Every Christian is a Christian Nationalist
Despite Christians instructing the magistrate on how they must govern to honor God being the historic protestant position of political theory, many have attempted to malign Christians with the label of “Christian Nationalist” in an attempt to disarm them from public discourse on politics. This term has scared many Christians and caused them to reject Christian Nationalism. This article will respond to some of the major concerns many Christians have with what they perceive Christian Nationalism to be.
Christian nationalism can be summarized by this: God instituted governments to promote good and punish evil and it is a duty of the Christian to inform the magistrate of what God calls good and evil. This is because Romans 13 details that the government is established by God and is His minister. Uncoincidentally, the word “minister” used here is the same word used for both deacon and servant— “diakonos”; the Christian then must inform the rulers on how they are to honor God with laws that promote good and punish evil.
Many have claimed that Christian Nationalism is about instituting a theocracy when nothing could be farther from the truth. God created three institutions, the Family, Church, and Government as distinct institutions with unique roles. The role of the government is detailed in Romans 13:3-4 as “Rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior but for evil… for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil.” Governments have been ordained by God to promote good and punish evil and they do this by instituting just laws. Since good and evil are defined by God, it is the Christian’s duty to inform rulers on how laws are to honor Christ.
When discussing God’s ordained created order of Church, Family, and State, a proper understanding is essential. The use of the word Government instead of State detracts from the argument. The Family has a government, and the Church has a government. As the Family is being destroyed by the State, we see that the essential God-ordained government of a family, with the man as the head, is indispensable for a thriving civilization. The correct representation of magisterial or civil authority is State. It’s an important distinction, but the thrust of the message remains solid. All bodies have government, but not every government is State government, despite the communist’s best efforts. Romans 13 is prescriptive, not descriptive.
The distinction between Christian Nationalism and Theocracy can be made because Christian Nationalism is about enforcing the second table of the Law and not the first. When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) the laws were divided into two tables. The first table, commandments one through three, dealt with God’s relationship with mankind and proper worship. This is administered through the body of Christ with the Church. The second table of the law, commandments four through ten, deals with man’s relation to his fellow man. This is basic civil law which is the duty of the government to enact. Since Christian Nationalism is about proper enforcement of the second table of the law Christians from varying traditions can unite around it as it does not involve the institution of laws regarding proper worship.
There’s no evidence as to which tablet contained which commandments. The author uses a common Lutheran explanation. The Law of God is a covenant; both tablets probably held a complete set of commandments, as any valid two-party contract would. Also, the ten commandments are a summary or table of contents for the entire Law of God. From that, we understand interpreting any one of the ten as a proverb will always lead to misapplication of the Law of God. “Indeed, The full covenant summary, the Ten Commandments, was inscribed on each of the two tables of stone, one table or copy of the treaty for each party in the treaty, God and Israel” – Rousas John Rushdoony.
I don’t think there’s proof either way from the text of the Bible, but we’re willing to be wrong about that if somebody could indicate the verse(s) that shows which commandments were on what block. It’s not a significant contention.
We also disagree that you can enforce a portion of the Law and not be in violation of the entire code. If an offense exists in just one point, the whole Law is transgressed (James 2:12). What the author describes in partial enforcement will always fail because the Law is perfect, by which we mean both infallible and complete as a single (statutory requirement) body of doctrine. A contract void in any one point is invalid in all. That’s a fundamental legal precept, the source of which, in the west, is the Bible.
It’s readily accepted that civil government flows from culture. But where most balk is to take the logical and ultimate conclusion that the source of culture is derived from that society’s religion. Religion is the first order, penultimate, from which all else flows; despite decades of the communists and other socialists attempting to eradicate this simple truth, it’s still a fact. This campaign of the socialists has been so effective that merely using the word religion gets people’s dander up. You are a religious creature. You have a religion, whether you like it or not, and whether it’s recognized as a religion or not. This religion of yours creates not only a common culture but then also informs the type of State governing apparatus you have. Religion concludes the determination of moral codes, which are a nation’s law.
“Law is in every culture religious in origin. Because law governs man and society, because it establishes and declares the meaning of justice and righteousness, law is inescapably religious, in that it establishes in practical fashion the ultimate concerns of a culture. Accordingly, a fundamental and necessary premise in any and every study of law must be, first, a recognition of this religious nature of law. Second, it must be recognized that in any culture the source of law is the god of that society. If law has its source in man’s reason, then reason is the god of that society. If the source is an oligarchy, or in a court, senate, or ruler, then that source is the god of that system. Thus, in Greek culture, law was essentially a religiously humanistic concept… Third, in any society, any change of law is an explicit or implicit change of religion. Nothing more clearly reveals, in fact, the religious change in a society than a legal revolution. When the legal foundations shift from biblical law to humanism, it means that the society now draws its vitality and power from humanism, not from Christian theism. Fourth, no disestablishment of religion as such is possible in any society. A church can be disestablished, and a particular religion can be supplanted by another, but the change is simply to another religion. Since the foundations of law are inescapably religious, no society exists without a religious foundation or without a law system which codifies the morality of its religion. Fifth, there can be no tolerance in a law system for another religion. Toleration is a device used to introduce a new law system as a prelude to a new intolerance…” – Rousas John Rushdoony, Institutes of Biblical Law vol 1
That bolded part explains everything that’s being done to America and the west. And it explains very well why a country can have millions of laws and be a corrupt cesspit of vipers, and we’re not talking about Washington, DC. The religion of America is self, self as god. All are sinners; there’s no way but for evil to abound under this regime. The solution is not to implement Bible Law or a Christian ethic in code; souls must be converted to Christ. That’s His commission. Trying in any way to create a just society outside of the method ordained by the Just One will fail.
The author of the linked piece rightly explains that Christian Nationalism cannot be divorced from the Law or the Great Commission.
While it has been made clear that Christian Nationalism is about instituting just civil laws, some have thrown out the accusation that Christian Nationalists want to force conversions. Only the Holy Spirit has the power to draw sinners to Himself. However, when a government’s laws are based on God’s word those who transgress them will know they have broken God’s law. The Apostle Paul said in Galatians 3:24 that “the law is our tutor to bring us unto Christ, that we may be justified by faith.” The Law does not save us but it teaches us we need to be saved. This is the first step in telling people they need the Gospel as they cannot know the good news without first understanding their depravity and need for a savior. Having civil laws based on God’s word will in turn teach people they need a savior.
“Only the Holy Spirit has the power to draw sinners to Himself.” And what is a Christian’s role in this?
Christian Nationalism is not uniquely American, nor is it about spreading Americanism. God calls all the nations to honor Him.
Some have claimed that being a Christian Nationalist means only caring for your own country. This has been a result of the post-war liberal consensus that the only way to properly love other nations is to first hate your own. Scripture does not tell us to love our neighbor by hating our own family, but tells us the exact opposite when the Apostle Paul states in 1 Timothy 5:8, “But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” Paul is saying that even the pagans take care of their own so how much worse is it that Christians don’t take care of their own? This principle can be applied at the national level as well because the nation is a large group of people with common descent and shared culture. If even non-Christian nations take care of their own, how much worse would it be for a Christian nation to not take care of its own?
Timothy is being instructed on being a public Christian, particularly a Pastor and leader, and the context of that passage is about widows. But we don’t argue against the application made in the article. 1 Timothy 5:8 seems to broaden out the principles discussed about the treatment of widows to give general Christian instruction in all cases. It’s apt to Timothy’s congregation perhaps and us today certainly.
The Left has destroyed the very thought processes of Americans, but we’re encouraged to see these truths struggling to come to the fore. There’s a new book on the topic that we have not read. The article is worth reading for its main points, which are valid and poorly understood, if at all, in mainline American Christianity.
Serious Christian men would do well to review a body of work already in place on these very topics. Rushdoony, North, Gentry, and others have laid the profound groundwork in preparation for what is now being called Christian Nationalism. The Kingdom of God is supposed to be the primary influence upon all of mankind under the Great Commission. That doesn’t mean only individual Christians acting outside of civilization; it means a Christian Global Civilization.
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