Supreme Court Denies Certiorari in Bump Stock Ban Case

BY Herschel Smith
1 year, 9 months ago


WASHINGTON, Oct 3 (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court, which expanded gun rights in a major decision in June, on Monday declined to hear a challenge to a federal ban on devices called “bump stocks” that enable semi-automatic weapons to fire like a machine gun – a firearms control measure prompted by a 2017 Las Vegas mass shooting.

The justices turned away appeals by a Utah gun lobbyist named Clark Aposhian and firearms rights groups of lower court rulings upholding the ban as a reasonable interpretation of a federal law prohibiting machine gun possession.

It doesn’t meet the legal definition and they know it.  Here is the decision.

The case of McCutchen versus the United States is still alive.  It’s based on a “takings” argument.  To me this is a weaker case since technically, the government could do it with so-called just compensation.  The whole point of this is that the ATF cannot make law, but they do make law because of the overblown bureaucratic state and cowardice of the Congress to do anything about it by withholding funding and handing them pink slips.

Remember that Trump did this.  He didn’t have to.  No one held a gun to his head.  He voluntarily chose to do this.  It’s on his head – not only this ban but the precedent it sets (which is ongoing and growing as we speak with the new SBR / arm brace rules).

In connection with this, David Codrea links his piece at Ammoland where he asks what NFA items Paddock owned.  That’s right.  Paddock had prohibited weapons and you never heard anything about that.

Anyway, recall that floor camera in Paddock’s room showing all of the spent casings?  Me neither.

Las Vegas was a running gun battle with multiple shooters for several miles down main street.  Anyone who claims anything different is a liar.

The SCOTUS should have declared the ban unconstitutional because the executive branch made law.  As it stands, the best anyone could hope for now is a $150 credit on income taxes.

Weak tea and cowardice.  Just like Trump.


  1. On October 4, 2022 at 2:01 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “Las Vegas was a running gun battle with multiple shooters for several miles down main street. Anyone who claims anything different is a liar.”

    I’m not disputing your claim, but rather would like to know where information about the heretofore hidden aspects of this case are to be found. This whole incident stinks to high heaven and has virtually since it happened and the official fallout afterwards… but I guess I’ll have to confess my ignorance as to the info above.

    There was scuttlebutt at the time of the incident that there had been an arms sale taking place around the same time the mass shooting incident occurred, and that the party of Saudi Prince and billionaire al-Waleed bin-Talal had been staying on one of the floors of the Mandalay Bay resort hotel. Talal has been over the years a confirmed supporter of jihadist causes around the globe and his presence there cannot be discounted vis-a-vis some sort of arms deal gone wrong.

    These rumors are hard to credit, since the Saudis have one of the most-lavishly equipped militaries in the Middle East. Made so by numerous arms deals with the USA and other western nations over the years, in fact. They have no reason to buy arms on the black market; they can afford anything they wish in the above-board arms sales market… so there is that to consider.

    On the other hand, Talal was up to no good somehow or appeared to be, because in the aftermath of the incident in Las Vegas, Saudi King Salman placed him under house arrest and forced him to part with a substantial portion of his wealth for crimes and misdemeanors unknown.

    Whatever the precise details, the American public has not been told the truth about what happened on that day.

  2. On October 4, 2022 at 6:12 am, Joe Blow said:

    Agree with your assessment of the orange Jesus. This, the shot, and a handful of other issues has me doubting the man. I believe(d) he loves America, but for someone allegedly so smart, how could he be so stupid? Doesn’t add up, especially in light of his continued commitment to causes that are obviously false. He is complicit in my book, only way to explain.

  3. On October 4, 2022 at 7:21 am, RomeoCharlieWhiskey said:

    If memory serves, did not the Trump card say: grab the guns first, due process second? Sure seems like he was little more than a progressive err wolf in sheep’s clothing and the ban naturally flows from there. Tsk tsk.

  4. On October 4, 2022 at 8:14 am, Herschel Smith said:


    My statement swept too broadly. I apologize if I implied it was directed at my readers. Your account isn’t inconsistent with what we know about the event, which involved many 911 calls following a running gun battle down the streets of Las Vagas. This has been linked elsewhere.

  5. On October 4, 2022 at 9:36 am, George 1 said:

    One theory was that the Saudi prince was the target of a gang that was trying to eliminate him. The feds found out about the plot and had a tactical team on standby. When the shooting started the gang turned weapons on the crowd to complicate the police response and facilitate their getaway. We will probably never know.

    This is the kind of thing that happens in South America and Mexico all the time. Police in gun battles with cartel gangs who are armed as well as or better than police. As we become more similar to the third world we can expect more such incidents.

  6. On October 4, 2022 at 11:21 am, PGF said:

    What’s most likely re the Saudi Prince, is that he was getting liquored up, buying prostitutes and gambling, all no no’s according to their very dead ‘profit.’ The treatment he got from the royal family was probably only a religious rebuke. His presence at that very fine hotel was almost certainly unrelated to the shooting. Outside of specific evidence to the contrary I’m certain he was only doing what all muz do when their imam isn’t around, sinning in Vegas; just like every man in a fake religion does on earth when they think they won’t get caught.

  7. On October 4, 2022 at 1:02 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Herschel Smith

    Thanks for the links and the info….much appreciated. Where was I when this info was being made public? Who knows?

    @ PGF

    Re: “What’s most likely re the Saudi Prince, is that he was getting liquored up, buying prostitutes and gambling, all no no’s according to their very dead ‘profit.’ The treatment he got from the royal family was probably only a religious rebuke” …”Outside of specific evidence to the contrary I’m certain he was only doing what all muz do when their imam isn’t around, sinning in Vegas..”

    Thanks for the laughs! Yeah, you got that right. Where that guy is concerned, you never know what he’s up to – he’s been a real troublemaker for a long time, vis-a-vis funding jihadist groups on the sly, supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. But your explanation makes more sense; the guy was probably just living it up, Vegas-style.

    Forty-odd years ago, when I was a freshman in college, I chanced to meet a student from the Middle East through some friends in my dorm. He was a Saudi, I think – but it’s been a long time. Long story short, the guy was the biggest party-animal you have ever seen in your life. His family was rich, so he owned a number of fancy cars and also a souped-up American muscle car, which he was always getting tickets in. His dorm room wall was covered with Playboy and Penthouse centerfolds, and the guy drank like a fish.

    I didn’t know enough about Islam in those days to fill a thimble, so I didn’t get the humor of it at the time, but I do now! The guy was trying to re-enact “Animal House”single-handedly….

  8. On October 4, 2022 at 2:17 pm, 41mag said:

    From 4 years ago…

    Las Vegas shooting, what went down on runway 19R?

    Why was helicopter camera footage intentionally bad?

    “There’s shooters on the runway”

    And the tower asks departing helos what’s happening, and the help acts oblivious to all the police lights.

    Part 1 video –

    Part 2 video –

  9. On October 4, 2022 at 2:19 pm, scott s. said:

    It all comes down to the court’s “Chevron” precedent that defers interpretation of statute to administrative agencies.

  10. On October 4, 2022 at 5:24 pm, PGF said:

    @GB61, “But your explanation makes more sense; the guy was probably just living it up, Vegas-style.”

    It was an educated postulation on my part. It takes a sinner to know one.

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