Teach Your Children Not To Muzzle Flag Other People
BY Herschel Smith
Around the 4 second mark. That rifle is pointing everywhere but down.
Buses filled with National Guardsmen have arrived at the Brooklyn Center Police Department. pic.twitter.com/OL8dAbps8F
— James Klüg (@realJamesKlug) April 13, 2021
If my son had muzzle flagged somebody like that in the MC, he would have been sent to the “room of pain.” Oh, and it would be best not to drop your rifle. Keep better control over it.
Via WiscoDave.
On April 14, 2021 at 10:41 am, Okanogan Offgrid said:
Because “National Guard.”
It’s not like they are real soldiers.
On April 14, 2021 at 11:18 am, Charley Waite said:
Don’t worry. No live ammo was issued.
On April 14, 2021 at 12:18 pm, Bram said:
They probably won’t see live ammo until their next annual rifle qualification.
On April 15, 2021 at 7:35 am, Roger J said:
Soon all the Weekend Warriors will be Woke, as the real patriots are marginalized and expelled as “Domestic Extremists.” But will they fight as well as the discarded conservatives?
On April 15, 2021 at 9:21 am, George 1 said:
It appears now that the neoclowns are starting to realize that a war with Russia might not actually be as good an idea as they thought. After “Biden” spoke with Putin a short time ago orders have been issued to cancel the entries of two U.S. destroyers into the Black Sea.
I am sure Putin told “Biden” that since the U.S. has said that the destroyers were being sent there to “support” the Ukrainians, that those ships will be targets at the outset of any hostilities.
Also, now the Ukrainians are saying that Russia is responsible for this “dangerous escalation” that the poor Ukrainians never wanted. Really. Now who exactly started this conflict? It is all show of force, tough talk and moving your armies around the chess board until you have 100,000 plus Russian troops with at least two heavy armored divisions at your border.
The reality is the U.S. or their proxies do not have the army to take on the Russians, especially in their own backyard. The quality of the average U.S. soldier and their leaders are far below what we once had. Demographics play a bigger role in this than anyone will admit. We were able to stay in the fight against the Japanese and the Germans during the dark days at the beginning of WWII because the vast majority of U.S. soldiers and sailors had above average intelligence and were traditional men who were loyal to America. Do we have that today?
The only conflicts the American military can be successful at now are those that involve dropping ordinance from 30,000 ft. on populations that are not much removed from the bronze age.
On April 15, 2021 at 1:17 pm, Jim said:
Sorry…. what does “muzzle flag” mean? I watched the video, and cringed when doofus dropped his rifle…..
On April 16, 2021 at 3:07 pm, whynot said:
Initially I thought he (3rd person) had also racked the bolt (sound included AND a turned head) but it was just the 1st person dropping their weapon…..