Springfield TRP: The New Gold Standard for Sub $2000 1911’s?
BY Herschel Smith
They like it a lot.
I have to say it’s a good looking gun and seems to run very well.
However, I also have to say that I would rather they come out with a commander size 1911 with the bobtail design and the SS slide rather than the aluminum slide. A 1911 carrier has already accepted that the gun will weigh more and has decided that he’s okay with that. In fact, I don’t consider it a detriment to the gun. I think it’s an advantage.
I also have to weigh in with one more comment, and it agrees with their comment. They should have put an optic cut on the gun. Most modern 1911 owners are not purists. I’m not.
Finally, in this reddit/Firearms post, Kimber is just taking a beat down in the comments for unreliability, FTF and FTE.
On April 16, 2024 at 11:47 am, george 1 said:
They do put the light rail on the gun but no option for an RDS cut. They should at least be available as an option.
On April 16, 2024 at 12:33 pm, Faramir said:
I had the chance a number of years ago to put some rounds through a coworker’s TRP Operator. Truly a top-tier pistol. I didn’t get to really put it through its paces because of the constraints of the indoor range we worked at, but as far as the mechanics of shooting go, the pistol was outstanding. If I were inclined to carry a 1911, one of the TRP series would likely be my choice.
On April 16, 2024 at 3:03 pm, Bill Buppert said:
Herschel, oof, hate to be a turd in a punch-bowl but I can build a top tier Glock Roland Special for that much and it is a great performer (I have two).
On April 16, 2024 at 3:40 pm, Herschel Smith said:
No problem. Always state your mind. I hate Glocks, as much as any striker-fired pistol.
Some of us have a gentleman’s appreciation and taste. Like a fine cigar. The difference is one you would pick up at the grocery story, versus a tobacconist shop.
On April 16, 2024 at 4:12 pm, Faramir said:
I like my Glock pretty well. But there’s no denying it does not have quite the refinement of my CZ DA/SA (that has been tuned, so it’s not as heavy or gritty as the stock components) or even the lesser 1911s. Different flavors for different times and uses. I guess a bit like picking a cigar: do you just want a quick smoke, or a refined experience? (Not that I know about cigars; friends of mine smoke them, but I’ve never partaken. Don’t like the odor of cigar smoke, although pipe tobacco is tolerable.)
On April 16, 2024 at 6:39 pm, VietVet said:
I’m just really so sorry that so few understand the gift of the genius of the 1911. I favor the Kimber ultra carry II in leather on my right hip. My barbecue gun is a Springfield Armory 1911A1 in three color Cerakote in a custom Boa holster.
I don’t own a Glock
On April 16, 2024 at 7:25 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
I got a Springfield Loaded model back in 2000 or 2001. (Imbel stamped frame) They came out with the TRP Operator not long after I got it. I can’t tell you how many thousands of rounds I’ve put through it, but enough that I’ve replaced worn out parts and springs. It still has the original two-piece barrel, though. The bluing is pretty much worn off, and I was going to get it redone, but my kids talked me out of it, saying that gave the gun “personality”.
I’ve never had any problems with it that were not ammo related, and some of that ammo was pretty sketchy, but it still ran.
On April 17, 2024 at 5:36 pm, Grunt said:
Off topic, has anyone been able to access western rifle shooters assoc. website as of 4/17/24? Getting a 402 bad gateway.
On April 17, 2024 at 8:38 pm, Ol'Pappy said:
I’m a retired gunsmith of 40 years. Seen ’em ALL, worked on them ALL.
This is a fine pistol. Springfield makes good handguns.
Arguably I’m the oldest living Glock armorer and I don’t own one. Carried an LE 1st gen, back in 1985 if memory serves.
Have NEVER understood the affinity for high capacity handguns for civilian EDC. As to weight, we carried full size steel 1911’s forever and never complained, I carried a S&W 4in. 25-5 concealed for years, didn’t notice the weight generally.
I’ve been smoking fine cigars for 50+ years and the one gents analogy is pretty good stuff! It’s all about taste and what works for you. I’ve sold thousands of guns, my Dad was in the biz 62 years before he passed and he was of the same mind.
One horse, one gal and one gun at a time and you’ll never have to wonder what to ride, dance with or shoot.
Good stuff Herschel!!
On April 18, 2024 at 12:37 pm, Steady Steve said:
Don’t know why people are having so much trouble with Kimber. I have a 1911 TLE RL2 that has had 4000+ rounds through it both with and without a can. Never had any issues, fired and extracted every time even with ammo specially made for suppressors.
On April 18, 2024 at 2:25 pm, Windshift said:
Punching holes in a home invader before he gets to my little girls room doesn’t have to be like a so called fine cigar. Just stop the scumbag. A glock will do that the same as a fine cigar, er, a $2000 1911. Snobs be snobbin’
On April 18, 2024 at 4:20 pm, =TW= said:
At the 2000.00 price point I’d look at Dan Wesson 1911s.
I do not like applied finishes (Cerakote etc.) on firearms. I prefer DLC/nitride or TY III anodize. I don’t mind satin nickel or hard chrome.
Hilton Yam, 10-8 Performance shares some valuable knowledge about 1911s.
The Kimber in the Reddit post was the Solo model.
My Kimber Stainless Compact has proven accurate and reliable for nearly 25 years.
On April 18, 2024 at 4:30 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Whatever works for you man. Find amusement from time to time. It’s good for your life.