Essential Christian Instruction, Part Five

2 years, 4 months ago

Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four

“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 10:32-33

God ordained this way: we that are Christ’s would testify and share Scripture; it’s by your mouth to the ear of the lost sinner that is God’s chosen modality of bringing those He would save to faith in Him. There are more efficient ways He could have made, for sure. Still, none other would bring greater glory to the Father than you, having been a lost sinner yourself, now a vessel full of faith, going and testifying of Jesus Christ to those that He would also call to glorify His holy name.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation. You can be a part of the workings of God to see lost sinners come to the fullness of the realization of Christ Jesus to get saved.

Linked here is a Gospel Primer with clear and specific instructions on how to talk to people about Jesus Christ. Freely take and use it for God’s glory.

We are all witnesses for Jesus Christ. Sadly, most Christians in America today are bad witnesses and don’t even know what the Gospel is, probably because they aren’t actually Christian. Some Christians are good witnesses in how they live and share the love of Christ. But others, and this is our goal, are good at being a witness for Jesus Christ by purposefully learning how to share verses of Scripture in a way that God uses to bring faith in the heart of the lost sinner.

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – Romans 10:17

When sharing what great things Jesus has done for you, and especially when sharing how He saved you, it’s effective to share a few verses of Scripture about how Jesus saves lost sinners. There is real power in opening the Bible and sharing Scripture with a lost soul. It is strongly recommended that you read and discuss verses that prove sin, death, damnation, the futility of works, faith in Christ alone, and turning to God for salvation.

The Holy Bible is the words of life to open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the lost. As a witness, or soul winner, you are only the messenger of the Gospel; it’s God’s power in grace and mercy that saves.

Parts Two and Three of these Essential Instruction posts are also necessary preparation for soul winning. Going under your own power is almost always fruitless. Without prayer and knowing some scripture sharing the Gospel is much more difficult. The Holy Spirit brings conviction to a lost sinner, and it is the word of God that brings faith.

The purpose of this, Part Five, is to give you some tools and ideas that will help you grow into a believer who is ready to share what great things Christ has done for sinners. Jesus spent three years training His men. It’s ok to need training. Get trained and do the works of God!

Nobody can take your salvation testimony from you. Telling people about how you got saved is a good witness for Jesus. Telling lost sinners how they can be forgiven of their sin to be saved by the power of God through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is what soul winners do by sharing a few verses of Scripture that the Holy Spirit uses to bring conviction to the hearer.

“But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

And so there you are, at the ends of the earth, saved, sealed, but for what? God didn’t save you because you’re a great guy or gal. He saved you to serve Him to bring glory to the Father through His Son.

You can share the Gospel in such a way that lost sinners come to the fullness of the realization of faith in Christ Jesus. You must pray for the help of God that lost souls would be converted to the truth. These conversations with lost sinners will be uncomfortable for both you and the lost sinner. Please keep in mind that the lost sinner is hell-bound to burn for all eternity. It is a much better thing to have a 20-minute uncomfortable conversation with a lost sinner, as you warn them, than that they die and suffer eternal damnation.

“And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.” – Revelation 20:11-12

You should care about souls headed for hell, and if you want a moral and just society, an America that is free again, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way to get it. Nobody can set us at liberty but Christ. Do you want a Christian nation again? Serving in the power of the Holy Spirit that God would make more Christians through sharing a few verses of Scripture is the way to do it.

We are too hard on lost sinners and much too easy on other Christians. The lost know not what they do or before whom they will be held to account, for their eyes are blinded. They’re lost sinners; what do you think they’ll do but sin in wickedness, destroying what is good and holy all the day long. What do you need to be a just, moral, and upright Christian people; more Christians, say it ain’t so? How do you get more Christians; tell them *gasp* about Christ? Are you even Christian? How do you not feel pressed upon by the Spirit of God to share what great and glorious things He has done? Don’t shrink back now by denying God before men. Most Christians don’t even know what the Gospel is.

You can be a part of the workings of God to see lost sinners come to the fullness of the realization of Christ Jesus to get saved. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the power of God unto salvation.

The Gospel Primer will help you not only to discuss the things of God, but it will show you how to bring lost souls all the way to a decision to enter into His kingdom or reject Christ having chosen the things of this present world; God help them.

The lost sinner needs to understand these things. 1. That they are a lost sinner. 2. That the wrath of God is upon them. 3. That they cannot save themselves. 4. That only Jesus Christ can save them. And 5. That they must be saved by faith.

There is also a set of verses called the Roman(s) Road to show a lost sinner about these five facts. There are several variations of the Roman Road. Here is one such set of verses to share with lost sinners to show them their need for salvation in Christ.

Sin: Romans 3:10-12, 23

Consequences for sin: Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:14-15

Salvation from Sin and wrath: Romans 5:8-10

Belief (Faith) in Christ: Romans 9:10-11

Call upon the Lord: Romans 10:13

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10

Your knowledge, personality, background, education, and salvation testimony build upon each other to make you the Christian God wants you to become. By adding tools and ideas to your existing knowledge, you significantly increase your effectiveness while witnessing for Jesus Christ.

As a point of personal testimony, I’ll say that I’ve never been full of more joy or been closer to God than having just led a lost soul to the foot of the cross of Christ into the point of decision. It’s the coolest thing ever. (I know it’s a childish expression, but it really is the coolest thing ever.) There is nothing that has satisfied my soul more than to see the light of Christ realized in the eyes of a soul that God is speaking to through His Holy Spirit. You can see the Kingdom of God in action, first hand, beholding the power of Jesus Christ to save. No stories here; go and make your own.

“Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples.” – John 15:8


  1. On March 4, 2022 at 11:19 pm, Jonah said:

    Tis the Holy season.
    I’m headed to Adoration tonight for my 2am shift.
    Talking and praying with the Holy Spirit in the church with no distractions is pure bliss.
    For those reading this comment; if you are Catholic and are not familiar with Adoration, find out about Adoration of the Eucharist.

    I sincerely appreciate your instruction discourse.
    It has given me some ideas and leads and study points to read.
    Thank you and I like what your blog has evolved into.
    God’s speed to you all.

  2. On March 6, 2022 at 11:24 am, luke2236 said:

    Acts 2:38 , Mark 16:16 and 1 Peter 3:21 also…

  3. On March 6, 2022 at 3:50 pm, PGF said:

    If you believe with all your heart you should get baptized.

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