South Dakota Senator Mike Rounds Thinks You’re Stupid

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 4 months ago

David Codrea.

“Senator Mike Rounds, R-S.D., is taking on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) with a new bill expanding full-time travelers’ gun ownership rights,” Fox News reports. “Rounds reintroduced the Traveler’s Gun Rights Act on Thursday, a bill that aims to update federal law to account for gun residency issues full-time travelers — such as people who live in recreational vehicles (RVs), individuals with multiple homes, and military personnel and spouses.”

Yawn … big deal.

Read the rest of David’s analysis.  He’s a pro-immigration pol, supporting amnesty for more than ten million illegals in America.  That means your medical bills and tax dollars go towards medical care for someone other than your family since they treat the hospital ER as their PCP and then lean on the entire medical system to finish the job and foot the bill.  Ask me how I know and I can send you to an NP who works in surgery and emergency medicine.  There are no arguments here.  These are facts, and they are not in dispute.

For pro-immigration libertarians out there, that’s one of the most un-conservative and un-libertarian things you could do to the American people system.  It’s also theft, and therefore immoral.

David ends with Mark Smith’s video (which we’ve embedded), and then this.

Bearing Arms takes exception to Smith’s video.

I take exception to Bearing Arms. So does my colleague Herschel Smith at The Captain’s Journal.

By the way, his orange attire and bird vest doesn’t impress me.  I upland bird hunt too, but whereas he’s a realtor and insurance salesman and broker, I’m a working man.  He supports legalized theft, and many big businessmen do (so they don’t have to bear the brunt of the expense of immigrants), and I support morality.

He also fails to acknowledge what I’ve pointed out so many times before from Pew research that Hispanics support gun control by some 75%.  It’s a fact, and it is not in dispute.  Comments to my linked research from others say things like ““Hispanic” is a chimera. Around here the Cubans are damn near 100% gun owners. I think what they mean by “hispanic” is Mexican.”

Interesting, and totally irrelevant.  I didn’t say anything about where this commenter was from.  I quoted Pew who told us that 75% of the immigrants being let into America do not support their RKBA.  It’s a fact, and it’s not in dispute.

This guy doesn’t get it either at The Libertarian Institute.

The principle at stake here is the same principle at stake in the gun control debate–whether peaceful, law-abiding individuals should lose their freedoms because a few bad people commit atrocities.

Nice misdirect.  That’s not the principle and he knows it.  The principle is whether we let those people here to begin with given their opposition to our RKBA.  They oppose it by 75%.  That’s a fact, and it’s not in dispute.


  1. On March 26, 2023 at 10:49 pm, Dan said:

    So Rounds is a RINO. Not surprising. The Demonrat left has trouble electing their people in some states like the Dakotas. Therefore they have the candidates pretend to be members of the GOP party. They’re still commies but the stick the R label on their lapel. A LARGE number of “Republicans” in office are actually commie leftists pretending to be something they aren’t.

  2. On March 27, 2023 at 7:08 am, Greg said:

    “supporting amnesty for more than ten million illegals in America”

    In the 1990’s the 10 million number was thrown around by both sides of the issue. That was 40 years ago! Why is it still used today?
    The government admits minimum 100k per month are coming in now, probably more like 200k.

    The real number of illegals in this country is probably north of 40 million – larger than most European countries. They are already amnestied for all intensive purposes. There is no United States, there is no Nation.

  3. On March 27, 2023 at 8:10 am, June J said:

    Sen. Mark Rounds- UniParty “R” section

    Most politicians and the people who support them are not liberty and freedom minded people.

  4. On March 27, 2023 at 9:32 am, PGF said:

    Libertarians have promoted all kinds of nationally destructive behaviors that are now movements gaining political and even a type of religious status. They are for open borders, as discussed here. But they also support live and let live regarding sodomites and drug use.

    All of these issues are iceberg issues. What’s at the surface seems reasonable to them, but below the surface of sodomy is child grooming, pedophilia, and every sort of perversion. Many states have put into place what amounts to blasphemy laws against opposing the new religion of woke, including sodomy and child grooming.

    As to immigration, the big migration being funded and facilitated by oligarchs is a strategy that they openly promote as replacement of the white race. Genocide is undoubtedly a sin. Libertarians support this too.

    Drugs are another issue. Though prohibition will always fail; it’s the job of the churches to structure social objections to what are nationally destructive results of mind-altering substances. Government should agree with and support that pressure.

    Immigration, sodomy, and drugs will destroy your nation. All these the libertarian endorses. It’s all fun and games tweeting about these issues, but the destructive force of each one will come knocking on their doors one day soon.

    Libertarians are anti-christ, so they fail to understand that sin is not freedom at all but bondage. With the avalanche of wickedness and perversion becoming more rampant, liberty of all types, including libertarians’ personal right to object, is being destroyed.

    Being pro-gun and pro-immigration will one day collide, likely in a shooting war. Which side will they take then? Same with sodomy, one day their child will be raped, what then will the libertarian do? One day their child will be a meth head with no mind left to function; what then?

    The law of God is the liberty to operate according to His will freeing men from the bonds of sin. Sin permanently destroys; it has never freed a man and never will. Only Jesus Christ can remove sin and free a man.

  5. On March 27, 2023 at 11:58 am, xtphreak said:

    The BIG difference in the comparison between illegal immigrants and legal gun-owners is that ALL illegal immigrants (illegal aliens) ARE CRIMINALS.


    Everyone that crosses into the US without a visa, green card or other paperwork showing they have followed the immigration laws and received permission to immigrate to the US is a law-breaking criminal.

    Legal gun owners in contrast are more law abiding that the police.

  6. On March 27, 2023 at 9:06 pm, Henry said:

    On the immigration question, Libertarians hide behind the fiction that: “The very purpose of the Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the Courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights, may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.” (WV Board of Ed. v. BARNETTE) Which is, in fact, the way things are SUPPOSED to be run. But Libertarians are not allowed to noticed that they in fact are not run that way in reality. They’ve forgotten that even Galt’s Gulch had to protected against intrusion, by a wall of illusion.

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