Red Flag Laws Become Focus
BY Herschel Smith
That sort of telegraphing of intentions is common among mass shooters, said David French, an editor with the conservative publication The Dispatch who recently wrote in support of red flag laws.
French, who told Morning Edition he keeps an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle at home, said that red flag laws would be more effective than a ban on such weapons.
Such a ban wouldn’t work, French says, because “it’s a virtual impossibility — there’s tens of millions, 20 million maybe or more of them in circulation right now.” Such a ban has little support among conservatives, he said, unlike red flag laws.
Does it surprise anyone that sellout and collectivist David French supports red flag laws? French claims himself to be a Christian – I have seen no evidence.
If he is, why wouldn’t he speak to the main issue of the day, i.e., the weakness, tepidness and lethargy of the churches, of the rejection of the Almighty in the public square, failures in parenting (because of the above), government failure at proper parenting (because that’s not in the province of the state), and the moral wickedness of the society? Perhaps because of cowardice?
A law cannot possibly make up for the lack of a moral rudder. Guns have always been ubiquitous in America. School shootings have not. You do the math.
On June 3, 2022 at 8:15 am, luke2236 said:
“why wouldn’t he speak to the main issue of the day”?
Because that doesnt pay, or play, well, and its not what his (((handlers))) want him to say.
On June 3, 2022 at 9:49 am, Fred said:
What is materially different from democrats red flag law considerations and Trump’s, along with many other Republicans? Only, that in the view of R’s the states should take everybody’s weapons and in the case of D’s they see federal authority.
On June 3, 2022 at 4:01 pm, Don't mind me said:
Turn the red flag laws around.
Call the cops on every low life gungrabber you know that owns firearms. I know several with just a shotgun for hunting with their well connected buddies, but that’s not the point.
You do not have to be identified to the victim, and you do not need any proof. Just say they threatened you or acted weird.
Chaos will be our friend. Use the system against itself.
On June 4, 2022 at 11:06 am, Bill Buppert said:
If collectivism is a mental disorder then obviously, the world is your oyster to turn this garbage around on the Bolsheviks.
Out-Alinsky Alinsky.