Connection Between Bill Clinton And Child Trafficker Laura Silsby

BY Herschel Smith
7 years, 6 months ago

I don’t claim to do original research on this topic, as there are good folks at who are doing much better than I ever could, and besides, they have the right computer security to do this sort of thing – serious computer security.  I don’t.  But as I’ve stated, my job is to find the stuff that floats to the top, connect the dots, and then tell you about it.

This one floated to the top very, very quickly and is being heralded as the most significant find in a long time in this investigation.  I’m going to repost much of the original Voat post below, and you can visit the site yourself to see the comments and any further research.  There’s a lot of it.  I must say how stunning it is to see the massive amount of data and information these guys and girls have processed, and the incredibly good job of analysis they’ve done.

No one at the MSM is qualified or talented enough to do this, and I doubt whether anyone at the FBI or CIA has the chops or stomach for it.  The citizen researchers are doing what no one else can, and what no one else knows how to do.  This is a stunning find.

We were all shocked when we found out that alleged child-trafficker James Alefantis was connected with Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage which convicted child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from. The Silsby case is riddled with mysteries and inconsistencies. Many questions remain unanswered, and it wasn’t until the Wikileaks emails were released that we discovered how the Clintons had intervened in the Silsby case. The question was, why? We may have found the answer to that.

According to a blog written by Robin Forestal, a staff member at NPH, Bill Clinton had planned a private visit to Friends of the Orphans, the orphanage that child-trafficker Laura Silsby was given children from, two months prior to the Earthquake. We derived this date by comparing the photo’s filenames with other documented times (filename P1180312.jpg in relation to P1180452.JPG, which was taken on Thanksgivings). Alongside a photo of Molly Hightower and Erin Kloos of Friends of the Orphans, two volunteers who died from the orphanage’s collapse during the Earthquake, Forestal wrote:

“This is Erin and Molly on their way to see Bill Clinton at one of our street schools. This is Erin and Molly afterwards – he didn’t show up.”

This is evidence that Bill Clinton, who is famous for boarding the Lolita Express 26 times, is connected with Friends of the Orphans. No information is available regarding Bill Clinton’s visit to Haiti between November-December, while his last documented visit was during October. This points to the theory that Bill Clinton has personal connections with someone within Friends of the Orphans. To top it off, it was scheduled a few days prior to Thanksgivings, and a month prior to Laura Silsby’s initial visit to Haiti. Private matters?

This may explain why there was no investigation done into the orphanage in question, nor any statements made by a representative of the orphanage, and also why Laura Silsby was let off so easily. After all, as a reputable orphanage, wouldn’t you want to clear any misunderstandings? Because the spotlight was shone at Laura Silsby, the surrounding suspicions were buried. It was a Freudian slip by Jorge Puello, wanted child-trafficker who had represented Silsby as a lawyer in a Fox News interview, that revealed this connection.

Laura Silsby had attempted to traffic children twice, and was arrested on her second attempt at the Dominican border with 33 children. These 33 children had parents, and were gathered at Calabasse by pastor Jean Sainvil, who fled the country the day after Silsby was arrested. It was the first attempt where Friends of the Orphans came to play, when Silsby was caught trying to load a different group of 40 children onto the bus in Petionville, which is where the collapsed building of Friends of the Orphans was located, after a concerned citizen had reported to a police officer of suspicious activity.

The day after he met Silsby, Sainvil collected the 13 children from Citron. A day after that, the missionaries” bus was halted at the Dominican border and they were arrested. Sainvil, meanwhile, became sick with “vomiting and diarrhea” and decided to fly back to the U.S. on a military transport plane, he said.

“The officer said he discovered Silsby and the nine other Americans on a bus in Port-au-Prince’s Pétionville neighborhood after receiving a tip from a concerned citizen.”

Molly Hightower, 22, was on the fifth floor of a seven-story orphanage building in Petionville when it collapsed, the organization that runs the orphanage told her father Mike Hightower of Port Orchard.

PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.

To clarify for any skeptics who believe this could have been a coincidence or a lie from Jorge Puello. Aside from the fact that there are around 760 orphanages in Haiti, the reason this cannot be a fabrication is because the name of the orphanage which Jorge Puello used was its English variant, “Friends of the Orphans”, which Puello could not have known unless he was told. This is because the orphanage is known in Haiti as Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs, which translates to “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”, and not “Friends of the Orphans”. The staff call it NPFS, and not even the signs outside of the building writes “Friends of the Orphans”. It’s simply not plausible.

Molly Mackenzie Hightower graduated from the University of Portland last year. Unlike many of her peers who chose to pursue a career post graduation, Hightower flew out to Haiti in June for a year of volunteering with Friends of the Orphans, which operates Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos/Nos Petit Freres et Soeurs (NPH/NPFS, Spanish and French for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) in Haiti.

What’s the point of all of this if you don’t have the time to do all of this research and reading?  As stated by one commenter, here is the point.

So the Clintons had ties to the Silsby kidnapping racktet before the missionaries were arrested? You don’t say.

Here I was reading in all MSM that Clinton had no ties to Silsby whatsoever.

She only intervened because Jim Allen, a self-employed construction worker from Texas, wrote to her via his high-powered lawyers Reginald Brown and Jennifer O’Connor. The former a high-end DC lawyer at a prestigious firm, the latter a former ‘senior Clinton Administration aide’.

So instead of Silsby cs., this ordinary construction worker from Texas – not Idaho, mind – acquires the best defensive team ever assembled in an international case:

Brown says the group has assembled what he called a “dream team” for Allen that now includes Wilmer government affairs partner Benjamin Powell; Jackson Walker associate Amanda Bush and Mullin Hoard & Brown’s Jeffrey Ritter in Amarillo; Liberty Legal’s Hiram Sasser; and local counsel Louis Gary Lissade in Port au Prince. (Lissade is a former minister of justice and two-time president of the Haitian Bar Association; Bush is married to former President George W. Bush’s eldest nephew, George P. Bush; and Powell is the former general counsel for the Director of National Intelligence under Presidents Bush and Obama.)

Indeed.  A whole lot of high powered people got very spun up over some child trafficker who wasn’t anything to anyone, yes?  ZeroHedge posted on this very topic today.  But she was someone to someone, in fact, someone who is “special.”

In this post, the researchers have quite literally tracked down where the children came from, and performed the counting necessary to understand where she got her children in Haiti.

The MSM continues to beclown itself following the size of the inauguration crowds, what folks were wearing that day, and how everyone was looking at everyone else.  By God – look at that facial expression!  Meanwhile, people who are honest and capable are doing the job the MSM won’t do.

They should shut down every journalism school in America and restart the schools with these researchers leading them.  At least then we could be assured that something good would actually come out of investigative journalism.  Investigative journalism has perished in America except for people who are not being paid to do it.


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  1. On January 25, 2017 at 11:58 pm, Ed Jewett said:

    Superb job and thanks to all who have brought this to the surface.

  2. On January 26, 2017 at 10:32 am, gerry d welder said:

    Wise to understand that many of the most powerful people with all the wealth, weaponry and resources are true Luciferian believers, they take this very seriously and intend to play it out to the end and we all are living in the same world.

    Pedogate/pizzagate seems to be prying open this ‘gate’.

    The first 2 minutes of this video below is what I’m talking about.
    THE DEED: Eve & Adam + Serpent = Cain PART 1

    Looks like a link to Satanism’s core:

    Occult Ping Pong SOLVED: Tourney Snake Seeding, Peeling (Shedding) & OPIA Serpent Fallopian Tubes

    The Targums predate the King James and earlier Bibles and as you can see there was much lost in later translations)

    Pentateuchal Targumim
    And the Lord God made to Adam and to his wife vestures of honour from the skin of the serpent, which he had cast from him, upon the skin of their flesh, instead of that adornment which had been cast away; and He clothed them.

    human skin magnified:

    If you go to minute 4:00 you will see another deeper connection to the serpent.
    Go to minute 8:30 and again the Fallopian Tubes represented on the biggest alter in the world:

    St. Peter’s Basilica:
    Wikipedia: The basilisk is called “king” because it is reputed to have on its head a mitre- or crown-shaped crest. ” … a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents.”
    Basilica: The Crowned Serpent

  3. On January 26, 2017 at 10:36 am, Col. Douglas Mortimer said:

    Unreal. Where there is smoke, there is a an inferno….

    Are things as “they were in the days of Noah” yet? It seems more and more likely with each passing day.

  4. On January 26, 2017 at 4:20 pm, Candygram for Mongo said:

    Money is the key which opens all doors. These super rich people can do whatever they want, including child sex. I will not dismiss PizzaGate until it is thoroughly investigated. Certainly not after the MSM says its fake news or debunked when they did nothing to investigate. Just cover up.

  5. On January 27, 2017 at 9:11 am, IHC said:

    Sunlight is the best disinfectant! If anything these and thousands of other children are continuously in danger because these pedophiles are not only in a high position of power but strategically placed others in courts and other places to keep that network tightly knit.

  6. On January 27, 2017 at 10:51 am, WhoBeen said:

    Still waiting to see the day both Bill and Hillary are behind bars.

  7. On February 3, 2017 at 1:22 am, Malaysian Neocon said:

    Did you catch Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan show for 3 hours?

    After some lols about animal attack videos, they get into discussing Pizzagate.

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