have been pushing toward energy policies that make zero sense for decades.

  • Shut down nuclear plants? Check.
  • Push solar and wind infrastructure that can’t sustain diddly squat in order to appear hip and cool? Check.
  • Disincentivize the repair of aging power lines that tends to fail or spark and cause hundreds of wildfires by pushing companies to invest in green energy instead of maintaining current infrastructure? Check.

The California energy problem is man-made. It has nothing to do with climate change.

But it does have much to do with “California’s Potemkin Environmentalism:” No State Imports More Electricity Than California.

Even during the Schwarzenegger era, Max Schultz of City Journal,who coined the above phrase, noted that California’s “celebrated green economy produces pollution elsewhere, ongoing power shortages, and business-crippling costs.” And California’s man-made energy woes have only gotten worse since.

All famines are man-made! That article at the Hill is flat out communist green revolution propaganda. I, for one, don’t find it particularly funny. Real lives will be lost due to these mass murdering evil antichrist communists.

Washington Is Running on Empty

1 year, 7 months ago

Empty Suites with resumes.

The Biden administration is a program of de-nationalization: an apparatus of political hygiene designed to cleanse American society.


Since white Americans have been the dominant racial group in the history of the United States, the removal or vandalization of historic monuments and markers that memorialize America’s history and ascent to greatness in the months before the 2020 presidential election was viewed by many on the so-called conservative right as a panacea for an aggrieved black minority’s anger. Others thought the determination to redefine America’s past was simply a temporary groundswell of Marxist-inspired, anti-Western, anti-white, and anti-Christian forces, old hatreds that sank deep roots in the Democratic Party of the 1960s.

These observers are wrong. The redefinition of U.S. national identity, culture, and history is national policy, not just the reaction of parts of the American electorate. In service to this policy, the Biden Administration holds unchallenged command of the Department of Justice, the U.S. Armed Forces, and the surveillance state, in combination with enormous support from the mainstream media, Hollywood, and funding from U.S. and foreign billionaire oligarchs facilitates the demonization of any person or organization that objects to this de-nationalization.

While the author claims “some observers are wrong,” he too is still living under the delusion that the military and police aren’t wholly captured corporate subsidiaries of the woke revolution. Many are still doing it, admitting, as the author does, that there is a surveillance state yet retaining a mental block as to who is running this surveillance state and enforcing it at the local level. They’re victims of their own propaganda. Insistence upon hanging onto the police as supposed allies will get millions of Americans killed. Police will tell you to get on the bus for your own safety, and you’ll believe it. The police can’t be funded, equipped, and trained by Washington while running a surveillance state and still be on your side. The author actually says we should advocate for Police. Please wake up!


The Myth Of American Income Inequality

1 year, 7 months ago

You saw it first at TCJ:

Now Phil Gramm & John Early have put numbers to the fact in a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, the most dramatic and consequential change in the distribution of income in America in the past half-century isn’t rising income inequality but the extraordinary growth in income equality among the bottom 60% of household earners.

Real government transfer payments to the bottom 20% of household earners surged by 269% between 1967 and 2017, while middle-income households saw their real earnings after taxes rise by only 154% during the same period. That has largely equalized the income of the bottom 60% of Americans. This government-created equality has caused the labor-force participation rate to collapse among working-age people in low-income households and unleashed a populist realignment that is unraveling the coalition that has dominated American politics since the 1930s.

Via Instapundit

Biden Speech

1 year, 7 months ago

Fear is the currency of evil. Faith is the currency of God Almighty.

Of course, I didn’t waste time watching the thing, so there I was this morning, long weekend ahead, not planning to write. Then, turning on the internet, it’s “The Antichrist” with raised fists proclaiming the coming genocide of 70 million Americans.

Communists are like rust on a weapon, and America is becoming pitted.

I dislike being taught about the devil, and I hate being preached to about the devil. And I hate even more having to teach and preach to others about the devil, but sometimes it’s necessary. Those “churches” that only preach heaven will join those planning the coming atrocities; they’re too ignorant to see evil. The soon attempt at genocide is being broadcast loud and clear on all channels. The day is coming when they will be full of pride, thinking they do the god of progressivism service by killing you.

There’s no reason to watch it; all of the stagecraft is in that single shot. Having read the pertinent quotes, two things are clear; Joe “touch & sniff” Biden got his name recognition back, and his team threw red raw meat to the hard-core Leftist Communist base.

Every time I think we’re finally done with the ridiculous MAGA thing, as if Trump would, even if he could, make America great, some career government flunky, like PedoJoe, comes along and makes us rejoin the MAGA. If that’s how they want to label the Traditional American 2.0 patriots, then it’s a moniker we might as well take upon ourselves with gusto. But, MAGA is just a dog whistle; our covenant is with Father God through Christ Jesus. I pray yours is too.

There is no person in the Bible “The AntiChrist,” but there is a spirit of antichrist, and it’s descending upon the carcass of the former Christian West, probing on every front, searching for weaknesses. That’s what evil does; it looks for deficiency, frailty, or division as a point of attack. The devil isn’t stupid, evil yes, stupid no. And his workers of inequity are not stupid either, evil undoubtedly, some knowingly and some unwittingly yet wicked all the same.

This imagery is so overwhelmingly antichrist that even a wife-beating whiskey drunk can immediately see it. But perhaps that’s a lousy analogy; the devil knows his own. How about a normie nine to fiver, a decent guy who doesn’t think much about politics, just trying to raise his family in suburbia? We have zero doubt he can see it too. You don’t have to be Christian for it to catch your eye and prick your conscience.

It’s a spiritual war waged in the heavens and played out among nations and men. The imagery may very well be a call to boldness by evil without the specific knowledge of those that choreographed the event. Anybody can see the image. Still, the event planners didn’t intend for the mouthpiece of the “free world” to appear as Satan. Let that sink in, dear friends. The devil’s greatest deceit is convincing you that he doesn’t exist. All was carefully planned, and their eyes were blinded.

The subtlety of the setting is extraordinary; “The Antichrist” standing at the place of the founding of Christian America. The scene is straight out of Mark 13:14. If you don’t read your Holy Bible, you can’t even understand what is being done to America and Western Civilization. It’s being shoved in your face, dear Christians!

There are those that saw the imagery exactly as you do, but they liked it and were spurred on in hatred by it. Those types will have to be dealt with.

Don’t let these things scare you, for that is the point of this bit of propaganda; both the men and spirit behind them intended it. Fear is the currency of evil, but faith is the currency of God Almighty. It’s a real war. The war rages and those immersed in the Holy Bible daily have that discernment necessary to see the war (Hebrews 5:14). We say it just about every week here at TCJ; your life depends upon you knowing the Holy Bible!

It’s not a popular message, but the truth rarely is; America is arriving at the reaping of the fruit of her doings.

“9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? 10 I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” – Jerimiah 17:9-10

Openly evil, how could America become anything other? From the heart comes corruption, immorality, and depravity.

“18 But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 19 For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” – Jesus Christ, in Matthew 15:18-19

Keep the faith and take strength in the knowledge that as the first-century saints overcame, the righteous in Christ are the victors at the last reckoning.

“He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.” – Revelation 13:10

Note: none of the cited or quoted verses are about America or our current situation. Yet we are wise to apply the teachings of Holy Father God to the evil of our day so that we might resist the devil and serve Christ without fear. Though Christ has bound the devil for the salvation of His saints so they might hear the preaching of the Gospel of the cross unto life everlasting, the same evil works in our day.

National Borders & The Bible

1 year, 8 months ago

Replace “Biden Maladministration” with Washington DC since Reagan first gave amnesty, and you’re set. The author, bless his heart*, is still living in the fog of delusion about the Republicans. He’ll learn, after decades of betrayal, they all do. That’s another topic.

The collapsing border disaster under the Biden Maladministration is a live topic of international consequence today. Many well meaning Christians believe it is wrong to keep refugees out on a temporary basis because they believe borders are man-made constructs lacking biblical warrant. Besides the contradiction obvious in their having homes with walls and locked doors, their argument does not hold.

Established borders are biblically warranted as we see in two clear scriptural examples. Though other arguments are available, these are quite potent.

In building a case for national borders, Dr. Gentry starts in Genesis and then briefly discusses the Law and historical books primarily.

Any discussion of the necessity of national borders must start with a REAL definition of Nation, which comes from the word natal, meaning: of the same womb/lineage. A proper definition includes a common language, customs, and, most importantly, common religion.

Briefly, distinct religions won’t coexist. They can’t. The Bible clarifies that conversion is necessary for an immigrating person to be accepted into a nation. This is actual assimilation. It’s even true for Christians today. To be a citizen of the Kingdom of God, you must first be converted by God, accepting Christ under the power of the Holy Spirit, or you are a trespasser in the kingdom of heaven; woe to you, for except you be born again, damnable is your end indeed (Matthew 18:3, John 3:3, others).

Not mentioned in the article is the fact that the Hebrews were a religious, ethnic, and linguistically unique people. And in the few instances where they weren’t, again, adherence to the religious Law (conversion) was required. A country is simply some distinct region or a land area.

Chapters 9-11 of Genesis detail the creation of Nations. In a longer form post, we could include the post-flood covenant through to the Tower of Babel. The covenant with every living creature and the rights of men are discussed here.

The author does an excellent job of taking complicated topics and making them accessible to the average Christian, and he keeps posts to a digestible size, something most appreciate. That’s probably one reason he doesn’t tackle the abovementioned points while offering only two clear instances from Scripture.

*This is a southernism. Sometimes it’s not, but we’re using it only as tongue in cheek. We deeply respect Dr. Gentry’s work.

The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire

1 year, 8 months ago

This article was first seen at WRSA. Admittedly it’s a little lengthy, but it is peppered with truths, so it’s worth sharing. Dr. Baldwin of Liberty Fellowship has an article published at Lew Rockwell in which he elaborates his take on the article’s spiritual death portion(s). Pastor Baldwin blames the pastors of America’s churches. Indeed, they are at fault in many cases, but no believer gets off that easy; it’s your fault, dear brothers and sisters in Christ.

Kneissel [the author of a book on this topic], who is from Central Europe, makes it sound as if Europe is living in the past, before 1914, when it was politically central to the world, instead of being a more or less irrelevant political backwater as it is in 2022. What is certain is that the physical fall of an empire is always preceded by its spiritual fall. What did this spiritual fall consist of?


The extraordinary thing is the self-justification of the Western world for its own suicide and its refusal to admit that anything is wrong with it. On the contrary, only its ‘values’ of ‘freedom, democracy and human rights’ are correct and must therefore be spread throughout the ‘free world’. All who do not accept its ‘values’, which in fact are anti-values because they are destructive, not constructive like real values, must be mocked, slandered and, if necessary, bombed into submission. Today’s Western world is visibly coming to resemble medieval frescoes showing the torments of hell, which are what spiritual death is. The Western world has been demonised, the demons have been called up from the bowels of hell to occupy it and visibly and mockingly inflict its ‘Western values’.

Unless God is well pleased, He withdraws His blessings. YES, devils are very real and actually exist (I know, I’m repeating myself but do you understand?) and inhabit the workers of inequity at all levels and types within a society as the Lord allows. When the Lord allows, many more devils may begin to overwhelm a people. This is scriptural; the point is that evil abounds unto destruction.

The failure of the churches in the West is the root cause; doing nothing about abortion and supporting endless wars are two of the glaring sins. The article makes this point well. And without a very learned understanding of what God requires in His Law-word, separating the causes (sins) and results (evil abounding) is challenging. We’ll neither parse the article nor establish the Law here. But we know for certain that abortion and war without just cause are both murdering the innocent, of which particular sin is listed sixth in the top ten. And we’ll state that murder, by default, means that you have set other gods before you, for the one true and living God is the God of life and life eternal, the first commandment.

We’ll say plainly, only in Christ does salvation live for the individual, the marriage, the family, a church body, your town, county, state, and country. Nobody, and surely not a politician, is coming to save you.

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