TCJ Calling For Full Scale War

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

TCJ is calling for full scale war.  SpecOps has gotten a new deployment.

Against the backdrop of Russia’s truculence in Eastern Europe, US special operators have established a new forward-operating base in another tense corner of Europe.

In early January, US Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR) announced its decision to set up a special-operations headquarters in Albania.

The new headquarters will help in SOCEUR’s mission to “galvanize our relationship with Allies and partners to counter malign influence, build interoperability, rapidly respond to emerging threats and if necessary, defeat aggression,” the command said.

This is presumably one of the more than 100 countries where American troops have a presence.  Meanwhile, there are now over 130,000 Russian troops staged near Ukraine.

No, TCJ isn’t calling for war in the European or Asia theater.  TCJ is calling for war at the U.S. Southern border where troops are needed, doing the only thing American troops were ever meant to do, i.e., defend the U.S. border from invasion.

We have absolutely no business in a war with Russia.  We have no strategic interest there except for oil pipelines owned by the Bidens.  But we do have business doing things with our troops other than draining their blood in needless foreign misadventures or wasting their time.

Last March, Abbott, who’s up for reelection, launched “Operation Lone Star,” citing a crisis at the US southern border. The operation — which leaned on resources from Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas National Guard — has swelled to more than 10,000 service members.

The speed at which the operation launched and its scope has fueled frustrations internally and among veterans of the Guard. Multiple members of the Guard who are deployed as part of Operation Lone Star and spoke to CNN described long hours with little to do, poor planning, and a lack of mission — all of which, they say, are contributing to low morale among soldiers.

“As military, people know the term hurry up and wait. This is just the biggest hurry up and wait I was a part of, and there’s really no set, ‘hey, we’re doing this, or hey, go out and do this.’ It’s just, we’re sitting around doing nothing,” one soldier said.

[ … ]

The National Guard, though, generally serves in a support role and notifies US Border Patrol if they encounter migrants, so that agents can pick them up. In Del Rio, Humvees are located along the border at observation points with soldiers assigned to them to monitor for activity, which can range depending on location.

“There’s guys standing at our points doing nothing, so they don’t really see a mission. They just see this as we’re just used as political pawns for an election year,” the soldier said.

As it has always been.  But invasion isn’t a law enforcement function – it’s a military function.  TCJ is calling for the deployment of the USMC on the Southern border, including every infantry battalion along with Scout Snipers and Recon Marines.  They should have arrest powers and full authority to kill enemy shooters (including the “Coyotes” who bring the invaders North).

We can leave the border patrol in the rear to do paperwork.


  1. On February 13, 2022 at 10:51 pm, K Jack said:

    It would really help to understand your article if you took the time to explain exactly ‘TCJ’ actually IS. It is not self-evident.
    Just sayin’….

  2. On February 13, 2022 at 11:35 pm, Frank Clarke said:

    “We can leave the border patrol in the rear to do paperwork.”

    Are we certain they’re capable of carrying ot that mission?

  3. On February 13, 2022 at 11:38 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    @K Jack,

    Sorry. I usually write for regular readers. It’s a small blog. Not much more than 1000 visitors a day, mostly repeats.

  4. On February 14, 2022 at 2:29 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    The usual politically-correct suspects would have you believe that militarizing our border with Mexico (or Canada for that matter) is an unpardonable evil which must not be committed, but that’s rubbish. Not even the Mexicans themselves can make that claim: Their southern border with Honduras is heavily-patrolled by men armed with submachine guns, in other words, it is militarized.

    Multiple public opinion surveys and other measures of U.S. public opinion show continued and strong bipartisan support for controlling our borders and limiting immigration, whether legal or illegal. People want the border with Mexico sealed, but it hasn’t been closed in a long time. Why? Because the ruling class do not believe that they work for the American people, and that it is therefore right-and-proper that their wishes can be ignored.

    The political left and right may want the borders to remain open and porous for somewhat different reasons, but behind closed doors and away from the cameras and microphones, with rare exception, both parties are unanimously-in-agreement. They want to keep the door open.

    Cynically, the pols lie about it in public, claiming that lack of funding, incompetency, lack of political will, the other party, are to blame, but those are excuses and rationalizations designed to hide the fact that our rulers don’t want the borders closed and that they have no intention of closing them.

  5. On February 14, 2022 at 6:24 am, Nosmo said:

    @ K Jack – Not to be rude, but you’re reading this on the internet, right?

    A simple internet search – “what is TCJ in Texas” and the top item on the return (from DuckDuckGo) is a link to the “Texas Department of Criminal Justice.” (Since the item mentioned Governor Abbott, Operation Lone Star, “the US southern border,” and “Texas Department of Public Safety and Texas National Guard” it would seem appropriate to search “TCJ in Texas” rather than in Delaware, North Dakota or Kazakhstan.

    There are all kinds of neat features on AlGore’s InterTubes. “Search” is one of them.

  6. On February 14, 2022 at 8:43 am, ragman said:

    Want to stop the invasion almost immediately? No more remittances. Also, smugglers will be shot on sight. By anyone that catches them in the act.

  7. On February 14, 2022 at 9:19 am, Herschel Smith said:

    @K Jack,

    I responded late last night.

    Sorry to be so terse. TCJ is shorthand for “The Captain’s Journal.” Or in other words, since I have no colleague writer with me as I once did, just me.

  8. On February 14, 2022 at 10:23 am, George 1 said:

    The problem with any group, Agents or military, trying to enforce laws at the Border are the laws themselves. The entire immigration legal process is designed to favor the invaders. The courts have made everything worse. We have very few areas along the Border that actually have proper security fencing that prevents entry by anyone who wants to enter. The laws as they are, with few exceptions, provide that any person who sets foot on U.S. soil is entitled to a hearing.

    Immigration hearings are perhaps the biggest joke in the U.S. Government and that is saying something. The immigration hearing process is never over until the alien wins. The Brandon administration is making full use of the situation and making sure the “immigrants” are distributed all over the country. Close to no interior enforcement is taking place. Even most criminals aren’t being removed at this point.

    Laws with teeth have to be enacted before you can have success at the Border even with a serious military build up. This is what Trump said he would get done. Instead he gave Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell their corporate tax cuts and they never kept the Border commitment, if there ever was one.

  9. On February 14, 2022 at 9:48 pm, JB said:

    If any other country had an adjacent lawless government run by Narco Empires that is facilitating a cross border invasion of tons of illegal and deadly drugs and millions off persons into its territory, the affected government would s post military forces along the border of the two countries to seal it off. And if the activity continued, even after diplomacy, and billions of dollars in police and military assistance, they would declare war on the offending country and conduct military operations in a scorched earth manner to destroy the enemy government and the Narco Empire. It would then install a military government to manage operations until elections can be held.

    The US has been Mexicos stooge for far too long. I know first hand the DEA efforts in Mexico are ineffective, useless, a waste of money, and the Narcos are running Mexico. This I learned from Narcotics Detective in a major US city that works daily with the DEA.

    Its long overdue for the US to declare war on Mexico and invade the country and blockade all sea traffic in and out of the Mexico for inspections of all cargo. The Narcos must be destroyed and the Mexican government along with them.
    The US must occupy Mexico for as long as it takes. The death and destruction in the US by Mexicos Narcotics Empire, and the unchecked flow of humans into the US is justification for such action.

    Its time. Its Justified. Its long overdue, and would be just fight,

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